Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

trundle ez wins


urgot, kassa, shaco

Fizz, riven

I play xin zhao unless banned then I play jarvan cause no fun allowed and I must win, always win.



Look, I love Braum's design and personality as much as the next... but why the fuck aren't you playing Alistar? Your sissy ass shield won't stop me from throat fucking your ADC into oblivion.

I play music while I play.

>inb4 yo dawg

I'm an aggressive sup player. And an ali has never gotten close to my adc because when i do the ol' Q melee beat down. You are a sitting duck and your adc is open. Plus any game I play with him I go S rank.

I do that S+ thing with Jax.

Guess my rank by main

Cassiopeia and Heimerdinger


Prob High Plat - Diamond

fuck I love Zac

until this nigga busts in and pole whips you away from your bitch before skullfucking that adc and your whole team.

The highest I've seen a Zac is diamond.

you saying that is like saying I got a penta with Kat

Guess my rank too

Try me cuckZhao

High gold - low plat?

But did you get the Penta?

but did you get out of bronze 5


Green water people.

Diamond 4

I'm actually trying to get out of that hell. It's taking a while

Is your mom proud?

that game is retarded.

kayle but feel like dropping her, she is dead in a river.

Don't give two fucks about Kench, but Illaoi my go to girl.

I've been play the game since season two. And i have yet to take rank seriously I played four and won them all but i could honestly care less.

Ekko. No, fuck tank Ekko, I play him the way he was meant to be played. AP assassin mid. Guess my rank? :^)

Mained Poppy before rework, now i main Sona.

3.5:1 ranked KDA

I've been playing for a while. I remember playing Annie mid and grabbing Meki pendant as my first item

>plays Cassio

1v1 me scrub

LeBlanc and Zed cuz im a tryhard

I remember those days. When picking lane didn't mean jack fucking shit and you could be any champ you wanted to be.

Nami, Soraka, or Sona. I didn't choose the Healslut life, the Healslut life chose me.

Im a new player, I mean 22 lvl about 60 wins. From the start Ive played with my friends from silver so I learned the hard way since the enemies were obviously much better than me. At this point I know how to avoid feeding my enemy and have got S a couple of times or some epic actions, but I still basically suck. My question is, what champions should I buy next at this point (at least one for every lane pls)? Ive been playing mostly Xin, Jax, Lee Sin, Zed, and Garren so far. Im thinking Xerath since I was having lots od fun with him in the previous rotation, Khazix/Rengar also look fun as hell. Thanks in advance for your advices


It was so easy to rush Deathcap and body the other lane. No effort required.

Ekko, about 250k. Was fun while he was broke af

Ekko is so OP, its like using noobtube in cod. Dont you ever feel bad?

Plat V sprinting hobo.

Choose someone you like and play him. Doesn't matter if he is hard or easy.

Fags talking about League of Lesbians xD

All i thanks is that rito actually broke (again) its tank mode

Yo dawg

Try your best to figure out easy champs so when you move into ranked you have an advantage over the scrub lord bronze players I get stuck with. Chaos with complex skill shots (ie Xerath or Orianna) are really hard to master. I think you'll be well on your way to becoming a challenger player. Good luck!

I don't play him tank, and I blow at the game. No, I don't feel bad. Especially after his two nerfs in the past patches.
>rip stun

Just play. Try out new champs. Allways try weekly rotations, those are great. It will come to you. You can't just look at champ pool and say "This is going to be my main." Your main is more likely going to find you, if you knwo what I mean :>

Ayy my bro!


Ekko was never that broken, tank ekko was actually just good, not broken. But now hes getting fucked anyways so dosent even matter

Guess my rank

Step it up senpai.

Ashe, before rework

Nice quads. And I agree

I finally uninstalled this POS game. The community really is toxic and at least with solo queue, no one knows how to work as a team
>try to carry but get shit on by the enemy team who know how to work together
>at least 1 afk
>at least 1 feeder
>that one emoji faggot who tries to befriend the enemy team to get someone on our team reported
But I mained
>Miss Fortune
This is the only screenshot I have of the game, did horrible in this one (my fault)

Second champ I ever played. This guy's always been strong as fuck, but not strong enough for everybody to hop on and fuck it up for me with nerfs. Also Titanic Hydra was a direct Cho buff.

ayyy i was right


Tank ekko was retarded. He did a shiton of damage while only building abyssal and gauntlet and he has a huge amount of mobility. The whole thing with ekkos kit is yeah you have a lot of mobility but if you get out of position you get punished. With tank ekko he could do whatever he wanted, dive head first in the enemy front line like a retard and not get punished for it. Tank ekko had a lot of strengths without sacrificing much of anything.

Holy shit, how did janna go 15/6/16?

Support main stuck in S3 xD

I probably suck too tho


But I play whatever the champ I feel like playing

yeah, but it's Janna. she does no fucking damage.

eyy more bruam
you build stupid things too


Cmmon guys, guess my rank.

maybe she's good at last hit

All bullshit champs execpt azir I'll say Gold IV

>i will make you beautiful i will make you perfect

Did you not see my talking about the early days of League? There was literally nothing my opponent could do during the state of the game if I was the one with the most damage.

High silver - mid gold

You know those champions who, every time you're matched against them, you groan a bit and say "damn they always style on me that looks strong/fun" then play that shit.
Season 3 I got rekt by Ahri's. I liked the Kitey mindset (pre Q speedup change). Post that it got even more fun, 3 flashes during ult, a true damage orb and a spell that makes them walk at my team - HELL YEAH! So I went and played some, she's pretty fun

Point is, you'll probably play against things that are strong and look like the playstyle you want to have. Go play those

Evidently. the opposing team should still be ashamed of themselves.

is he still like that or has he changed, might make me reinstall if he hasn't changed

do you feel like Sona is secret op pick atm?

I swear Im not being typical

>zed's free week

>Zed is f2p
>Yasuo is on sale
God fucking help me from these mid tryhards

janna is a S1. The other team was mostly newly lv 30 accounts. Plus Shen, Sion, and I took all the hits while Janna last hit

Thats solid, I always curse Fizz, Yasuo, Ekko, Vayne, Blitzcrank and Volibear. They always rip us in pieces. Maybe will get Voli/Yasuo now.
Thanks for all the replies

shit game

Not sure about secret OP pick, she's got mana issues early, and she'll always be squishy. But it's fucking funny when you've built Swifty boots, ludens, and lichbane, the enemy mid thinks they've got an easy pick, and you just engage at mach 3 and burst them down in one ult and powerchord rotation.

Silver 3. Never play rankeds tho,just the placements

Not shitposting

Guess my rank

Nice try

Definitely a really easy support to play well and may seem broken when you play well

Your thoughts?



>Playing LoL in anything different then English
fucking casual