I'm so glad this shitlord apologised. Finally the game of AFL is a safe space for the vulnerable again

I'm so glad this shitlord apologised. Finally the game of AFL is a safe space for the vulnerable again.

>actually had to apologise
just end us already

>Defending Eddie "Bogan" McGuire about anything
He's just gonna do it again anyway. He's a fucken yob.

ManWithNoName got BTFO by Clem Ford and her feminist buddies.

Where does he go from here?

War of the Worlds lads and I missed out on a front row seat

Clemmo telling Straffo to learn how to read must have brought on a Vietnam moment during his years of needing an aide in the classroom

Typically I think Eddie's a fuck wit, but I was on his side on this one. It was just boys being boys and if women want equality, they must learn to live with the jokes and banter that comes with the territory.

Political Correctness has won again. And that's not a good thing.

>Clemmo telling Straffo to learn how to read must have brought on a Vietnam moment during his years of needing an aide in the classroom
Legitimately laughed. Well done.


>if women want equality
They don't want equality, they want the power that men have without responsibility or burden. Gil is so fucking lucky that he's getting that gook money influx from Poort because if not the way he's running this league into the fucking ground it'll be dead inside of 15-20 years. Spineless pandering fuck.

It's becoming a thing sadly PC bullshit is entering sport big time like the whole don't blush baby saga . I agree it was a bit of banter however eddies checkered history does make him a easy target. Even holden is threatening to withdraw sponsorship from collingwood over this

When did feminists start RUNNING this country?

>Even holden is threatening to withdraw sponsorship from collingwood over this

Why? Feminists don't give a fuck what brand of car you drive it's ridiculous at this point that CORPORATIONS are scared of 10-15 landwhales screaming and stamping their hooves on twitter/tumblr. What the fuck happened to society.

>They don't want equality, they want the power that men have without responsibility or burden

How would that even work? I hate to ask rhetorical questions but are women really that stupid?

Actually I should say "feminists"

There's nothing wrong with traditional liberal feminism as an ideal of equality. But the contemporary version has been bastardised. As someone else said, the movement is no longer about equality.

When people started actually thinking women's opinions mattered.

Around the same time they started listening to melbourne

For instance the other day a bill passed the USsenate (Obongo will just veto it tho) stipulating that women would be required to register for the draft

Women want the same pay and things like that which men have, but aren't interested in the burdens, and if you try to slap those on two you're a "sexist"

I don't browse Sup Forums, but the other day there was a thread just with the twitter reactions of all the feminists. Shit was gold

Instead of women banding together and putting forward a case to get what they want, they scream and moan to the MEN in charge to give them what they want because they don't want to work for it themselves. Like a child screaming for more ice-cream because her brother got a bigger serving.

actually, found them

shit is comedy

That's business really to wash your hands of any bad press. I blame social media all it takes is a few feminazis shilling their bullshit to damage a reputable company

Yeah I feel you but it's a shame that businesses take the screechings of these harpies seriously like they actually represent a majority of the population.

I totally agree unfortunately that's where this society is heading big time . Sports and politics don't work South Africa is a perfect example of this

Hahaha, I've only read the OP's in both and I'm having a chuckle.

Fuck this shit time to go innawoods.

See this shit's me, I come here to debate cunts on this issue and everyone just agrees with me or is on the same page.

This is literally the first time I've considered signing up for reddit, purely so I can stir shit and troll the fuck out of SJW cunts.

If I could figure out Reddit's shithouse fucking interface, I probably would.

even reddit wont argue with you that much. What you need to remember, is that SJWs are essentially a vocal minority who have hijacked social media and given them selves a disproportionate weight of opinion

Genuinely interested what awful thing happened to you in your life to make you a male sjw ?

They're waking up.
The fire rises.

honestly, the only place I can think of where you could find people who will argue on this is the comments section of mamamia.com.au


From what I can tell from real life examples, it's being raised by a single mother or having an extreme disassociation with the father

A trait also associated with a higher likelihood of being incarcerated

>dat link

Why'd you have to ruin my Tuesday senpai

It's not a joke, he legitimately is mentally handicapped.

leaving headline
>"The moving new way Australians are showing their support for refugees."



I've been awake for a while, but i'm just getting fed up now.

"Sexism" and "Racism" are nothing but buzzwords now.

I feel the same way about this shit as I did with that whole Adam Goodes saga.

When will it end?

Kek went from hot to Melissa McCarthy what a loss

>t. white male

T. City of melbourne

Yeah no shit dumbass.


When did Chief on BigFooty become such a cuck?

>getting jailed for FB rape banter

What the fuck is happening to us Australia, even we introduced a cyber bullying bill for fuck's sakes

Pls don't continue with this meme because the retard courts in NZ WILL copy everything you do

m8 just look at alimony. A woman can leave her husband and still feel entitled to the same lifestyle she had while married, and the courts support this. As if leaving a marriage comes with no opportunity cost.

women actually have equality now
hence why nobody wants to marry them anymore

Fuck off Xtreme, I'm tired of your shit. Baiting cunt.


Not sure if you're aware but Sup Forums is anonymous posting.

Who the fuck is this guy and why is there a post about him on my board?

Nigga what?

>my board

nigga japan didnt win the war

Don't fucking reply to me ever again @ 68754295

>using my meme

get out

Eddie is a massive fuckwit, but what he said was piss funny.

No he isn't, he is just misunderstood.

He's an egomanic....

You're just mad because he is rich and you are poor

this is fucking classic, Straffo on red-pilled, mgtow watch

I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.....

Why would you wank to that?

My, how the use of the term bogan has evolved.

Just say "white Australian" and be done with it.

In a battle of wits he'd wipe the floor with you.

And no woman will ever get to smell them

Fuck off, i take Veronica to flavourtown every other day.....

reminder that without feminism we wouldn't have based Navy Nina.



piss off Dankush

I brought this up at family dinner tonight expecting a fight with my cousin and uncle, instead they completely agreed that caroline is a cunt and we'd be better off if she drowned. Then my dumbfuck aunt made it about violence againt women, but my female cousin told her to shut the fuck up and blasted her with with MRA violence stats. i was pleasantly surprised.

Jesus Christ what the fuck is that thing?

>...and blasted her with with MRA violence stats


I'm guessing being an /afl/ casual and an out & out homo is a redundancy. You'd probably be happier over on nrlel where on-field anal fingering is appreciated.

it never happened, that's all you need to know. Surprised he didn't add in about the standing ovation.

Men are murdered twice as often as women, are victims of assault/battery 4 times as much as women etc. The dumb aunt was going on about how violence against women is a massive issue here and that. what esdie said perpetuated it, my cousin was having none of it, saying the real problem is media lies and bullshit statistics.


On suicide watch

Righty-o champ. Thanks for the top notch advice. I'll be on my way.

I bet you virgins have never even been rimmed or had your asshole fingered.

Once you reach adulthood, you'll learn it's the Holy Grail.

Aussies BTFO in their own sport (shitposting) by feminists
what a day


feminists are the ultimate shitposters m8

Reminder that you can't rain on my parade.

me on the right

I wouldnt be talking about getting BTFO mate, i saw the copa videos.....you cunts couldnt win a fight at special school nerve gas firework night....

me in the centre

u wot

me on the left

I can get behind this meme.

Nothing gay about a bit on anal stimulation m8.

what happened?

If your brawling is within cooee of Aussie dusting I'll give 7 million THOUSAND dollars to the unknown soldier's mother

Who cares what he thinks about Good Ba Ba?

Now I like pubes on girls, never put much effort beyond trimming to my own gear. Do young'uns actually do this to impress a chick these days?

good post

Taking a dick in the ass is infinitely less painful than dealing with women m8



me taking the picture

>that disgusting mutilated "cock" on the white "man"

I was talking about shoving my finger up my own arse or an object of similar girth. I shoot cum about 4 feet in the air with that kind of prostate stimulation.

But whatever gets you off, homo.

With a single mother you're likely to end up either very anti sjw or full blown cuck. Either way single mothers produce retards 100% of the time.

he isn't even hard you fucking retard.

Yeah but dude, seriously. Even when my cock is 1/8th erect it's bigger than that peanut.


This thread seems to have gotten outta hand.....

Why are so many /nrl/ posters in this /afl/ thread?

I didn't say anything about his size, just that he's got a disgusting mutilated "cock" (or "circumcision" for those of you in damage control mode) and the visible scar is absolutely vomit inducing.

Go back to your jordan thread faggot