

East guy is ninja who lives in subway tunnels

West guy is a lazy mexican

West is the Asura, or Blind Nigga Samurai

I think it's funny how east is westward and west is on the east side.

That said, at least the West girl can hear and speak.

Sickening Muslim propaganda.

Amen, brother

East is into dominatrix shit
West puts women in their place as sub

Still funny how people get lost in definitions by categorizing and thus creating us vs them mentality.

We're all people here.

What's there to discuss? The image doesn't really have any meaning beyond the head wear in the east, and what the fuck do I care about sandniggers.

Shut up hippie

We are all people. Some of us do scummy things though and that divides us. We are not equal.


Except mudslides, of course

Scorpion vs Kenshi

That's what happens when you cast pearls before swine

Underrated post.

Overanalyzing? nah mate, thats a thing for tumpleb.

>Feelings over facts.

I really hate society.



I haven't cast any pearls, now stop oinking and go to the slaughter.... I mean party house!

There is an "us vs them mentality" because it's an us vs them situation. We may all be people, but Islam is incompatible with Western values, and Europe is currently committing suicide by not seeing this.

Fuck off, hippie.


This is now an Islam hate thread.



christianity is also not compatible with western values, but there is this world view for dummies version of both religions where you only do the nice stuff, ignore the shit and more importantly shut the fuck up about your religion which is totally acceptable

my hero

East is correct. Though I must say if West was correct then we would all be a bunch of hardcore badasses. Like, "I am so goddamned awesome I will rule the world and not even have to see."

>but there is this world view for dummies version of Christianity

Christianity has been secularize, for better and for worse, while Islam still hasn't. Islam isn't just a religion, it's a political and cultural force that invades and uproots opposing values.


everyone can secularize his own world view. most catholics, at least where i live, do not coincide with the vatican in a variety of topics, but they call themselves christian and like to be seen as such.

I like the image OP, where did you find it?


am I the only one being bugged by the fact that east should be right and west should be left? because

You are only looking at symptoms, not root causes



How about just switching the two sections user


It's a barbaric death cult


"Islam is incompatible with western civilization" is a root cause.

if Islam encourages rational thinking, why do they hate jews?
Jews have proven to be the most rational thinking of the religions.


I love how blatantly this is propoganda. It's not actually telling you shit besides "other attractive women are asking about Islam! Why aren't you?"

I will happily finance it, I'll even give tip

"It is prohibited to depict or reproduce animate things, such as people, animals, etc. according to the command of the Messenger ﷺ to a man who drew pictures and sold them for his livelihood. The Messenger ﷺ commanded him to draw landscapes or something similar.
This applies to all cartoons or anime targeted for an audience past the age of puberty."


doesn't count as fasting when you eat during night time




A day of love and happiness and romance is un-Islamic.



You don't need to be Muslim to fast.



Like how he was an abusive pedophile?





>everyone can secularize his own world view.
Correct, but a vast majority of Muslims do not want to, and do wish to see things such as Sharia implemented in the West.




Wat. No it isn't. Westward of what?

Man, this faggot loves himself some Islam.

I sense a butthurt towelhead....


Ow the edge, you listening to crawling in my skin as you posted that?

top zozzle

I'm sure that's what they say as the suicide vest detonates

Oh God, I hear the fucking music







Yes, I like bondage too





The worst part is that the general public is beginning to believe bullshit like this. Islam is winning the culture war, and our leaders welcome their victory.



Support Israel in reconquest. Mission accomplished.

They already liberated Jerusalem. Next up, Bethlehem.


Deus Vult.


More religious muslims and those that attend mosques regularly are more patriotic. Holy shit just destroyed your entire worldview with something you could have found on google in 5 minutes.

They hate Jews because they lost the wars against them since the existence of Israel, they are just butthurt.

Are you surprised?

Why did I lost at this shit?


what did you lose?