Why is this happening?!
Why is this happening?!
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nogs 2 dumb to acknowledge societal norms and pressures and just go in for the pussy n dough
till they get shot
because life is sad
Your jealousy? That should be obvious, user.
cute white girls thread?
Found me a nigger
Hahahahahahaha read the body language he aint hittin that
That look on her face. So much regret.
Mud sharks gonna mudshark
I'm black and I fuck all white American girls. I've had a number of European girlfriends too.
He still close to her. He's hitting it
she's dead inside
Niggas gonna nig
Someone explains to me please, in America (USA) and Europe white women are preferring black guys than white? or black guys are being chosen more often than before?, or none of the two alternatives?
Because as far as I know, white people with blue eyes was always a kind of standard of beauty in occidental culture (I could tell even moral), and this not seems to have changed, the actors, models, and the media people are mostly always white, somebody has understood this phenomenon?
See this experiment to understand what I mean: youtube.com
The kikes, that's why.
Haha I swear when I first read this post, I thought it said, "Why is this fappening?!"
Why is nothing done about this blatant shilling? OP has been posting this same exact thread for days now.
I think it's because they're tired of seeing the same white guys every single day, they're sick of them, wouldn't you?
And they want to try new things of course.
Same logic applies to latinas/asians towards white/blacks.
I'm black, and I'm telling you: this isn't 'happening' like you think. Yeah, maybe 3-4 black guys are managing to get into a relationship with a white woman, but it's not as if white or *any* ethnicity of woman is running toward the black man, unless it's to piss off their fathers.
Furthermore, the only black guys who seem to get any attention are the stereotypical nig-types.
cause women will do anything for attention, and being with a chimp is simply added attention
No because your pathetic.
And user said it
Mudsharks gunna mudshark
those kids are disgusting
It happens because adult people make adult decisions and some people chose nignogs, who the hell cares
Probably bcuz their parents gave them those shitty sweaters and the picture was meant for them.
What do you think of the experiment? Some point in your life you ever thought equal to those kids and changed your mind over time?
preach it honey. dem white girl be stealing our men.
...Could you rephrase that? At first, it sounded like the beginning of some conspiracy theory, but then it kind of fell apart.
White women are terrible people anyway. Get yourself a south american or asian they are far superior.
waowwwwww....makes you think.....huh
Maybe there wasn't anything left to wear and it was cold.
Why do you have dicks saved on your hard drive?
I'm black and some girls like black guys. Just like some guys like white girls. It happens. Get over it. People choose who they want.
i have that same sweater, its from rue 21
sure does.
that bottom lip has touched her anus
let that sink in
nice try white kid
Do you think that society somehow makes black people feel inferior in relation to white people?
I'm not white.
Hm....yes, and no. "Yes," in that it's always been commonly held that "black" === "bad" and such, but at the same time, blacks aren't really doing anything to change that mindset. It's as if we not only acknowledge how the world views us, but also celebrate every negative stereotype by perpetuating them...and THEN blame society for not seeing us in any other way. I hate it.
A) Partially because cultural standards have shifted to be more inclusive/'equal'. Political correctness and a general anti-racist trend in Western society has made it socially acceptable for white women to date blacks. In turn, some of those white women/girls gain social kudos for being 'inclusive'. Still, others date black men simply because they met a black man that they are romantically attracted to.
B) Social media is omnipresent in the modern Western world. For this reason, pictures of all sorts of people in all sorts of relationships are more easy to find than ever before.
C) When you are pathetically insecure and suffer from latent Asperger's Syndrome, you tend not only to notice--more than most people-- pictures of attractive white women 'with' black guys, but in fact actively seek these pictures out.
"This is the cause of my problems. This is why girls don't go for me...it's degeneracy! They all just want niggers, the brainwashed whores."
Meanwhile, in reality, there is no greatly significant movement of white women desperately trying to fuck black guys. Sup Forums and porn sites might indicate otherwise, but if you buy in to it, you are a sad little autist with a massive inferiority complex.
Let me break it down for yall :
Everything in this world has value - even people.
Lets look at things that increase a human males value vs a human females value. Males: education / looks / coming from a good family / strength etc. Females : Looks / education / family
Things that decrease a humans value: Low earnings or wages / STDs / criminal history / poor looks/ low social status / being overweight
Lets look at black males : generally speaking they come from poor families, have lower wages - they aspire to break through the socially constructed ceiling that their generations of lack of education and shitty families have wrought : Goal, have less black offspring by attracting a superior white female partner (If they're successful and wealthy enough, they may succeed - .0001% chance of a black male acquiring a white female that isn't STD ridden, from a poor family, that's educated past high school)
What do white males want : obviously white females, they're the best.
What do white females want : obviously white males, they're the best.
What happens when a white female has low self esteem, due to low wages / poor looks / low social status, they fall through the figurative floor and find a black male so they're not alone - because women are co- dependent creatures who can't stand being alone.
Moral of the story, yes - black men will acquire white female mates. Unfortunately for them, they are the lowest / dumbest of the white females. It will elevate their offsprings social status, a half white kid is going to be better off than a 0% white kid. I guess what I'm saying is cut the black guys a break, they've had a hard life. If they've worked hard enough to get the attention of a white chick, good for them.
thank you for taking the time to give a good reply.
however just so you know, the OP is a pasta just meant to rile people up.
Holy fuck that thing is ugly
>Everything in this world has value - even people
No. Value is relative.
For me, my mom is valuable, but your mom is not for me as i don't know her.
Nothing has value.
Why do you have a bunch of pictures of black penises saved?
So I can post proof that bbc is a meme everytime a cuck/nigger posts "muh dik".
>however just so you know, the OP is a pasta just meant to rile people up
I figured. But I typed that back in February and copy pasted it in, since inevitably there will be some mongoloids who really buy in to this stuff. I see it as helping the disabled.
When selecting a potential mate* the majority of people assign value to eachother.
Perfect example, best friend from middleschool and highschool - ripped 6'2 guy. Did MMA for a few years during college, only got an associates degree - earning 50k a year. Girl he dated in middleschool / highschool - basically best friends, left him for an engineer who was taller, more muscular, and makes about 150k a year.
You can say otherwise all you want, but I'd call anyone who doesn't follow this general set of rules a statistical outlier.
A white girl will look at a black guy who all things equal to a white guy as being of less value due to social stereotypes.
She'll feel that her social status will be negatively impacted by being associated with dating a black guy. Which would be a true assessment of the situation. Most white guys who know a girl has dated a black guy will be ashamed of that fact. Other things may outweigh that fact, but it will still be a negative mark in her "book".
Because white guys are boring asf fam.
African Men are always classy, considerate and are always there for you.
I don't friend zone africans, I am so sick of pussy ass white boys too nervous to make a move or taking everything I say as flirting. Man up or GTFO
Are you retarded?
>Men are always classy
Don't use words whose meaning you don't know.
>bait thread #784362947023460584029436
>newfag Sup Forumstard autists still butthurt
kek, it's just too easy
So you've never posed with a female before?
Who do you think this is offending? lol are you 13?
What about white guys who only go for Asian women? No one ever flips shit over that.
What chicks are you posing with? You think it's normal for a chick to look like she hates life when she poses with you? Sucks to be you.
I'd pay to see that
>look like she hates life
kek do you have autism?
your mom
Hate is deep in you dudes
So sad white guys display confidence but inside there is deep insecurity
Because stupid, vapid, attention whores like to be popular, and right now that's the cool thing to do it seems. Next it will be dating mudslimes. Race war anyone?
do you?
these threads are cancer.
Why? Because good men do NOTHING to stop it. I dont want my white kids to fuck some half nigger shitskin when i finally get around to making babies.
Cause she wants?
>No one ever flips shit over that.
white women get annoyed about this all the time.
>that gif
That's how anyone in real life would look like you if you say that a girl making a silly face for a selfie looks like "she hates her life" you stupid autist.
look at you*
A lot of over reacting . Maybe , just maybe she has some chicken on her ear.
You obviously never been on reddit.
Because fathers don't pay attention to their daughters so they do this shit for attention. (Most basic explanation)
BBC may be a myth, but if anyone in this thread takes the reverse to be truth, they're equally dumb.
A fedora is not classy, m'neckbeard
>silly face
Keep telling yourself that, nignog. They're all just making silly faces when they pose with you.
That's good, right?
it's disgust. Things only exist in my world if I choose to acknowledge them. these people mean nothing to me. They can all drop dead and so can you, nigger
autism confirmed
>What about white guys who only go for Asian women? No one ever flips shit over that.
Because those guys are so fucking pathetic they don't need extra shit to be flipped over them.
r/hapas r/asianidenitity
fucking cancer
Both of you are dumb as fuck.
One motherfucker going off about white.
One motherfucker going off about black.
Fuck the both of y'all.
black men
>there for you
how come tyrone doesn't have a father?
Kikeopedia has it's own spin on it, doesn't it? Did deeper. It's not the first time something disappeared from the library of congress.
Because you are all beta fags jerking to traps and furry porn. Be a real man and ask a girl out instead of creep shotting and hoping she finds it cute.
Pro tip: she never will
Why is it always a cuck/nigger? i'm a gay white man who loves black cock