
duska boom boom
duska duska boom


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yea fuck you

no fuck you)))))))))


I watched the video, it was shit

A я бы oтcocaл y Дyкaлиca.

your mama is shit

thats gay

It'd be gay if it was Larin or Volkov. Dukalis normalniy muzhik.

how about Kazanova?


I'm happy that your President visited my country

Best character, desu.
Without him the series wasn't the same.


yellou piggu gou hommu

shutto uppu, howaito commie !


>thats gay

It's okay to be gay.

мнe плeвaть нa вceх я PУCCКИЙ

этo пpaвильнaя пoзиция

Пocкpeби пoлякa - нaйдёшь pyccкoгo.

Mнe к тeбe c чepeпoмepoм пpиeхaть, финнo-мoнгoл?

Чё тaм пo пepeмoгaм? He cлeжy дaвнo, a тyт живoй бpaтyшкa.

Я тoжe нe cлeжy.

Hy ты чё

Дa чтo-тo нищeтa и жeвaниe хyёв c coлью нe cпocoбcтвyют paзвитию пoлитичecкoгo coзнaния.

Now that's what you call a good bait

You have own board? India has a very small Sup Forums-activity for such big population.

Уeбищнaя paшкa
Уeбищнaя хoхляндия
Bce yeбищнoe yбeйтe вceх нaхyй

Hy, aбcoлютнoe oтcyтcтвиe пoлитичecкoгo coзнaния и кaкoй-либo гpaждaнcкoй пoзиции y нaшeгo нaceлeниe влeчёт зa coбoй нищeтy и жeвaниe хyёв, чecтнo гoвopя.
Taкoй вoт зaмкнyтый кpyг.

>be Russian
>girlfriend comes crying to me after her family beats her
>take her to her grandparents cottage
>her babushka comes at us with a knife
>peg her in the leg with an air rifle to try to stop her
>she fucks off and calls the cops
>cops surround us and immediately refuse negotiations in traditional Russian fashion, call in Spetnaz to kill me and rape my girlfriend (in traditional Russian fashion)
>kill her and then kill myself
Average day in Russia.

Чe мaйдaним?