Whats the thing about blacks that bothers you most?

whats the thing about blacks that bothers you most?

mine: stupidly loud in public places, like yelling into the phone (speakerphone obv.) about how doodoo need to go to the sto, etc

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pretty much hit the nail on the head...

except the fact that they are proud of that stuff


The only technology they know how to use is the latest iPhone, meant solely to post jpeg'd emoji nigger posts to twitter.

another one i like: when they're walking three steps in front of you, they let the door slam in your face or on your body
addendum: if you hold the door for them, they ignore you completely


dislike how they say nigga constantly but when anyone not black says it its a issue.

even if you avoid the street niggers you can end up with them in your professional environment where far too many are unprofessional pieces of shit.


a black person gets called a nigger about 10 million times in their life

99.9999% of those are by blacks
all those blacks should get their welfare cut until they apologize

There's always going to be a race that is the worst...currently it's the niggers. Keep the population contained and controlled in one area or the world and stop in-breeding.

Fuck all rap music

have they ever not been the worst? if they're present, they seem to be worst everywhere

they don't bother me at all, they keep themselves contained to a small area of town. spanish people on the other hand, they're all over the place. at least black people speak english.

i wish mine did that

Yep, quite a few are in my office and building. They are just as loud and obnoxious as on the street. They also feel the need to go out of there way to start a conversation with any other black that they see. Even if it's halfway across the floor and they just start yelling to each other.

It seems the one thing all other races can agree on is that blacks are the worst.

they tend to be friendlier to blacks, or just outright ignore whites

Your blacks speak english? Around here they all speak ghetto.

they walk the slowest. whether its crossing the street (i think they actually slow down if a car is waiting to turn) or getting in the elevator or just walking in the middle of the isle at walmart.

mine nominally speak english but its a hell of a dialect. i can understand them pretty well from working with them for years. but i also dont hesitate to tell them "i cant understand anything youre saying. try again."

Actually quite a few of them look down on whites and give attitude. I interviewed one that was incredibly unqualified for the position and as far as I can tell only applied so she could try and pull the race card.

yeah, pausing in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store is a great one. blocking the whole fucking thing.

I'm not sure how it is in other countries, but here in South Africa, what pisses me off the most is all the violent protests about service delivery; they destroy everything! Block main roads with burning tyres! Throw rocks at passing cars! Attack innocent people! The list goes on!
Another thing; They will literally murder you for a pair of shoes! They will rape a woman if she wears a short skirt! ...
They have ZERO logic, common sense or intelligence!

Around here they don't even look to see if cars are on the street, they just slowly make their way into the street. If a black is driving and sees another black they will actually stop their car in the middle of traffic to yell out the window and start a conversation.

Same thing that bothers me about everyone, lack of personal responsibility.

It's not my fault I didn't get that job, it's because I'm black. It has nothing to do with my lack of experience or qualifications or references.

It's not my fault I didn't graduate high school. The teachers are racist and the curriculum is designed against me.

It's not my fault I got sent to jail, the entire system is racist and rigged against me. It has nothing to do with the crimes I committed because I only committed those crimes because of how disenfranchised I am.

It's not my fault I had 10 kids I can't afford. Nobody ever educated me about things like fiscal responsibility, or proper child care, or basic maturity, or sexual wellness.

It's not my fault , it's never my fault. Everything that has ever happened to me was the result of hundreds of years of racism and you can't possibly hold me responsible for my actions or the actions of my people.

Also, the "minority" of black people who engage in this behavior doesn't represent the black community but the slave-owners and bigots from 200 years ago DO represent all of the white community today.

also, dont forget: that when they do good, let's give them credit for it
but when they do bad, its someone else's fault

Nice post!

The way they write can get annoying. I just dont know how all of the niggers act entirely the same. They like to start shit over the dumbest stuff man its as if they have some type of monkey still in them.

Just a bunch of animals. I thought the africans had better common sense.

I have to drive through a few blocks of the ghetto on my way into work. The area used to be a nice part of the city, now it's full of trash, booted cars, and able-bodied people just hanging out on the street all day long. The other day I saw a car parked on top of a cat it ran over on the drivers side.

Oh yeah I forgot all about that.

White people accomplish something: Business as usual

Black person accomplishes the same thing or even less: HOLY FUCKING SHIT LOOK HOW AMAZING YOU ARE YOU DEFIED ALL THE ODDS!

If I was black I'd be pretty pissed that all my accomplishments get passed through a racial filter. It's like being a high-functioning retard who knows he's retarded. You have to spend your whole life listening to people patronize you for everything.

I honestly believe that South Africa holds the crown for the worst niggers on earth! I challenge any country to try and take it!

Is that what you hear?
I hear some type of "jargon" masked by the terminology "Ebonics"!
Which is more like "lazy English" for lazy people....fitting for the race

It's all about respect, anything you do no matter how small and insignificant is disrespecting them. It's why the small city I live in has a higher murder rate than our states biggest city.

that bitch was definitely smelling what shanaynay was cooking

That's not fair. That's like saying Mexico has the best Chicharron. No duh, they invented it!

atleast hispanics build shit, maintain and harvest crops and mow my lawn. niggers are good for nothing.

true words

Put them in a room with some of the niggers from the states and i believe you wouldnt be able to tell the difference, maybe they would count dick size and material as a difference between themselves. Ugh, what a hopeless race.

That I as a white boy will never, ever be able to compete with them

I hate how the kowtowing has hit an all-time high.

In the U.S. they are ten percent of the population, but if you watch TV, they are virtually the only thing in commercials ...and always successful, well-spoken. If an alien landed in the U.S. and turned on the TV, they would think it was Nigeria. Two of my favorite recent commercials: a wealthy black couple pull up to their mansion in a new car and a white man comes outside opens their doors and carries their things inside; the other is for home security where a black man protects an Asian family from a middle-aged white man burglar.

>inb4 "muh dick" infographic posted by a rustled little-dick



i cant compete with blacks' nutrition either
but my taxes pay for it

But it's true. Why do you think all the white girls are exclusively fucking black guys

Why don't Mexicans and nigger ever have children??

Because the kids would be too lazy to steal.

They're like Hydra Monkeys!!! Kill 5 of them and another 10 will take their place!

what you guys are referring to as blacks are in fact, niggers, a subset of black people. just like how white people have rednecks, wiggers and chavs. black people hate niggers just like everyone else hates chavs, wiggers and inbred rednecks.


No, it refers to all of them.

Because they aren't, lol.

They're taking all the white women, leaving us with none :(

Some days I think we aren't that far off from South Africa in parts of the ghetto. There are black run neighborhoods where there is no law. Police don't even bother to respond to whole areas of the city near me. It wouldn't make a difference since anytime they show up nobody ever saw anything. The other week two black teens carjacked a teacher after school.

The fact they are all retarded. Average iq is 85. Too stupid to function.

Okay, so by that logic, all the inbred, illiterate redneck fucks in Virginia represent all white people.

It's real guys. There's no point in denying it


Mostly blaming their own actions on society.

>steal shit
>be wanted
>get shot for assaulting an officer


If you want to act like children, we'll treat you like it.

Not all of them...

actually, 80% of the white whores on backpage have "NO AA" or "NO BLACKS"

so, if you cant even pay whores to fuck you, its bad

there are a small number of white women out there who like black guys. kind of like how there are a few people out who fuck animals rather than people. mostly sexual abuse survivors. draw your own conclusions.


But I'm not black, that's the problem :(
If only I was born black, then I'd be swimming in white pussy

Niggers are the worst, they trash your city and you owe them. I never seen a city or town where rednecks or chavs had destroyed. Wiggers are just daddy issue white people who clung on their nearest nigger.

I like how niggers come in these threads talking about their dicks and trashy white women, as if anybody gives half a fuck.

Take the failed gene pool. It suits you.


I wanna have her ride me while we slander a race bc i feel like she gets wet when she screams nigger

It's not skin colour, it's refusing to adapt.

I'm not from US, hence I don't see many black people every day. In my country, those few that live here are all good, and there's no problem with them. Black people here are those who are usualy here to study, so they are highly educated, or are profesional athletes. They all get respectable jobs. They learn the language. They take part of our culture. They become integrated in society.

This is because they're usualy arriving here alone. So they don't have "gangs".

People that are similar to American "niggers" here, are actualy white, or mostly white. They are migrants from balkan countries (tho they got loads better in last few years) or gipsies.
They refuse to adapt. They don't wanna get a job, don't want to study, don't bother to learn our language or culture, they dress like noone here. They talk like noone here. They arrived with 100 family members and only hang out with their group. The youngsters form "gangs" and commit crime. Sure. SOME of them adapt. And those of them who do, you can't even tell they're not from here.

So. It's not skin colour. It's the will to adapt. When I look Obama and compare him to another black guy from the street, I notice that Obama is NOT part of "nigger culture". He acts, talks, and behaves like a normal educated white guy. But random black man from street? He wears hoodie, hangs in gangs, listens to "gangsta rap", talks in such slang, that noone understands, dosen't respect education etc.

So you see. My advice to imigrants. YOU are coming HERE. YOU are the exception. YOU must adapt to our ways. OR GTFO and return back where you came from!!!!!111

If you refuse, you DESERVE the hate. So EXPECT it


You must live in Harrisburg pa

Dude, just step outside and you'll see all the white girls are with black guys.


>when you just stole photoshop



They feel the need to reassure the world that they have a big dick and can get alot of white girls, that sounds like an insecurity to me. I think its funny that they disregard the black girls showing that niggers dont even like blacks themselves.

Most of them score hot white girls

actually to the contrary their gene pool is one of the best through history of slavery they were bred to have the best genes for strength, only thing that majority lack is intelligence due to poverty and bad decisions, studies show that if a african american male was placed in the same conditions of a of a Asian or caucasian privileged environment they would strive better then the ones around them through athletics and education. I'm white as well.

or any U.S. town with a black population above 10%. You could have a town of with town with 20 people, if the 2 or more blacks, the murder rate is going to be astronomical.


actually of the interracial couples i see, about half of the white girls are 400 lbs and 30% are strung out on dope. the remainder probably mental issue

You have the fat skanks. Nobody wants them anyways. If they are willing to throw a stable relationship away for a, supposed, big cock, they are truly a whore. They are selling their future through their body. That's a fucking whore.

>stop taking our white women

You can take them. We have tons of trailer trash and tons of niggers. Help yourself, nigger.

>the joke
>your head

Who wants skanks anyways. "Once you go black,we don't want you back"

She'll learn...

You from the area?

Even bait sounds just like how niggers out of Sup Forums would react.

The constant need to place themselves above others around them by being loud, abrasive or to look as if they have money.

All the things that tell us a person is shit is what they do thinking it makes them look better.

Thanks Mandela.

genetic superiority is not only inclusive of physical attributes. If that were the case, animals and/or primitive man would still be dominant. They are/were far superior physically to us humans. Moreover, they have genetic flaws that only their race can have, like Sickle-Cell, etc. Therefore, blacks are far from genetically superior.

These girls don't look fat to me



Seems that almost all white girls are going black...

i got your fucking bitch white boy

stay mad while im fuckin your bitch

>Trolling fecesbook for pictures of interracial couples.

>Collecting pictures so you can project in threads like this.

>Autism this severe

You do know that twitter account was a smear campaign against her?

Internet retards everywhere.


He's pretty fucking white...he's wearing a run dmc shirt. I'm talking about niggers...like you. The niggers that think being black is a fucking attractive for no apparent reason.

Maybe stop watching so much porn, get a job, and have something other than a skank who happens to be yo baby momma.