ITT albums that are >fun to listen to

ITT albums that are >fun to listen to.

No highly intellectual or experimental innovative bullshit. Just normal catchy stuff.

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Definition of what you're talking about

The first release with 「Exclusive Coupé」 as the first kicker song instead of as the closing song was better tho IMHO.
The full vol1 is still fuckken excellent funtimes and with more songs tho.


>young thug
>not highly intellectual, experimental or innovative

unironically, and all memes aside, this album is the definition of fun

finally someone gets it

>i thought this would be boring dream theater type stuff for the longest time

& pretty much the rest of pc music

I don't see how anyone can listen to this album without laughing along every now and then

came here to post this desu


too scared that if I laugh the stick will shoot right out my bum



if you don't think intellectual music is fun to listen to, you should do the world a favor and not reproduce. we don't need more niggers and idiots in the world

Why you gotta turn a fun thread lame

For the attention, stop that

All music is stupid and if you get any pleasure from any of it you are not an intellectual.

>no trader joes toilet paper-core itt


things niggers say



he's making a joke that mane people have a stick up their ass when they listen to it

You do realise that intellect, experimentation, and innovation aren't actually mutually exclusive with fun, right?

>no highly intellectual
you start









Honestly Redmatador gives me a fun listening




Some of the tracks might be considered a little dark to be fun and there's one really mellow downtempo song; the party tracks on this fucking slap though


eh, both of those are boring. they sound stodgy and in general just bad
both artists made really fun songs though
>Hash Pipe


>the party tracks on this fucking slap though
>fucking slap



mac demarco salad days (i just found him) and my life is complete

I wouldn't say the rest of PC. Sophie and Hannah Diamond pretty much bogart all of the good songs, and Sophie isn't even a part of PCM.

it's not clear whether you're implying they don't or trying to make fun of that expression

What album is that shoot the president song from?

An underrated Rustie release


Mac Demarco - Salad Days


Salad Days by Mac DeMarco




oh fuck, didn't see it lad

There are some feels on Channel Orange tho

haha, agreed


Probably the only album about the inevitable destruction of the human race that I would call fun.

Highly recommend this album to anyone into punk and indie rock

Their first one's pretty good too

Also this & LCD Soundsystem are loads of fun


>highly intellectual
Like? Only highly intellectual music as far as I know is classical. All the other bullshit are just pretentious teens