A very Kurt Halloween

Hey guys, I am going as Kurt Cobain for Halloween and I want to know if the following is in bad taste. I am planning on making a fake bullet wound on the bottom of my chin and a lot of blood on my head and in my hair. The party I am going to will be filled with mostly jocks so it's unlikely there will be any huge Kurt fans. I have personally been affected by suicide so I can always just bring that up if someone thinks it's in bad taste simply because I am pretending to be post-suicide Kurt. What does /his/ think?

INB4 Kurt didn't kill himself!

Pic related, basically my getup.

>The party I am going to will be filled with mostly jocks so it's unlikely there will be any huge Kurt fans

Bad taste my man. If someone else was also affected by suicide you'll be bringing some bad vibes to the party. Go as pre-suicide Kurt so you don't kill the party

And then fucking kys

Quote some of his nonsensical lyrics.

dress as zombie kurt cobain with a gaping head wound

easy fix

Yeah OP say shit like this

Most people don't realize
That two large pieces of coral,
Painted brown, and attached to his skull
With common wood screws can make a child look like a deer and maybe act like you're on some heroine


Bump, I want more opinions.

Rather, I want reassurance.

Actually, I think the maid who found him said he only had like a trickle or whatever coming from the bullet hole and otherwise looked fine. So bloody hair and whatever would be a bit excessive. Either way, It would be best to just go as regular Kurt instead of glorifying his suicide. If someone asks you to explain your costume with the blood, they'll think it's in bad taste anyways.

Hmm ok I might just put a spec of blood then. Idk I'll see how it goes at the party.

Do you know where the bullet hole was on his head?

Not going to say you're wrong for it being edgy but I'm saying people will still find it in bad taste

But zombie Kurt could be pulled off a little better. I think it just makes more sense and it's adding a little humor instead of just "oh I'm Kurt Cobain and I just killed myself"

Yeah you're right. I just hope people know I am Kurt and not some dude in a wig with a sweater. I guess that's no better or worse than them thinking I'm some random dude with a wig and a sweater and some blood on his face.

Its only offensive is you dont resemble kurt

Zombie Kurt is a good idea but I don't have the materials to pull it off.

Could you be a zombie with light effects?

What do you mean by this?

Christ, at least go as zombie kurt or something, then it would be like MJ. What you currently plan to do will draw a lot of negative attention.

It is in bad taste, not necessarily because you're mocking a dead man or potentially making light of suicide. It's in bad taste because you'll just come off as an autistic edgelord. Whenever someone asks who you are and you explain yourself people will just cringe and think you're a fucking loser with shit humour. Nobody will be impressed and all you will leave with is a false sense of superiority based on your wonderful "edgy humour" that nobody else understands.

Kurt was murdered

Do you own a strobe light or some neon? That can go a long way with a zombie costume

I am so confused, man.