So Sup Forums, posting from my tablet in a toilet cubicle atm and the guy in the cubicle next to me is very obviously vaping illegally. Wat do?
So Sup Forums...
I don't think that that's illegal, OP.
He's still a fagot if he vapes
Depends where you live.
Suck his dick for $5
reach into bowl
rain justice down upon him
>take a shit
>do loud moaning sounds while doing so
>if he hasnt left, throw shit at his feet
>yell faggot
>fight and dont be a little bitch
Also post pics or it didnt happen
I'm not stooping to his level faggot.
fuck with him somehow and record it
March over to him with AUTHORITY, and immediately start sucking his dick! THAT'LL show him!
there's literally nothing wrong with vaping
Ignore him if he is vaping he has already hit rock bottom you will only lower yourself by touching him
except it makes you a faggot
Fucking kill yourself
He's washing his hands now guys. I'm making loud grunting noises and I think he's trying to ignore it.
Like, where is vaping illegal? Singapore? So is waking up in the morning.
Hey OP just to let you know, by the way, just in case, you might not have heard, you're a huge fucking faggot
Found a vaper.
I don't see why everyone shits on vaping like it's a mouth fedora. It is literally just a cleaner way of enjoying nicotine
Tell the guy next to you in the cubicle that if he doesn't stop sucking that vape, you'll stop sucking his cock
I don't vape but then I also don't act like a prissy bitch when someones breaking the rules around me QQ about something more interesting
Or thc
The USA. My city has passed an ordinance back in 2014 that treats them like cigarettes. No smoke zones=no vape zones as well.
I meant this post
I don't see why everyone shits on fedora's like it's head vaping. It is literally just a way of protecting yourself from the sun.
Pipes/cigar Master race here.
cigs are plebeian, vapes are just for autist losers.