Does anyone have any Ocean themed albums other than The Mollusk and Plastic Beach?
Does anyone have any Ocean themed albums other than The Mollusk and Plastic Beach?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wild Mood Swings
Isis - Oceanic
Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea, The Divinity Of Oceans and The Boats of the "Glen Carrig"
Graves At Sea - The Curse That Is
Mastodon - Leviathan
Two Lone Swordsmen - Stay Down
In the Wake of Poseidon by King Crimson
The Ship - Brian Eno
that's what the fuck I'm talking about user
nice ones
need to check
Pelagial - The Ocean
Isis has got something real strong with oceanic atmosphere. Even their album Panopticon got a simimar feeling.
Also check out their split with aereogramme, in the fish tank.
Rock Bottom - Robert Wyatt
Gorillaz- Plastic Beach
Yo La Tengo- The Sounds of the Sounds of Science
Ride- Nowhere
Xela- The Dead Sea
There's a fucking band called The Ocean. Their Pelegial album also actually deals with the ocean.
pic related is easily the best
boris - flood
Play ocean sound effects and play some up beat pop/rap music.
iamamiwhoami - blue
Leviathan - Mastodon
White whale, holy grail senpai
the atlantis chronicals are great if tyou're into metal
And as a bonus, a song from the new Avalanches' album