Other urls found in this thread:
bumping cause interested
Will I get arrested
Who's going to catch you, the cyber police?
bumping for curiosity
I don't get it.
It's just an empty room
u fags stop accessing it, let one person access it YOU"RE LAGGING IT
lurking for interest
Somebody post screenshot, login froze.
Dafuq ? Looks like this is a laptop.
Is this her laptop cam ?
the fuck is this, a dialup line?
Nice cheese we got here
holy shit
are they cumming on a dead girl body
i hope that's a doll
its just a dvr for survellience at somebodys house
this. what gives ?
>Any time & Any where
>IP Surveillance for Your Life
I don't get it. Is this 300 baud or something?
Not sure if bedroom...hard to make out. Could be a living room ?
Naw, it is just running off some mexican isp and the embedded device is probably on fire with all the anons accessing it
what, I'm confused af
Simple ping says could not find host.
Should try some packet inspection
Bump. Can someone get screenshots of what it is?
I'm kinda interested but not really
It is just configured not to respond to ping. Not that uncommon for an embedded device.
The GeoIpLookUp put me on a bank in mexico city, an HSBC (the name of the bank)
That may be where the pin is, but GeoIP databases aren't that accurate. The city and probably the neighborhood are right though.
Shit I guess it could be a private office
What is this a red room?
Are we gonna see some tiddy
Where's the fkn OP ?!
We know you're reading this fag.
What gives ?
I'm getting a 400 error code
this shit takes 5ever to load
Try some character injection?
Anons must have crashed it
Some asswipe changed the fucking pw
Looks like a basic linux based embedded network camera. Nothing surprising here. Probably some known kernel vulnerabilities, but I can't be bothered to look.
Starting Nmap 7.01 ( nmap.org ) at 2016-06-01 19:52 PDT
Nmap scan report for dsl-189-245-47-163-dyn.prod-infinitum.com.mx (
Host is up (0.0061s latency).
Not shown: 98 filtered ports
554/tcp open http Avtech AVN801 network camera 1.0 (UPnP 1.0)
7070/tcp open realserver?
Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6.18
OS details: Linux 2.6.18 (ClarkConnect 4.3 Enterprise Edition), Linux 2.6.8 - 2.6.30
Service Info: OS: Linux; Device: webcam; CPE: cpe:/h:avtech:avn801, cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at nmap.org
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 36.40 seconds
you stupid fuckers don't click the link and enter the password it's used to hack your computer
Yeah that's what I was thinking. It was loading really fucking slow so probably the former
Yes, its totally entering "admin" that lets them hack you.
k it's working again but it's just an empty room. I don't see this being a bank, that can't be right
screenshot please?
looks like a pretty shitty firmware. There's some brute force scripts available on github to automate breaking in.
I look around and see what it look like a apartment complex it makes more sense
Yes mexico it.is... also. i this is aa legimtae bank server............. w8//// im OUT
who is she? the cuteness hurts my heart
Princess messaged you as well as youtube playing PATD. Who is princess?
Also, checked
Lol "Princess" is my gf
thx for noticing my dubs bruh
what is this, runescape
definitely user whatever tf that is supposed to mean
buying gf
This is as far as I can get, but they could have disabled ICMP packets also.
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
i'm 100% nigga
Please see
Anons and their shitty jokes...
It only takes 4 hops to me
Ur a shitty joke m9
I don't understand why the internet is so afraid to go to websites. You're not going to bet v& by your IP being logged in a firewall. If you start fucking around and the logs showed your IP access and change a bunch of things, then absolutely you will, but think of how many IP address those servers connect to per day. Your IP is a drop in the hat for what the feds are looking for.
very original joke user, I think I might just off myself now
That device is burnt the fuck out by now
Lol I totally fucking tricked you dude, I have your IP now and u are so screwd, my uncle works for microsoft and ur going to get it so bad
No problem man
finally a nice user
Not true. US federal hacking laws make any unauthorized access (of any kind) to a computer system a felony. Seriously. People have been raided for the most minor things.
Wut am i looking at?
Haha its funny because thats just my gateway direction
Wells it is true that you do, but it is on the next line down.
Haha it funny because the next line after that does show your external IP
You too user :)
>44.00 ms
Lul I tots fricking triked u dud, I hav IP of urs at in moment nd u r so naild, my oonclee werkz 4 microbenis nd ur goin get it negtively
For a fucking traceroute? hahahhhahahaah omg guise l337 haxor here gonna get assraped for something a monkey could do kek.
Fuck off faggot
fucking lost it and I don't even know why, thanks user
Its funny because is my ping ip, my external ip doesnt show
well that's boring.
anything interesting on the other channels?
ur ded son
not so nice typical Sup Forumsfag
All Mexican banks have shopping carts
Rofl I hope that HSBC Mexico like the above posts say, that's extremely colorful and probably not up to standards
it's illegal to go into one that has a password
I don't know, it doesn't seem to be loading properly. I was hoping for the girl op posted, shes a real qt3.14 and since I'm a youngfag I don't have to worry about anything.
Im not at mexico city, thats for shure
that's some mexican computer right there.
I didn't log in with the password, I was just saying the IP in general. People are afraid of clicking on websites, but if they're on the internet, they're indexed within MX records somewhere that allow them to be publicly listed.
get new internet dude, terrible ping
>MX records
the fuck do MX records have to do with anything, we're not routing mail here
Niggerville city