Sup Forums we got us some rats
never gonna get caught
Sup Forums we got us some rats
never gonna get caught
Nice Meme
thanks m9
kek this is too good
u guys like bad rats?
man, fucking normies trigger me
wow look at those new fags
these are the people who wake up every day to buy the same coffee at the same starbucks every single day and post on snapchat every fucking minute they are alive every single fucking day
fucking normies "wahhhh stahp objecktify me"
okay calm down deep breaths
"apparently it has been taken down"
lol newfags dont even know what 404 is
>I doubt they used their account to post that, probably did it anonymously...
fucking kek
Channel 4 anyone?
"I doubt they used their account to post that, probably did it anonymously... How did you find out?" Man this dyke is dumb
lel top kek
Maybe give us their FB names and not nigger out their names
Share their names. Let me have some fun.
This user has the right idea
Do it faggot
Maybe we will
do it OP you fagg
Can I get their names? I wanna fuck with them.
I don't see how that's funny, they never touch the site how the fuck should they know how it works? You can't expect everyone on the internet to know how every site is and I especially doubt you all came to Sup Forums with a full knowledge of everything here
OP is totally the dude that told them kek
Sup Forums is sometimes cringy.
oOo a part 2
Of course he is. That's why the names ate niggered out
somebody find rachel. im on it too
Honestly forgot to block that out RIP
He is probably the one that posted then too. Think about it
>not having your Sup Forums gold account linked to NSAbook
BTFO fag
whats the point of this
hes wants memories so he can tell his grand kids
So OP can frame Sup Forums
This thread will 404 before anything epic happens annon nice try though
we have two names. WE CAN DO THIS.
this is emily.
see first post conversation.
I want to believe annon
OP is the one with the anime thumbnail, obviously.
Targeting user for posting fap material to Sup Forums.
Fucking neo-Sup Forums.
i am pretty hungry
Anyone that gives a shit about Facebook threads is literal cancer
this is meme 2 updated
I like how this happens every time and yet people still risk it. Don't mess with Sup Forums. It's not that hard.
How could you get suspicion put onto the guy who reported it? You'd have to do it without saying anything yourself because you might try too hard and get suspicion put on you.
>Let's hunt them down....
>Auntie tina
>let's hunt them down
>he says as he does absolutely nothing and crosses his fingers some user does all the work
What would be really funny is if someone tipped them off to this thread.
fucking kek
sounds british to me
i was almost in bad mood till i saw this post, good job OP
this could all be fake. op taking us all for a ride.
>fake facebook post generator
my man
nice trips
Then it'd go full-circle. Interesting idea.
Also it'd possibly hurt 4chans reputation even more.
...what reputation? Never mind.
Sounds Chinese to me, but i think your right.
>hunt them down
>they took it down
>whats a Sup Forums
>posted on reddit
>track the IP address of user
OP this is just too much. I'm not buying this.
"whats a Sup Forums" WE FOUND HIM!
>a mutual friend
Do they really not realize that this is the guy who blew loads to them?
>whats a Sup Forums
Then you got trips well done annon
i can assure you that this is 2 real accounts
OP is whited out commenter, who's gonna let them know
bumping for interest
wow. nice observation.
Pls user, give names.
OP is last one to comment on pic with the stupid fucking guy fawks facial hair and glasses.
Find out who he is.
Let's have some more fun boys.
bump. we can do good today
This bread makes me hard
Oh no guise. How do I keep ppl from reporting my 4chinz account?
>never gonna get caught
I don't see any comments from op
im more embarassed for op
You have to buy a Sup Forums diamond subscription
Why do you little pussies bother blocking out the names?
Getting so hungry. RIP OP
im so close to cumming. MOAR
Blogger at tumblr...
Blogger at fucking tumblr holy fuck top kek
Cheapest option is to buy the Banana package. $39.55, plus shipping.
Somebody find these people and send that to them
With a keen eye for detail, one truth prevails.
Her name is Rachel Barns
Idk annon the last time i did that i never got my package
Found him
Blame 9gag. Thats our motto.
someone message her