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Aberdeen here
inverness here
just moved up from edinburgh
theres fuckall to do this far north.
falkirk here
Do people really have a hard time understanding this?
We literally have no fucking idea what these people are saying other than something about bubblin and glean
How does it feel knowing you voted your independence away?
Scots threads always seem dire.
For a while they were booming, but there seems to be a lot less now.
You seem to think being ruled over by Scottish people is independence.
would love to see more amateur scottish girls. post em up.
damn. that body.
Yup, don't believe what they say about Scot girls
That's a solid 9
so where in scotland. insta?
glasgow reporting in
>Yup, don't believe what they say about Scot girls
That they are lonely because their men fuck sheep?
Too many choices
good thing I have two hands a mouth
Its Wales that fucks sheep. And aberdeen, but mainly Wales.
gimme her insta fam
Nah fam
some hot girls in here for sure. who has pics of scot girls with their feet in them. id love to see some hot scottish girl feet!
mon tae fuck m8
Do you have any girls that actually look Scottish?
These are very generic
Your feet wish is granted fella!
Look Scottish?
oh fuck yea thanks! thanks for the hot scottish girl feet!
Scottish girls are generally generic.
We're an ugly people, you're doing well in Scotland if the woman you're porking isn't fat at least.
dont put down scotland like that man.
i live in west end of glasgow and in london as well and honestly the chicks kicking about glasgow are much better than the black/asian/other girls in london.
You the guy who knows Mia?
yeah lol
Mate I'm not saying anywhere in the UK is particularly good. Glasgow women are often just so damn fat, then again nowhere is great for that nowadays.
British lasses really don't take care of themselves, in general.
Don't have any nudes or stories or anything then?
Never enough win on the Scottish threads. Always tends to be birds in their clothing. Less clothes, MOAR TITS!
all that boozing man. i mean sure there are fatties but i wouldnt say they are a majority. maybe im looking back at glasgow with rose tinted glasses.
i pulled her in the orchid i think it was called she was out with a group of friends for someones bday drinks or something. my frinds and i sort of mixed with their group. tried to hook up with her but didnt go so well
Ah, too bad. She's something.
Anyone got something from around D&G? Place is fucking dead, hoping for something good
been roastin the day boys. have a good one
Wherebouts? I'm Banchory
Aberdeenshire reporting in, how's abody dein?
Central Aberdeen
Where abouts?
Seems like the south is as much a wasteland as always
anything from Glasgow or Paisley?
Banff, you?
Central aberdeen
my nigga!
where abouts in falkirk?
At least it's a lot quieter and less jam packed since everyone's poor af
The only good part about Scotland is the women that comes out of that accursed land.
No. Its lovely here. We have castles. And bodies of water. What more can you want.
You need America
USA Welshfag here. Fuck the UK and the EU. Scotland 4 life.
You have like 0 history. Its so bland.
my nigga
Please tell me the history of you land then
Too much to write here. But there is 1000s of years of it. You've got what, 350?
How much of that history involves actually winning wars.
Very little, doesn't make much of a difference on how interesting it can be
cause war is the only thing murica cares about.
fuck off you boaby lovin cunt wagon
Lots of it. Plus, as a yank, asking that question is pretty silly newfriend.
And this is why we have alot of wars, you fucks get trigger over simple shit, we are just the only country to shut you up
Yes, because most of your wars are started by the other side and then you just have to join in.
We have to end it because you pussies cant
C'mon man, your national sport is played in armour
sl here too, im down in rutherglen, have a good night mate
What do you think our national sport is?
American Football, was my guess.
Look up baseball my dude
damn perfect
Fife via Paisley.
Fukken love driving here.
Port Glasgow here ya bunch a wallopers.
any nudes?
I used to live in Cambuslang. Went to trinity high
dude same, i probably know you.
Any smoke to buy in inverness?
Maybe. I'm 24. Left trinity in 08 I think. Used to live near the public park