What is the most fucked up thing you have ever seen on Sup Forums?
What is the most fucked up thing you have ever seen on Sup Forums?
I don't know. I don't know what's fucked up anymore.
Touché user
Probably the GIF of the dude shitting on the baby. Dumbo why, but that shit got to me
Yesterday i saw someone cut off a rats dick with a pair of scissors
you must be new
You motherfucker. It's (THE CURRENT YEAR) I shouldn't be getting Rick Rolled.
Worst thing on b... CP
Theres a current cringe thread going on. I think its the 3rd image.makes me want to cry. Try to find it
5th image to be exact
Not sure if it's what I've seen or what I've intentionally avoided seeing that scares me most as time passes.
I'm calling BS
google is your friend.
No it was real. Baby was loosely tied down and the guy stood over him with a long snake like shit going onto the baby while it freaked out.
It's very real.
I don't believe you
Alright well you're a fucking idiot then, there's nothing else to say.
Freaks the newfags out every time.
I dont believe you!
It's real user. I'll try to find it. Stay tuned...
Just google "dude shits on small baby"
Yeah I read about this. Pretty fucked up not letting them wear their honors.
Daiseys Destruction
your mum
old man farting on baby
This webmd with a fat dude in a basement shoving a live rat up his ass
>Daiseys Destruction
if it actually existed
>if it actually existed
newfag, it's before your time
tfw never got to fap to dd
not even just once
Wow! I forgot about that gif and I used to lurk when it was up 24/7
time does fly
A dogs head cut off. One of my first days on Sup Forums too
I'd have to say the German Shepard pic collection.... You know what I'm talking about. Haven't seen it in awhile, though.
someone posted a link to a redroom in 2007
Saw it last night on a rekt thread, so it's still lurking
Really? I keep reading both sides of the argument that those actually exist
I'm a newfag, I'll admit it. What was daisy's destruction? I'm assuming CP?
Probably the webm of a dick getting split
It's a snuff where two girls (I think) rape and beat a baby
from what ive read online its some snuff film. i dont get it though. some say it was an 8 month old baby and other say it was an 11 year old girl. idk
Newfag hete. What's a redroom?
livestream with a girl on the cam. the viewer pays bitcoin and decides what happens to her
Aha, sounds interesting
Yep. Ranging anywhere from rape to torture to snuff. Money talks
a dude let his dog lick his dick then he later uploads a picture saying "She loves it" with a picture of his doggo licking his dick.
This is beyond amazing, 2bh.
>Money talks
Yup. For 10k you can go to Thailand and get to shoot someone
Probably the pics of the model/stripper/girlfriend of the mexican drug cartel leader who got murdered for snitching by being chopped into 5 pieces (quartered), and then the inevitable sick fukrs who printed those pics out and jizzed on them and then took pics of that.
you can get that mutch cheaper
Saw a gif of a puppy getting raped back in '10
chopped in 5=quartered
Mr. Hands
Just saw it a couple nights ago
welcome to the fuckin show
These threads always turn into weirdos trying to one up each other by posting fucked up illegal shit and repping their proxy power. I'm fucking out of here before this shit starts.
The original grifter
Your mom
What's that?
I fap to that
Your a fucking idiot.
fuckin bitch made nigger
Mr. Hands is fappable material you pussy
>not having this URL memorized
If your too afraid to click the link, it's a guy getting fucked by horse, and later died from it
Sick bastard, enjoy prison, I'm calling the cops.
BS=Baby shitting
black people. Shit was fucked up
Yeah, you better leave before my 7 proxies beat the shit out of you.
the grifter
i like banana
Webm of some dude sticking his dick inside a baby's mouth till he shoots his load in it's mouth
>still doesnt come out as white
shitty product
where's the fucking 30 man rape from brazil i know someone has the video i wanna see it
The most fucked up thing I've seen on Sup Forums is hardcore cp threads hitting image limits and then naturally 404ing with no one getting banned because the mods were literally all asleep.
Watched that whole vid. More consensual than a good board meeting. Wasn't 30 guys either.
so whats wrong with that?
lolol i live in washington state there's a bunch of weirdos here
damn the way the news reported it shit was hype, guess thats just midia bais in this fucking "we have to save every woman" world we live in atm
I once saw a thread where OP didn't deliver. Disgusting shit
on 8 chan's Sup Forums I once saw a webm with sound of a woman hacking of a dogs legs one by one with a machete
Actually, it wasn't even a machete, it was a hack saw, which made it even more disturbing
why are half the images on this site not showing up when expanded
I just saw a screenshot where some guy was in the middle of castrating himself, with a scalpel and surgical gloves and everything it was fucking morbid. By far thee most cringey, leg crossing shit I've ever had the misfortune of laying my god damn eyes on.
So, you kept watching the CP until the money shot...
>turning porn off before the money shot
Fail trips.
Fails to appreciate my trips? What else can you expect from a kike nigger faggot
>making gay as fuck shit up
Yeah I just saw Leg Fucker
Shit. Who the fuck would want that?
google daisies destruction
My ex in porn
fucking faggot