Explain how electricity works without using bullshit new-age words like 'energy'

Explain how electricity works without using bullshit new-age words like 'energy'

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lmgtfy.com/?q=Electricity for children

switch on/switch off

It zip zaps your shit into working.

I = Δq/t

charge moves through things and then it goes bazinga

>bullshit, new age
nigga do you live in the 1800s?


I think they burn big coal in large place. Then the steam from hot coal makes friction mover move and the friction move through wire and makes your fan turn


actually a very good explanation. The same works with water. Just that its the water coming through your wires and starting your computer.


More or less like water but with electrons.

No bullshit new-age retard shit please

Electrons moving from one molecule to the next

It's magic. Jesus makes it work

How it works? Électrons are moving down the circuit, because attired by one point and rejected by the other one. + and -. They go slow, but react fast to say 'up' or 'down', as when you slowly move a plate with water, the water goes even slowlier than your move... Electrons are burning when they are too many at one point (light) brcause they are so much that you begin to feel it. That's it.

I plugged my computer into my faucet. It did not work. Thanks a lot.

That's ohms law you dumb cunt, voltage is equal to current times resistance
V = voltage
I = current
R = resistance

What the fuck did I just read? Does this make sense or am I fucking losing it?

Tiny Thors are in your house. Especially the toaster, draw yourself a bath, grab your trusty toaster, plug that sum'bitch in and wash it. Make sure you get the crumb collection tray, you dont want a moldy crumb collection tray.

I'm sorry, look at my original post, I'm not some fucking physics geek stuck in the basement and closet

I'm studying electricity atm, what do you need you useless cunt

movement of electrons

Wtf because 'here i am' made theoretical physic before coming on Sup Forums ^^ bye

Specifically current created by a moving magnetic field.

Speak English

Equivalence between magnet's field and electric field in Cu

That's as basic as electricity gets you retard

lmgtfy.com/?q=Electricity for children

Let Me Get What The Fuck to You : ask a question. Trips

Making it very easy and unprecise, in a power plant, a mechanical source of power is converted in electricity by moving (with steam or gas pressure/ water falling) a magnet that generates a electrical current. An electrical current is electrons moving through matter (copper wires for example) , then this electronic movement can be reconverted in mechanical or heat force

He wondered this when he saw pikachu making some storm. Just : why? XD

You went full retard.
