Share the best racist jokes you have

share the best racist jokes you have
pic not relateding
>Whats the difference between a jew and a boyscout?
>the boyscout return come from back the of camp

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>>the boyscout return come from back the of camp



What's the difference between OP and a faggot?

Not a god damn thing

>Whats the difference between a jew and a boyscout?
>the boyscout return come from back the of camp

>the boyscout return come from back the of camp

Nice try bud, don't ride the dick of the alcohol guy

A jew runs into the wall with a boner, what hits the wall first?

the jew return come from back the of camp

Has anyone ever been so far as decided return come from back the of camp?

>the boyscout return come from back the of camp


>>the boyscout return come from back the of camp

Just forced my sister to fuck me, and I got it on vid, Sup Forums:

>from camp back come boyscout

you blew it

Op is a fag


The boyscouts come home from camp


>why are jews' noses so big?
>because air is free

did you know a jew invented copper wiring?
two jews faught over a penny and a third jew sold the result.

>come from back the of camp

>the boyscout return come from back the of camp
someone fucking save cap this shit please LMAO
>sides in orbit

Why do niggers have big nostrils?

Because god hung them on hooks when he was painting them

> Knock Knock
> Who's there?
> user
> user, Who?
> its the police, Mam. Your son was killed by a hit and run driver he was an Alcohol

What's the difference between a black dude with a job and an white executive?
>the color of their skin

what do you all a black man in space?

an astronaut

What's dark and fast and goes "Hodedo, hodedo!"?

A black guy running for the elevator.

mild kek

If I had a nickel for every time I said something racist some nigger would have already robbed me.

Why did the negroid go to prison?

Because the jew return come from back of camp


>what separates people from animals?

>The Mediterranean

Why did the come back from the nigger?
>he was camp

great joke so heres a chicken gif

> A monkey and a black guy walk into a bar
>The bartender says we don't serve your kind here
>The monkey starts to walk out of the bar
>The bartender says no I was talking to the nigger

How many taco benders does it take to maintain my yard?

The jew return come from back of camp

What's the hardest part of breaking up with my nip nap jip jap girlfriend?
Dropping the bomb twice


> a priest and a boy scout go into the woods
>the boyscout return come from back the of camp

A priest a rabbi and a nigger return come from back the of camp
Nigger and priest kill the dirty jew. Priest gets aquitted, nigger gets the death penalty.

> a nigger finds a magic lamp
> nigger sees genie and makes 3 wishes
> first wish $1,000,000
>2ND wish be white
>3rd wish never work again, makes nigger again

why are there no black vampires?
No one wants to see a black live eternally and eventually come from back the of camp