What's your rank in League of Legends?

What's your rank in League of Legends?
Who do you main?

Diamond 1 was challenger but unlucky dynamicq
Yasuo/Tf main

>but muh soloq
I really don't see the big deal with dynamic.

Gold IV Yasuo/Zed main

Katarina all day everyday.




That's because you are low elo

Jesus i'm autistic all those replies fail

>Cant afford a real game
>Plays LoL cause is free
>LoL sucks
>LoL sucks
To bad to play fucking csgo and COD.
Kids cant aim These days...

I'm supreme on cs what are you talking about faggot and i got 54 steam games

>Ohh look how good iam!

>Ohh look how good iam!!!!!

unranked cause only level 17 but main dat kayle was good pussies

Im silver 5 trying to get out of silver I main adc and I want someone to smurf me because Team is always shit

>pointless green text
>prolly global with 3000h get a life kid
>i got 500 and i am close to your skill fag

>first person shooter
pick one


Silver Elite 2

Iam GE. MasterPrestige in cod. I Also have a gf unlike u LoL flaggots haha

If you can't get out of S5 it's cause you're S5 skill level.

I agree FPS game take no skill, but they are a hell of a lot better than League. League is shit.

I make her swallow my condoms after I'm done.

I just started playing ranked, don't have a rank yet. So far I'm 1-3. I main Nami. I used to play years ago but got to 30 mainly by playing bots. I just started playing again a couple weeks ago, trying to play more often and take it more seriously.

>At least i got a gf
And no ur not better than me

I main ELISE.

Level 50 wizard

>League is shit
The only argument you'll ever hear on Sup Forums

I'll boost you for cheap

Plat 2 Azir

why pic with timestamp if not current? Also

Tell ur dad to buy them first u fucking silver

Plat 1


What do you know about me why do feel the need to feel stong on the internet maybe cuz your life is shit you are soome frustrated Neet with 3k h on cs still mge and still vrigin


Plat 5 anivia main!! Quit after plat 5 ... fuck, just remembered it deranks you if you don't play for like four weeks?

Tell ur dad to buy them first u fucking silverFuck off lol fag

We know thats all u can handle

Damn lvl 30 nice

>2364 hours still plat

this guy

I was in Masters not too long ago niggers. I main nidalee. 7 8 is my ign bitches. Add me for 1v1s and I can pretty much shit on you and tell you what you can do to improve

We know thats all u can handleI know you play LoL retard. What? Mommy didnt buy u Dota2? Aka a real mans game

We know thats all u can handleI know you play LoL retard. What? Mommy didnt buy u Dota2? Aka a real mans gamePlay cs retarf

Does someone feeling great and want to give me Rp's? Please :>


Global in CS. Game is mad boring. Play rainbow 6 siege nigga

What console you play on?

>these replies

Yup sure is summer around here

Take a chill pill.

>Doesn't like other people having fun
Why so angry

Fuck off it has the worst galjonsfigur ive ever seen

Too bad graphics.. Also shitty cause ITS ez

Top: swain, teemo
Mid: Lux, Brand, LeBlanc
Adc: Caitlyn, Ashe
Support: Nami, Sona, Lux, Morgana
Jungle: Shyvana, Fiddlesticks

Plastic Spoon 69, kat main :^)

Too bad graphics.. Also shitty cause ITS ezCause u suck at fps

Silver spotted max gold

Plat 5 was Plat 4

I'm Bronze. How do you play against a bot lane that uses an APC for support, such as brand or some shit

You're mad because I'm bad at fps?

Silver, main supports and adcs

you git gud then you win you can litteraly win with any champs solo 1vs9 at this elo

Main Orianna, Tristana, and Vayne

Yeeee. Getting to global was pretty easy. Wish they would update the graphics, it's fucking shit and gets old

Im glad you think so highly. I don't play ranked.


i play ARAM but it fucking sucks now since snowball

You dump on them? I just can't grasp the idea that people are actually having troubles climbing in bronze. It's child's play in bronze

Yorick all day every day

Im talking about ur shitty game

"highly" silver gold
choose one

ARAM was shit when they actually implemented it as an actual game mode

And I'm a challenger Warwick main.

Only played ranked for the rewards, but I haven't bothered for that for 2 years now either. Main has always been Lux.

I choose highly then

One trick fizz 187k plat 5

Gold 3

i main shen.

>level 20

Lmao!! How can you only be at plat 5 playing that much fizz?

I go
Top: draven, darius, mundo
Mid:swain, veigar, draven
Adc: draven, miss fortune, caitlyn
Sup: blitz, mundo, alistar
Jung: voli, amumu, jax

Gold V vayne/luc I only play now to get the free skin, then I play norms.

Lvl 22
Ap Annie support

Low elo or not 30 detected


This was during patch 1.5 yo.
5 years ago.

Low elo, I'm silver 3
I don't care about ranked really takes way too long and I'm never gonna reach plat or someshit I'm not that good at video games


Aka support ;D

>Classic excuse that shitty players say

but dota2 is a free to play game ???

Gold 4, was gold 2 a few weeks ago
Main Ahri mid

And what are you? Or you just like to talk shit?
League is fun but just a game , I'm also playing the witcher3 and farcry 4 also but I don't cry because I'm not a pro at those games or dedicated so much time to them

I main Jinx. Diamond 5.

You must buy a lot of chests

cs go isn't an fps lol it's a slots machine gtfo

Top: riven
Mid: yasuo
Adc: graves
Sup: zyra
Jungle: hecarim

>Anonymous 06/01/16(Wed)18:00:07 No.6873
It's not even an acurate timestamp. Newfag. LoL.

On occasion, I was lucky to get a few champ shards

I'm platinum 2... I started playing about a year ago switching on and off from other games. I love talking shit to baddies who give the same lame-ass excuse on why they are stuck in bronze/silver. It doesn't take much brain power to plow through gold either lmao

Plat 2 think he's good at league

i dont really have a main, but my highest mastery level is olaf

I've gotten 12 chests, didn't buy any, I've gotten like 3 champ shards, so I have one mastery 6 champ and like 145 blue essence. I have 2 chests I can't open cuz I don't have keys and I refuse to buy them, the system is fucked, they just want your money, and it's total bullshit that the only way to get your mastery thing higher than 5 is to either spend money or master other champions to get chests. Show us you're adept at one champ by getting S ranks on at least a dozen more to get the chests you need to maybe get the blue essence you need. Fuck riot.

You're so cool man
I'm truly impressed
Post your address so I can send you a reward.