What's your rank in League of Legends?

What's your rank in League of Legends?
Who do you main?

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Bronze 2 because I'm support pure

>bronze 2 support
Do you like supporting morons? You're not going anywhere until you carry yourself out.

>carry myself out
I could be faker but the niggers in Bronze is like fucking Titanic

Plat 2, Ezreal main/adc
Don't really play much anymore though, unless I'm 15 kills ahead by 10 minutes nothing beats unbalanced champions so it's just not fun for me even if I do win

All you need to do is split push. Folks in bronze are too dense to properly defend anything that isn't
>muh tower

Ahri, plat 4

Hardly play anymore and lost my skill so I play on my gold 3 smurf

Gold but I was plat last season I'm more just playing norms now I'm a shaco main with 500k+ mastery score on shaco


Viktor, silver 4

Diamond, Maokai

youtube.com/watch?v=9rky9ntfTBw I have uploaded a couple of videos of my plays rate plox

Gold II here. Fiora main since her rework


Plat 5


It's an ARTS
not a MOBA

Also LoL is trash tier for people that can't handle more complex mechanics.


Silver 5, Akali main

sure kid. go back to sucking at dota and shut the fuck up.

Sorry you don't know how to counter her :^)

I could literally "support" myself out of bronze with Taric or Zyra. Holy shit bro.

OMG so this. Fucking towers getting rekt and you go and clear lanes while your teammates happily 4v5 or give mad chases.
Sometimes I feel like I delay my defeat for 10-15 minutes.

>autism speaks

the malphite at the end fucking lmao
could see it coming for so long
was expecting silver tier, good shit user

>muh mechanics
Why do dotafags always need to validate themselves?

Cheers man I just love the concept of shaco in general you don't win by raw power you win by fooling your enemy and his whole concept of gameplay is pure mindgames

Now we play count the triggered tweens

Two already. Not bad considering you're so inept you have to play a dumbed down easy-mode ARTS.

>b-but muh plat ranking
Podium finish in the special olympics is still the special olympics.

Plat 1, been there since season start. I don't play much on my main. Also I main support.

League of Legends is a fun game and Dota is a fun game I have played both and enjoy both but enjoy League more I don't give a fuck what all the babyrager dota cunts say it's a fun game

I lost all motivation to play league anymore tbh
same fag^
I was climbing well and was motivated to try reach diamond a month ago but I just cant be bothered to play because if I loose then I just get upset and depressed and I dont want that when I play a game. Any tips on how to get back to my skill level or enjoy the game?

How do you support mains do it? I can't rely on someone else not fucking up so I play a carry role like jg/mid/adc so I know it's my own fault if the game goes shit but supports are relying on everyone else for the game to go well, it's hard to carry from the support role but not impossible though

>it's hard to carry from the support role but not impossible though

Not the same guy but maybe you just answered your own question, maybe he likes a challenge

Just play the game with a different attitude towards it. stop giving so much of a fuck about losing and just play to improve not to win

>Autism intesifies

How does one not give a fuck about loosing and also do you think I should carry on playing on my gold smurf till im ready or jump straight on my main?

It's just edgy kids trying to LE TROLLE YO.

It sucks because they don't know why we're annoyed at them. Protip: it's the relentless faggotry, not their game preference.

You need to play super forgiving supports like tariic, sona, or blitz. Teammates are really stupid at low elo so you need to be able to make up for their mistakes to carry yourself out
>tfw 80% win rate on taric until rework

Keep playing on your gold smurf until you're comfortable enough to jump back on your plat and I don't really know how to tell someone to stop giving a fuck about winning you just stop worrying about each individual loss and just worry about what you learnt from that game win or lose because the 1 loss or win won't make a difference in your rank or how good you are at the game the main thing is your game knowledge and how well you can work with your team and if you can solely focus on that and not each individual game over time you will see yourself improving more than ever


Phreak pwyff and Socrates are cucklord beta faggots that should be cleansed


Diamond 2 Viktor

Right thanks dude, going to give league another go later


Blitz, garen, kha

Sion these days, got tired of the bullshit top picks and wannabe box box's

dude i carried myself out of bronze with blitz so stfu

Silver 1 in promos. i main zac but i mainly play bard because i fill in ranked.

brah I carried myself out of bronze with Sona, stfu

If you can't carry yourself out then you deserve to be where you are

gl in promos

Phreak is a legit down syndrome faggot
Just like Lyte


still carrying with braum at silver 3, retard

Tyler1 is pure fucking cringe

Draven, plat 1

Is only game, why u hav to be mad?


The sooner they are cleansed from league and this earth the better.

Fuck you, beta cuck

The new taric is infinitely better.

But whotevz, I was probably playing against bronzes and silvers.

We found the beta fage in this thread

>I like NB3 and Dyrus

So what does everyone think of the new champion? I think she's trash

found the reddit scum


ebin tröle




>plays busted champion
>still bronze

That's a nice score and all but nothing to really brag about after looking at the allistar build

Dia3 - Fiora, Gnar, Bard and Udyr.

>If u go to reddit there is a 95% chance I am fucking your mom

>normals bronze elo
>hey guise look at my sick stats brah xD

League of Legends sucks big fat donkey balls.

Stil ltrying to find a fun champ to main but I dont play male champs

Gold 1 atm


there is a reason why you never hear anything about Dota in the West

I don't blame him. It's kind of funny. Back when Darius was a raid boss he carried me to low diamond. My brother who is a dedicated mid laner tried him out and fed often. Some people just suck at change.

>Diamond 2

>I don't play male champs
Nice Asperger's dude

Tyler1 is cool guy and all but dating isn't alpha so he is kinda wrong there

Sitting around 3700MMR because I don't play much.

As to League of China I used to play Singed, Heim, and Swain, that kinda champion.

Edgy male champs make me cringe
Edgy female champs give me a boner

It still takes a considerable effort to be this fabolous, user.
Stop being jelly.

The assburgers are real

Also play Kayle you fucking potato

I only started playing 3ish months ago almost 30

beta cuck detected

Kayle is boring as fuck

Bronze 1 Alistar main

bronze cuz i play the hard champions like Eliza or w/e the spider bitch is called

Slapping the fuck out of people while they try to pull off fancy moves is the funniest shit user.

im level 96 and I main Timbersaw and Oracle

Rengar is dope though. He's not cringe and his visual design is amazing.

>Alistar main

Must be hard hitting those combos if u cant even carry yourself from bronze

I think you mean elise

Knife cat best cat

same here tbh, Sion is the only male champ I play and few other but that motherfucker is an undead juggernaut

My nigga.

How 'bout KotL?

that malph ahahha

Kha'Zhix also has a dope as fuck in game model I remember buying that cunt for 7800 when he was released because I was so hyped for him


Nigga what?
Well it must be a hard champ for a retarded faggot who doesnt even know the champs name he plays

Tower dive. Tower dive. Tower dive.
Seriously, learn how to do that with her and it's a kill every time.

oh wait i just checked im on silver lmao



Yeah, stick to League.