Gonna loose my virginity in a m/m/f threesome next week

Gonna loose my virginity in a m/m/f threesome next week.

what should I know going in?

is it your girl or theirs?

an old HS crush actually

the thing is, they're BOTH REALLY into me and were begging me for nudes last night.

pic related

oh then you'll be fine, condoms and lube maybe

Is that a trap? If so i'm jelly

okay, noted
the main thing I'm worried about is like, should I go down on them both equally? I'm far more attracted to the girl since we have more of a history together, but I'm afraid if I do too much with her, he'll ask me to leave or something

they're both REALLY nice tho

the guy is
the girl isn't

Obviously. Well lucky you, do share stories on 4chink if it's worthwhile.

I can post pics if you guys want

I just want some overall advice stuff

I haven't met the guy yet, but he seems REALLY nice and sweet, and wanted to make sure I was doing this because I wanted to, not just bc I wanted them to have fun

the girl is INCREDIBLY cute for the record, pic related

she has a fucking MASSIVE dildo collection. we both just graduated high school (18) and she spent all her grad money on more bad dragons

better pic posted the wrong one

if youre afraid of this you could try doing a 69 sorta thing with the three of you

Jesus Christ OP are you sure that's the right pic

dick in mouth, dick in mouth, clit in mouth?
that sounds pretty nice actually

with a bit of acrobatism you migh just be able to make a triangle out of it.

also try and french kiss with the three of you I saw a pic of that once, can't find it sorry.

also, nice pic

nvm I found it

I know SHE's flexible
she made me a picture tutorial on how to suck my dick once, and she managed to do it with a strap-on

and yeah okay, i know what you mean
I feel a little less weird by having sex with someone I've never met before than kissing someone I've never met before tho

guess I'll just have to roll with it

threesomes are ALWAYS about the woman getting off on making two guys do it. that's all.

flexibility helps, it'll all be alright, the first akwardness will be the hardest, just gotta push through that. what can help is putting on some hot clothes underneath you regular clothes to speed up the mood a bit.

in other news, do you have more pics of those glorious legs?

Ask them too french kiss between themself while keeping your dick between their lips, obv it will become a double blowjob.

Then take the head of the girl and use her as your fuck toy while you distract the guy fingering his asshole.

Proceed then telling the guy to start fucking his girl in the ass and that you'll take a moment to watch the fuck, but promise that you will start soon to fuck is ass too.

Then after a while in his ass, stop and go for the pussy starting a dp.

(this would avoid you to fuck a hole yet used by him)

obv if high or little drunk it would be better

>what should I know going in?
Jesus Christ is your lord and savior and sexual sin is a sin against your own body.

Dont fuck grammar nazis because it's lose not loose.
You illiterate cock suck.

I don't mind, she's really cool and he's kinda cute
if it makes her happy, I'm down for whatever

>more legs pics
you're lucky I have a foot fetish

we're all 18 so being high/drunk aint gonna happen.
that does sounds really good tho, holy shit. they both offered to blow me IMMEDIATELY, so I think they're down with that.
I can post convo pics if you guys want, too!

post everything save feet. They're disgusting.

>I have a foot fetish


we're all sinners here

Use lots of lube on your asshole.

>kek, you can always find a way, and trust me a with a beer or two it will be always smooth and will not become akward, also it will help relax the muscles: i literally obliterated my gf ass last week cause she was pretty drunk, and had her asshole really really loose.

Then the important question is, are you into sucking his cock or letting him fuck your ass?

her feet in general?
her feet are pretty damn good as far as feet go, tbh

getting mixed signals from these anons

All feet are disgusting imo. Don't see the appeal.
captcha: TRAITEUR

thats what they were tellin' me last night
gonna go buy some sunday or something

okay yeah that makes sense. I think I'll be so over the top anyways it won't matter tho

and frankly I'm down for either about equally. maybe in the butt a bit more tho

mostly into legs myself, but feet usually feature legs too. got a better quality pic of that?

then how much is you ass loose?

I mean
I'm a virgin, like i said in the OP
I'm about as tight as tight gets
better quality of that pic I posted a thumb for?

Bit of advice: Work on stretching your ass slightly. Shower, clean up well. Then get some lube, start with one finger, then two, and work your way up to three or four, at least to the second knuckle. Then try to get two fingers all the way in. You want to do this at least every other day to prepare.

okay i'll get some lube today then

thanks bud

Yep. Remember: At no point should it hurt if you're doing it right. If it hurts, stop and slow down a bit. There's a certain elasticity to the anus, and you don't want to damage it.

>Gonna loose my virginity in a m/m/f threesome next week.

No. That's disgusting and gay. Do you really want to be in the same room as another naked dude with an erect cock? Yuck!

>just graduated high school
>spent all her grad money on more dragon dildos
if you as a newfag are here,she must been here with a summer or two before you.
so expect that shes already here faggot.
you coud've just asked her instead of creating this thread.

then, the fact you're a virgin in the ass may cause it to be painful, the fuck you never fucked someone yourself could mean you will be super fast.

My suggestion here is to (if you have time and privacy) literally watch some bisex threesome porn and start massaging your asshole using your finger, just to lose it a bit.

use soap if you cannot afford/buy some lube, just to loose it a bit, or it could be pretty painful if you try to take it, painful at the point you must stop i mean.

Also don't try to take it in the ass from behind, your shoulder and back are too tense in that position to lose your virginity in the ass. Different if you take it from the front, like missionary stile.

Tip: Lay with stomach up, tell the girl to 69 you, sucking your dick and massaging your anus (i will hep you relax a LOT), then when you'll feel ready let the guy take you ass as you please.

good to know, I really appreciate the info

she said its even more sensitive than her clit which is like.... wow okay

damn thats some solid stuff
thanks a whole lot Sup Forumsro!
yeah but I like having outsider opinions. I don't wanna just do stuff they've already done before