Am I cute?
Am I cute?
Get the dog face away, you'd be cuter.
Show your tits, you'd be gorgeous
Show your cunt, you'd be beautiful
Show your pussy and asshole while in doggy style position, you'd be queen of w/e.
fuck off
Oh okay
sexy. I would fuck you any day bae
Gtfo out of Sup Forums you ugly fat nigger bitch.
How the fuck should I know? My name is not Tyrone. Y'all niggas looks like apes for me and you are a fat one.
The fuk, Im sure I know you
Yep, same fuckin' newfag
ugly nigger
Come on now.
You OK friend?
wood bone
No, you're fat and brown
Go back to tumblr you fucking nigger faggot
Fuck no you're a nigger. Final answer.
Hell yah
Just a little bit rude for a person who did nothing to you, is all.
GTFO ugly bitch
Gtfo off Sup Forums you faggot bitch
Asking if you're pretty bitch you look like the black version of a sperm whale.
And btw take off that basic bitch filter before I make you hold my pocket
Fat negress/10
Get the fuck out of America before scientists developed a rope strong enough to lynch you.
Get your basic bitch ass off Sup Forums go back to tumblr and make shitty posts with your slit wrists talking about how boys don't like you. Dumb bitch
Awww, that poor pupper was born with a birth defect that makes it look like a nigger. Poor thing will never find love :(
Fuck no
go away
No, I'm not white knighting man. It's funny when jokes are thrown but some people sound pissed, and for what exactly? I mean by all means, be racist, it's your choice.