>tfw Trump was the last chance to save the world from SJWs but globalist shills ruined his campaign because he committed the crime of saying the word pussy
Music for this feel?
>tfw Trump was the last chance to save the world from SJWs but globalist shills ruined his campaign because he committed the crime of saying the word pussy
Music for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
Music is vapid bullshit for people who want to be different but don't care how so how they're "different" is completely nondescript and just comes off as tacky bullcrap. And it's only reiterating itself and getting worse as time goes on as you retards get into a oneupsmanship of looking more and more nondescript.
You people probably think you're better than reddit because you're more foregone. Which is idiotic, you're just more diluted with insufferable hipster bullcrap. Having a bigger tumor doesn't make it better.
99.99% of music is either stylized and worthless going beyond that or they have no style and what they do is so bland that it's amazing they've created a full length album. About what is usually ambiguous and the song titles are basically meaningless.
It's so dry that when you get something with some kind of interesting twist / polish it's literally lauded as "10/10" and then comes the minigenre following in its footsteps from people assuming that making music like that automatically makes it good. Which is the hipster movement in a nutshell, making a building that looks like the eiffel tower that's bright purple and made out of popsicle sticks doesn't make it good.
It's like they looked at deep music, took away that dry and underwhelming = deep and tried to mimic it but just made something that kept the worst of both worlds. Pop music is the inverse of this where the only good thing about it was that it was fun to listen to but now it's just dry and annoying.
You're just insufferable losers and that's all you'll ever be. I don't care what boilerplate response you give me, the only rebuttal you people have is humor but you've been ironically doing it for so long you've forgotten that you're mocking yourself.
Thanks for reading. Now fuck off.
Voting - 2016, on the album costanza.jpg
Here's some music for that feel my friend:
But I think Stereolab and Gang of Four are better IMO
fuck off leftist faggot
Is everyone on Sup Forums a nu-male cuck?
Nah because nu-male cuck is a boogyman that meme kiddies made up to be able to fight sjw's without actually fighting them.
SJWs cucked my kek the other day
music for that feel?
Funny cause le SJWs is the boogeyman those same meme kiddies made up but you fell for it anyways.
i sure am. i'm just your typical numale who tweets 800 times a day about politics and video games, loves sam hyde and memes, hates white genocide, and can't wait for sjws to get what's coming to them
Blood on the dance floor
Twenty one pilots
Also, this board is for the appreciation of an art form. It should be expected that there will be at least some leftists on this board for two reasons.
1) the lefties usually appreciate art more than conservatives. Not saying that you have to be left to appreciate high(er) art, but rather left ideology puts more value on art than the right does.
2) most musicians are left. They have left messages in their music. People listen to that music and if they like it, they could be influenced by it.
Me too brother
You voted for a flawed canidate who would never win jackass. Now get the fuck out of my party and never vote again
I recognize that sjw's are a boogyman, but why would I fight something user didn't bring up. I just use sjw's so to make my point in word user is probably more familiar with. plus it I had said feminists, it would mean the same thing to that user.
He also said he forces himself on women before they can consent.
I wish i could live in a time before Sup Forums.
fair enough m8
consent is a myth
smash mouth - waste
limp bizkit - break stuff
Alright fellas listen up. Say some SJW is dissing ya top kek. You just give em one of these
You would have to live in a time before diversity. Diversity breeds extremist politics because it fucks everything up. Back when US was like 95+% white you wouldn't have had to worry about Sup Forums racialism or a candidate like Trump. People would still be having polite disagreements about economic policy.
>implying globalism isn't the only chance for humanity to survive long-term
>mfw girls are trying to take my playable cartoons
Wow man, those are some nice moves. I wish I could do that but I need to lose about 300 pounds first.
Imagine believing this unironically
hey look, someone on Sup Forums who knows fuck all about anything. How interesting
Lmao what? How far back are we going, to the 1700s when Whites were 80% and black populations were 20% (and mostly slaves) or the 1900s when whites were 90% and blacks were 10% of the population? What are we complaining about now, the 1% increase in black population since the 1980s? Do you even know what you're talking about?
And are we seriously ignoring fucking slavery and the civil rights movement to say that racism didn't exist? Have you ever read some of the things politicians said about black people pre-civil rights?
I mean, do you know absolutely anything?
>implying the US was ever almost all white
No, back in the day the only whites were Anglo protestants. French, Irish, Germans, Italians, none were white. Nowadays the government considers middle eastern and north african people """white""".
Jesus christ I really hope you're trolling and not this fucking stupid.
I hope Hiro is not bullshitting and this whole fucking website crashes and burns as soon as possible
Pree this. Borders and states will collapse and soon one world will be the only state.
Also, back in the day slave populations were growing rapidly and "white" people only accounted for about 80% of the population. Luckily though racism wasn't an issue and we could focus on the real issues.