fresh blood really makes that much of a difference huh?
Was pretty original, guy was dank.
bbut why
I decided im just going to get my quest cape
y not
It does.
Pretty sure he still makes stuff. His Dropbox has things I haven't seen before
Cold sunlight that's reflected off the moon.
You're not a poet, you fucking KUNT.
i support your decision 100% and I'll be here if you need my help buddy
they should've just stayed here
welcome back
I'm a thief. Modest mouse song.
How are you doing, alberto.
There were various reasons that they left. The elf moderation was a big part of it, but that ended up being the death nail of the community.
I dont like modest mouse.
I like ass
That's unfortunate, they're really rather excellent.
im packing things up to get ready to return to the caliphate where ill be treated like a king n shit
elf moderation?
Who doesn't
Prison rape is pretty brutal.
Oh you're going BACK to britain? I thought you were still there.
My autistic brother liked them so I dont.
Well naturally
I want to know what Asriel's butt smells like.
Self moderation that is to say.
White girls.
n-no im going back to Portugal the main caliph
What about it
let me guess the banning got personal and people started sucking mods dicks?
Beautiful beings without temptation and vibrant souls.
The guilt by association thing is rather unbecoming and shallow.
hopes and dreams is fun to play
Britain is worse though. London LITERALLY HAS A MUSLIM MAYOR.
Valueless opinion
Go away kaybe, you cuck.
Partly, there were also petty squabbles and power struggles.
Anyone can appreciate fine booty
they're called eunuchs
have you seen our prime minister?
why didn't they return to Sup Forums?
You already know im shallow.
>hopes and dreams is fun to play
I can kinda play the main theme
forgot pic
He's BROWN but is he muslim?
Empty ≠ shallow.
Which part? It goes through several transpositions.
I dont
Ive considered it
Can never have enough
wikipedia says he's agnostic whatever that means
they're probably in a better place now. Not having to come to anime threads daily to get their fix
They still post daily, some of them.
The hell does that mean?
This part
What is it you want?
Much like suicide there aren't really good reasons NOT to, it's just hard to force yourself to do because you know biology. Suicide would probably be preferable.
Doesn't believe in god; not certain there is no god.
Oh the main theme of the game not of hopes and dreams itself. Also a great song, less shredtastic.
He's got a crush on YouuuuuuuuUUU!!!
thats a damn shame
are you religious?
I highly doubt that. I've never interacted with this person before, unless they are another poster in disguise so to speak.
It's just like the people here.
I might shoot myself when im on my own, depends how I feel.
I dont have an electric guitar to shred. If I did I would try to play some of the songs from blazblue/guiltygear.
The numbers mason, what do they mean!
>unless they are another poster in disguise so to speak.
That is literally the case every single time.
I appreciate this.
No gods; no masters.
I don't feel like playing the fake sympathy/ yourlifeisimportantandwonderfuldon'tdoitnibbles thing right now. Suicide's a good idea if you're unhappy. It ends the unhappiness. Not a decision it's even possible to regret unless you biff it really hard.
imblying I don't shred on acoustic like a god
I have an electric guitar but haven't owned an amp in many years
i know I'm not saying this is any better
But then who is this person?
Then why interact with me?
Or worse.
spoken like a true redditor
Meditation cured my suicidal shit. Completely detach yourself from your subjective being and you'll finally realize you are a god in a world filled with gods.
it probably is worse. Anime is somewhat justifiable furry trash not so much
Duh, dude
I dont believe you.
Electric guitars are way too expensive.
Nice shitpost.
You're a delusional hippy but hey you do you.
Or just try acid. Or shrooms.
Just do acid man. It all makes since.
It's not that bad, the difference in string press is really only a problem at the lowest frets.
The fuck if I know. I dont know who your secret admirers are.
>take mind altering chemicals, it'll alter your mind!
no shit, idiot
None of it is justifiable.
Answer me this, stranger. Who are you really?
Neither do I. Somebody has to know.