Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?

Bronze - Main Garen because he is ez

If you main anyone in league you're shit and don't know how to play.

Diamond IV - 25LP

Silver 2 - Yasuo

maining zed
plat 2

Are you retarded? Everyone has favorite champs they play better with. Main doesn't mean you play only one champion.

>Implying mains can't change to suit the meta
>Implying playing anything outside of your preferred role is effective

fuk u an u shit gaem

I like raynor

Lee sin.
Gold V

janna, master

Gnar, Diamond 5-3 on 3 accounts.

Vel' Koz


plat 2

If you main a lane and can't play for shit in others or you don't counter pick because you're "so good" at your main, you're shit and you should uninstall the game.

Silver 5 from bronze 5 placements, main fizz

Lucian S1

Plat V, zed, ahri, thresh I guess. I'm still shit with zed though

Gold 4

Fizz is the most annoying little shit in the game.

Bronze 3 Riven

what about the one trick ponies in master rn#
someone is salty because a yasuo main ruined their bronze 3 promos ;-;

Zed silver 3

I just farted ...


Riven - Plat V

dia 3
Draven, Lee, Xerath

Also if you play better with a certain champ then you clearly don't play the rest of them enough.

guess my elo

Zyra support and mid, lee sin jungle, maokai/ekko top. Currently plat 5, was plat 1 last season.

Soraka and Garren. Just started playing two weeks ago.

>If you main a lane and can't play for shit in others
Not even pros can pull off every lane as well as their main role. You're talking out of your ass.
And what does counter picking have to do with maining? Like it was said before. People can have more than 1 main... let that sink in.

somewhere between unranked - bronze 1


wtf its just natural that you're better with some champs and not with some others

Also every Draven I've ever played with was a raging faggot. Fuck Draven


Teemo, Heimer, Shaco: Gold before permaban :^)

Plat V


who wants to fuck with NA fags on smurfs?

140 ping teemo lyfe

Master in SEA server

You're a fucking faggot, TJ.

SEA as in oceania right?

Draven gold 5

As much as people love to hate on Yi, the champ is monstrous late game.

Silver 1
Mastery 7


i enjoy him most mid game split pushing,tho


was using a smurf, here's the real deal

Talon - G3

Enjoy B5.

Platinum 4 (haven't played in a while, probably decayed)

I try my best not to main only 1 - 3 champs, but Zyra, Lee and Yas are comfort picks.

why not just use the much better zed
you could be plat

you can go master with any champ...
also talon is way more easy to play

Filthy LoL casuals hahahaha. Makes me sad I didn't switch to Dota quicker. Better game, better graphics, better community, better client. Gtfo faggots.

It takes like one nerf or item rebalance/removal and then, oh, look who's suddenly shit.

Also I'm D4 shitlicker so I'd at I know what I'm talking about.

hes not talking about not doing another roll -as well- as your 'main' role, he means that if one went jungle and was running around like a chicken with their head cut off, because they never do it as they are a 'mid main'.

Because I don't wanna be a naruto wannabe, everyone and their mother who wants to play ad mid plays zed.


In ranked you always get one of two roles you que for. i.e. I main Ekko top and mid. I always get top and mid.

I havent played lol for over a year now, so i give my account to you, changed my email and pw:

Name: Globstar
Pw: Kekkekkek88
E-mail: [email protected]
(email got the same pw)

Its lvl 30, got a bunch of champs and even some skins, have fun.
it wouldnt matter if u mess up with them, but be so kind and delte all my old friends.
Excuse my bad english, have fun!

Diamond 5 Ezreal

My nigga

Yeah no it's not, it's about who plays well in the current meta and who doesn't.

Nobody has ever claimed to be a Galio main in recent years. Why do you think you see so many Shaco mains and Kha mains etc etc. It's not because the people who play them are just THAT FUCKING GOOD. It's because the champs are viable.

ah and i forgot to say, the account is registred on western europe

hehe xd

Silver 5 Jaxamere

Used to main riven but I quit playing league. I probably have $1,000 worth of skins. Had a really fun time with it but they changed too much shit in it and the community is garbage.

fellow dravenfag here

silver 1 Taric

Yo ,if you dont use it I would love to play on it,I'm poor as fuck and I don't have money to spare on sexy skins. Hit this poorfag with an email if you want [email protected]

I main this spooky stick man right here

and im trying to carry myself out of silver 5

"Hey guys, I think fiddlesticks is coming to gank bot"
>bot lane masturbating
>An ally has been slain

Thresh Lux & Ezreal - Plat V

Darius because ya gotta slam dunk


sejuani, shyvana, udyr, lee sin, skarner, trundle, amumu, vi, warwick, Mundo, jarvan, pantheon.

I like all of them. I find sejuani and skarner are the funnest to play.


B2 like to play Annie mid or Lucian bot.
IGN: Magic Queef 96
Look at my match history and give me some advice higher ranked Annie or adc players

Explain why yasuo has 11% play rate where as zed only 6% mid

It's funny cause in plat+ ranked Galio is rank 3 in terms of win rate mid at 54.27%. With all of the mages that are straight up broken this patch, the quintessential antimage just shits on them all