Okay Sup Forums, a zombie apocalypse just broke out.
You are all alone and have a backpack that you have only fill with 5 things. What things do you choose to put in your bag?
I'll start:
Matches/Fire Starter
Okay Sup Forums, a zombie apocalypse just broke out.
You are all alone and have a backpack that you have only fill with 5 things. What things do you choose to put in your bag?
I'll start:
Matches/Fire Starter
wait for the military to clear out the zombies
you could be waiting a while though. you wouldn't take 5 things just to increase the chances of living?
Sleeping bag
Baseball bat
One hand grenade for me
10/22 ruger
brick of ammo
>penut butter
>butt plugs
You sound like a bitch
Dynamite, Dynamite, Dynamite, lighter, quran
okay 5 100 dollar bills.
society has collapsed and those pieces of paper now have zero value
Blender, fleshlight, lube, duct tape, first aid kit
>Machete(TM) licensed dildo
>Water based lube
>Matches/Fire Starter
1) Some book on survival crap
2) sleeping bag
3) bite resistant stuff to wear, whatever such armor fits
4) as much strong metal wire as I can fit (to build fences, barriers, hammocks to hang from high in a tree)
5) radio to listen for any human help
A sock
And my rifle
u literally have no weapon though, you'll be dead in a week
no it didn't lmao. The military would fuck up the zombies in less than a day
Jus fil it wit a bunch o sammichs and koolaid packets. N case I needa stop for a snack nd a nice refreshing beverage
OP here, in this scenario there is no Military or Nat. Guard or Police. Everything went to shit
1. The combination bludgeon/hatchet my friends and I made.
2. A thick leather outfit.
3. A helmet.
4. A radio.
5. A first aid kit.
I'm in the LA metro area, so everything else I'll need is within a relatively short distance.
1. crowbar, never dulls, be used as cane, break in to non wooden doors. also can be used a bar to keep a door closed
2. one of those crank flashlight (even tho they are not bright, no batteries needed)
3. rope... whether is is for first aid to fashion a bow, shelter or for defenses will be useful
4. knife. used for small combat, crafting traps or weapons is extremely useful.
5. a large canteen or some sort of water carrying device
better chose 5 items quick smart before you get eaten
but why wouldn't there be a military? the country would have been fucked up long before a zombie apocalypse. your scenario is shit and so are you
Fire starter
8 string guitar
>Okay Sup Forums, a zombie apocalypse just broke out.
That is literally biologically impossible.
dude this is just supposed to be a fun thread can u just gtfo
8 string guitar? wow, huge flaming faggot detected
Carabine .22
Pistol .22
Bigest .22 bullet pack.
I know, but this is just for fun. You don't need to get all biology major on me
Second backpack
My maltese
trail mix
this is fucking easy, here we go:
>nudie mag
>pocket pussy
>roll of toilet paper
This scenario would never happen in real life and if it did you would die the first day so what's the point? Consider suicide
hatchet sounds dope, post pic
dude what's your problem lol
Because I'd love to spend my days alone from everything in silence
butterfly knife
The cure for zombificaton
A cure for zombification
Le cure for zombification
That cure for zombification
My fap sock
>muh ak101
>muh 5.56 barnaul ammo
>canned beef
A samurai
An airplain
A gas station
A grocery store
Another samurai
Durable melee weapon
>Water Proof Poncho
You will get sick and die if always wet
>Extra Pair of Socks
I dont feel like getting trench foot or some fucked up foot infection
>AAA Battery powered lighter
Finding batteries is easier than lighter fluid
>Cyanide pill
Ohhh Fuck
smart lol
The cure
The virus
revolver with 1 bullet in it
Bag of pebbles
Alright first things first
1 water
2 my brothers stupid sword
3 my pipe & weed
4 a banana and ice..
1. I put a larger bag in the bag.
2. I put a larger bag in that bag.
3. I put a larger bag in the 3rd bag.
4. I put an even larger bag in that bag.
5. I put in everything.
Assuming I had a place to stay for a bit
>loaded gun
>some cookies n milk
>some comfy blanket or whatever
Zombies are gonna be spooky as hell, I'm guessing there's nobody who could ever fight them off alone because that's fucking stupid. Dying by slowly being eaten alive by zombies would be pretty shitty, I'd get drunk and high and the off myself, assuming I could
2 shoes(one left footed, 1 right footed).
2 socks
1 hat(protection from the sun)
>Mai waifu
>Mini nuke
This guy
4 vodka bottles
>taking a fun hypothetical scenario on Sup Forums this seriously
>telling other people to kill themselves
You would prolly ditch most of it in the first week, your not a call of duty character with endless stamina. Carrying shit sucks, and your firearms will get dirty overtime. You prolly wont be able to clean them too well.
10/22 w/ drum mag and small silencer
lockpick gun (raiding residential areas that all use shit locks)
maps of my immediate surroundings
a headlamp with red filter (red doesnt travel as far isnt as easily perceived at night)
crowbar axe combination with crowbar points straightend, and filed down to a sharp point
A bitchin' slide whistle
Brock's frying pan (can double as a drying pan)
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Danny Devito
Chef Boyardee's Overstuffed Beef Raviolis
Bologna sandwich x2
Fingernail clippers
Mosquito repellent
But you have tachi, kodachi and pistol. You can take all the time you want to clean the carabine.
What kind of zombies?
Fire Kit
Medicine Kit
1. Nuclear device
2. Detonator
3. Joint
4. DMT
5. Picture of me and my family
Extra clothing
for what?
firestarter log
glock 17
raw pumpkin seeds
space jam dvd
Another bag, air, memes, my glow in the dark razor scooter, buttplugs
>Only person in this thread having these issues.
1. Guitar + electric tuner
2. Rope
3. Year's supply of hot fries
4. Year's supply of Fanta soda
5. Year's supply of batteries for electric tuner
Find a nice hole, tie up rope for suicide if I think I'll die, spend a year practicing guitar even though I like piano more, wait for militia to naturally form and save me, act as bard for militia. Offer them a bag of hot fries.
Medical supplies
Good flashlight
Small knife
Then I'd just go into my shed and build a fucking homemade halberd.
Check for service? See if wifi is on anywhere. Offline map of city already installed. Entertainment. Radio. Compass. It is also implied id bring the charger.
Some snacks. A towel. Meh I'm good.
10 kg cocaine, Dragon glass, Mithril neckbeard, fleshlight, newborn black baby with mouth sewn shut.
>Hot fries
Mah nigga
These guys get it.
You spend your whole day quarantined in your room anyways, what's gonna change besides no easy entertainment and food?
These are the only people who would last more than 2 weeks.
You are going to be carrying around a backpack with a brick of ammo and a sleeping bag and a bat.
>sleeping bag gets dirty
>ruger wont be properlly cleaned
40 pounds of metal wire and a sleeping bag with a full set of armor. Nigga you will get 2-3 miles and rest, and repeat. You will eventually ditch the wire and the sleeping bag. Your armor will get dirty as fuck and you will get ringworm all over the place from scratches and poor hygiene.
Crowbar and radio are your only non retarded choices. You will last 6 days tops.
50 pounds of Weapons, 5 pounds of ammo?
You will ditch the carbine in about 3 days, and the stupid weeaboo shit a few days after if you arn't dead. You are probably overweight and very nonathletic. You will roll your ankle and die.
Most of your tards will get pack rash, fail to clean your firearms, get ring worm, get sick, and die.
Fuck yeah. I'm raping everything.
Ok here goes.
A hammer
Some Wd40
a tap
a die
O.M.G My phone!
They're good, my man.
Guns and ammo, I can just shoot fags like you for all the things I didn't take with me myself.
Mfw everybody has your plan and doesn't bring anything to the party
fire starter
any pistol with ammo
Good choice, but how's he fit in the bag?
kek nice
Assault Rifle
Riot Gear
Sleeping Bag.
Even a hi-Tec
>sleeping bag
>phone for calling for help and Sup Forums
>my hamster
Wasn't voting Sanders the cause of the zombie apocalypse anyway.
Even a 1800's flintlock
>A jack daniels whiskey
>a pack of cigars
>some fried chicken
>a magnum 500
>a bullet
Sanders is the virus carrier
>dragon glass and cocain
i like you
Pencil in my pocket. I'm digging a Vietnamese tunnel system.
Anonymous mask
>maybe some food and water
>toilet paper
>a Zweihander
I guess I'll be good with that, everything else is pure optional, as Zwei covers all the needs I could ever have
It's an easy decision actually.
In my backpack I would have 5 backpacks with 5 things each.
Those backpacks would also carry 5 backpacks with 5 things each.
I now have 125 things and you feel like a fool for trying to stump me.
Keys to the boat. Everything I need to survive 3mths at sea is already on the yacht.
See ya suckers.
Jesus fuck, you have a large backpack!
1. No thing
2. Every thing
3. Some thing
4. Me
5. Others
made me kek /10
>metal bat
>water purifier straw
>magnesium fire starter
>wound stapler
head to the woods and try to find a clean river with anyone i find
5 more backpacks
I like backpacks
OP here, it's a big bag sir
I like your sense of humor
2 katana, i earned my sword license. i practice everyday perfecting my technique and have been preparing myself for this day
1 knife sharpener with 2 sided grit, keep my blade sharp but my intellect sharper
1 solar powered all-in-one flashlight/radio/usb charger/tools
1 latest smart phone with max space to fill with puzzle games, word games, music, porn, ebook of survival guides, etc.
Plastic Survival book on edible plants/animals
A hatchet
Flint steel lighter
A katana sword
A fishing/trapping net