Which country do you actively hope will succeed?



this, unironically.

gay sport

And japan cause their economy has been sucking hard since the 90s.


Changing my nomination to Guatemala

WTF I love New Zealand now.


It breaks my heart seeing so much suffering in a nation with so much potential.

England / All asian countries except south corea and japan / All african countries.

I am holding back tears, knowing that is what my countrymen think.

That's funny because i was going to say the same about Spain and Portugal. They used to be so great, what happened ? Sad

FUCK! Ignore this... i thought the thread said "What countries you wants to fail?"


Brazil ofc. A positive force in the world.

Peru. I like reading about the Tahiantinsuyo Empire and I hope that if they're successful then maybe Japan will put them into my animes.

And my second choice would be Italy for the same reason. The only good one that I found was a manga called Thermae Romae.

Switzerland, Czech Republic, and Finland.


he is russian. we like to be patriotic outside of our country

Rubber boots? Now I know he is Russian

turkey desu despite all the memes i wish their next future presidents to be much better


Make Canada Okay Again


Fucking Venetians, fucking Turks

This but mine

This honestly. Also I dream of an independent Hong Kong, but it's probably just as likely as Brazil succeeding.

Great Britain, especially after the much maligned Brexit.

I was an Anglophile when I was in High School. I'm mostly over it, but how horribly a country democratically choosing to maintain its own self-determination has been mischaracterised disgusts me.

It would be as bad as the international media pissing on Canada for choosing not to be part of the USA.

this, additionally I hope they'll destroy the Swedish and German menace

It would be nice if we had closer ties to the rest of the Anglosphere like we used to. I don't know about free movement, but relaxing the visas somewhat would be good.

Not Canada


Russia's success comes at the cost of your failure

I wish the Russian people had better living conditions because they all seem nice
But Russia cannot succeed, they are still an evil country, at least as long as Putin is in charge

South America in general. Spain, Italy, China, Japan and central asia.