I got problems with this guy because I'm texting his gf . She don't really respond much but fuck it why I cant text with her without her jerk bf gets funked up about me ? What to do ? (Guy in the middle)
I got problems with this guy because I'm texting his gf...
I know a lot of nigga from the hood i can help you
Not living in the hood or a big city
are u askin to kill this faggot?
Are you the nigger that was texting my girls phone?
right right right then
show him this pic
Nah just what I can do
>I'm harassing some girl because I'm a lonely edgelord
>her bf is tougher than me and is upset
Sounds like this problem is going to resolve itself, op. Maybe instead of trying to get Sup Forums to send him pizza, you should consider this a learning experience. I feel like a lot of the spergs here would benefit from an asskicking early on in life.
And then....?
i love how all these neo nazis are 200lb+ fatties that think they're strong when in reality they're just fat.
I'm no edgelord why you thinking that
Dude can still kick OP's ass for sure. He doesn't have to be jacked for that.
Send him this pic and tell him not to fuck with you
Do you want to fuck her or are you just bugging her? You're clearly somewhere on the autism spectrum if you think you can just harass some random fat girl without her larger bf harassing you back.
Yeah, "technically" you should be able to text whoever you want, but the real world is not free from consequences. Do wtf you want to do but don't be shocked when you get beat up for it.
If you're simply trying to fuck her, then you really need to work on your game --she's not texting you back very often. Maybe go for a different bbw, it's not like sluts are rare.
why dont you drop his phone number here and we scare the shit out of him ;)
Where u live maybe i can help
No number . And she is not fat and why he got a problem with me I don't text perverted shit to her just normal smalltalk
Ask him where you can get a sexy fanny pack like his boyfriend has.
You said she doesn't respond much so obviously you are texting her too much. I bet you text her all the time saying
>hey what's up?
>hey how's your day?
>I saw this thing, it was funny
he is insecure about his chick. probably because he is only tough with his boldy gayfriends.
where you live?
Tell him you're a CIA trained mercenary
OK, you clearly don't get it. Your best bet is to send her tons of dick pics or post the number. Also post a picture of her.
Otherwise this is a big waste of time.
post her phone number.
she wont let you fuck her anyway
and then we will text her with gangster pictures. Then she will show her boyfriend and he will shit his pants lol
that type of shit drives me insane. How can someone be so fucking unbelievably beta?
I'd bet anything i own op was raised by a single mother.
What are you, some kind of troglodyte moron? Just act like your gay.
Stop fucking texting a girl that is clearly not interested in your beta fag ass. She clearly told him you annoy her at this point and you still can't fucking get a clue.
Idiot. Retard. Moron.... I could go on...
>op stopped posting over 10 minutes ago when people pointed how that he's annoying her
If I wouldn't be lazy to make screenshots I'd make a screenshot of OP for future cringe threads.
> please respond