GDP of the italian regions compared to foreign countries

...and some idiots here still talk about ''muh no differences''.

No other country in Europe keep such a great internal divide

* GDP per capita, sorry. Not total GDP

whats in the hong kong region?

Marche (literally ''the Markland''), a buffer zone between north, central and southern italian culture (Abruzzo is the first southern region).

Nobody here say ''we're all the same'' economically but as one population under one flag

so south italy is a shithole?

Of course. That's not a meme. No jobs, poor services, siesta mentality, organized crime...
On the other hand, good food, lowcost life, nice people and nice med women.

Your ''italians'' in the USA are 75% from the south so you can perfectly see this too i think

in the usa the south is a nigger filled shithole. but everyone is very conservative and nice. is it like that in italy?

Pretty much this.

The stereotype (i'm from the deep north) of the average southern italian is a dark haired dark eyed fatty ultracatholic guy. But this is obviously a meme and nowadays even the south is ''liberalizing'' even if they're still pretty conservative (ex. about gay marriage, immigrants, etc). They've obviously very low foreigner population... in Lombardy 30% of the population is foreign born, in Calabria only 3%.


t. John Sciannimanico

t. Abu Al-Maghrebi

Just how shit is the south? It can't be that bad right? It's still Italy...


Al-andalusi is the correct

Southerners will scream ''muh 155 years ago northerners raped and conquered us'' but the reality is that there are millenarian differences and firstly the Kingdom and then the Republic weren't able to overcome these deep differences and balance the country with seriosu develomement planning for the south.
Only the fascist regime tried to do something but the war and then de defeat stopped all.


A good example of a terrone

Yeah, because of course Sicily has the same GDP per capita as South Korea. You're the perfect example of how separatist Northern Italians are the most stupid and ignorant.

I fucking hate shitalians.


>new poorland.

fantastic post


Looks pretty equally divided. Those are all developed countries. Now look at Brazil.

This, fuck carcamanos.

what's the flag on the upper right hand side? next to japan

I hate them too now

>equatorial guinea


Why though

Equatorial Guinea is actually rich as fuck because of the oil. It's still a shithole where most of the money is held by the ruling elite though.

>state the size of South Africa has the GDP of Slovenia

Noice. I imagine it's mostly jungle though.

They have double your population tho.

I know an italian who claims northern Italy is more similar to Sweden than Southern Italy. Seems ridiculous to me.


And very sparsely populated. Mostly farms.


HOL up

So you be saying Italian niggers are rich? Cash money rich?


>northern Italians are giant cuckolds
makes sense desu

Calabria is pure shit

T. Vincenzo Esposito ci hanno arrubbato l'oro

southern Italy is objectively better than northern Italy

Brunei sultanate

For human interaction, And Way of thinking yes

also in culture, history, philosophy, and cuisine.

>No other country in Europe keep such a great internal divide
Germany (West vs. East)

But you managed to overcome these differences in 25 years. We didn't in 155

>Sicily = SK

I thought you said that terrone were wastes who don't work?

True. Is there a reason for that? Like is it so hot in southern italy that people can't get any work done?

Is this right? Sicily has the same GDP per capita as South Korea?

Is there a lot of wealth inequality? If the income is either really high or really low then the average could still equal something similar to SK.


Cultural tie. Millenarian cultural influence since roman times. Hyper hedonistic culture enjoyment-centered

Sicily is the supreme shit

What's the last one? Population density?

In the island? A wealthy middle and upper middle class VS tons of lower people

Terrones and work are on the opposite sides of the universe

Just give us north italy and we will make it great again

>Sicilia is less shit that mainland south
veramente mi fa pensare


I live in spain

italy is qt