Can we get a feels thread?

can we get a feels thread?

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I feel good, dundundnununuu

My feelfire doesn't need any more stoking.


When I try to think about what the happiest moment of my life is, nothing comes up.

When I try to think about times in my life where I've been happy, I don't find anything.

This doesn't make me sad, this doesn't make me feel anything.

It seems like I've been happy before, but maybe I never really accepted any definition of what happiness is, and therefore am not able to identify it.

Maybe I actually haven't been happy in my whole life.

Maybe the times I've been happy were just unremarkable.

Maybe I've experienced the feeling people associate with happiness, but don't think that it lives up to what people seem to suggest happiness is.

Cry more bitches

If I were to write an autobiography, I'm not sure if I'd be able to identify what feelings I felt during those events, it doesn't seem like I'd remember how I felt.

no u





I have a story to tell if anyone is interested..

Go on


I'm interested

You're all fugoots.

Man the fuck up. Put up with your shit and handle it. No one else will do it for you.

i bet this feels nice


>Man the fuck up. Put up with your shit and handle it. No one else will do it for you.
Who says I'm not putting up with my shit?

Who says I'm not handling my shit?

Who's implying I'm implying I want someone to handle my shit for me?

People in post-industrial societies are very fortunate have things like pillows compared to other peoples around the world.

I'm in my 30's and I think I'm finally getting close to becoming an hero. I'm not really sad about anything, I'm just fucking sick of everything.

feelings are feels

Exercise helps a majority of people.

Therapy seems to help, also.

If exercise and therapy don't help, drugs often help.
Some people have chemical imbalances that if weren't there, would leave them emotionally relatively normal. These people tend to benefit from drugs.

Drugs, be it marijuana, or some other drugs prescribed by psychiatrists.

are you telling the story or not faggot

might've posted this the other day
am still confused about her

>meet girl online
>text for a month back n forth
>decide to meet up
>very pretty girl
>same kind of humor
>spends 3 days at my house
>we have a lot of fun, go to the movies, friends party, sex
>continue to meet up for the next 5 months
>just before christmas tells me she cant do it anymore
>gets back together with her ex
>3 months pass without any form of contact
>slowly start texting again
>i get "i've missed you in my life" messages
>last week
>some more of those kind of texts
>ask her if she'*s happy
>she says overall yes

that was about 2 months ago
during those she texted me more of those "i've missed stuff with you" texts

yesterday and the day before that we were discussing that matte because i'm fed up with having to deal with it

she told me that
>she thinks about us whenever her relationship is at some negative point
>she misses the sex we had, the feeling i gave her

told her that she was still insecure, that she was using me as a safe haven
she agreed, yet always took the chance to tell me over and over that she "made the right decision" and "just has to life with her choice"

while it's clear she's all like "no idea what i want", she still thinks about me even after 6 months
and i still don't really know why she chose her ex, instead of me, if she is still thinking about me a lot

During the thinking previously mentioned, something seemed to come up, but it wasn't happiness I felt while thinking about it, I'm not sure if I felt any emotion while thinking about it.

I'm not sure if I felt any emotions during that day.

One of the friend's I've had and maintained a relationship with for the longest (OG friend). He invited me to a picnic. This was a few years ago. At this picnic were friends I've made through my better friends (4 males), and OG friend's girlfriend (OGG) invited 2 friends of hers, which were female, and whom (did I use whom right?) I didn't know. There was also this blond female I didn't know.
We hung out, there were snacks, and there were board games. I was asked to bring my guitar, which I did.
2 of the male friends made a comment along the lines of I make them feel about their skill because I'm so skilled, another friend said he felt the same way, and he told me that I make people feel bad about their skills because I'm so skilled. I didn't know how to respond to that.
Later on, I find out that the 2 females are a little reclusive, before they leave. I had some similar interests with those 2.
Later on, the group got smaller, and it was eventually a friend of mine, who was a newer member to the original group, but a good friend of the group, the blond female, and I.
I seemed to share more similarities with that female that I have with anyone I've met and believed to know.
Eventually, the two of us were alone, we had awkward conversation, and we walked to a bus stop, where I would leave on a bus.
We converse about whether we are going to hug, or shake hands. I think I heard her mumble "or a kiss" but I didn't acknowledge it. I put the responsibility on her to chose between a hand shake or a hug, and she chose to hug me as the bus pulled up.
I didn't ask for her number.

I hate weed. It makes me paranoid. I have a Xanax prescription and I recently started kratom. I'm also a long time alcohol.

A girlfriend-boyfriend relationship I was in ended, and I only ever fucked around after that, mainly with one female.

someone post the half life 2 dead friend greentext

Samantha, to this very day i remember your captivating eyes and smile, that look you would give me from across the room that would spill every feeling of happiness i can imagine into my heart, and beyond that, the embrace we shared everyday, the talks we had throughout the night, and your personality that could light up the darkest abyss of sadness. i was truly happy with you, hell, i was beyond happy, i became numb to life's everlasting hardships, i was invincible. but life became so much for both of us that talking became a distant memory, we were each so tired at the end of the day that we couldn't find the strength to stay awake together. we drifted apart. life effectively shoved a wedge between us. and my life's biggest fuckup was not realizing it soon enough and just telling you how much you really meant to me. even today, 5 years since i last saw your flowing red hair and celestial green eyes, i find myself dreaming of you, thinking of you, and hopelessly grasping at every attempt to remember your smile, your scent, anything about you. i can't bear trying to revive our feelings for each other, we have changed so much after being so far apart. i doubt you would like me now. so whats the point? i'll still be here though, going through life as i would before, but i'll be waiting, for someday, if you were to come back, i might be able to feel true happiness again. please come back, give me that one chance to right my wrong. i miss you more than words can describe. just a chance to see that smile again would make me a new man. i love you
Sam, i really do. and even though i may be a distant memory to you, just know that i never forgot, and i never will. you were my glistening, red haired, nerdy, goddess, and you are my one and only. until that day comes. i will be waiting.

just throwing that out there. had to get it off my chest before is eats away at me any more.

How are you gonna be an hero?

I eventually stopped pursuing sex and relationships as I got my life together, and I've had also quit drugs for a while before the picnic day.
My friends would ask me why I don't have a girlfriend, and I would respond with something along the lines of I don't care if I have or don't have one. I didn't seem to care, I don't think I cared.

I don't have enough information to come to any conclusions I believe would be true, but it seems that it was possible that OGG's friends were invited specifically because I was invited. It seemed like those two females where what my friends believed could be people I was interested in having a romantic relationship with. What my friends seemed to believe, and what I actually believed I'd prefer to be a girlfriend were far off, and different friends had different opinions on what they believed I liked, or would like.
Similar thing wit the blond girl.

Upon leaving, I thought I'd see the girls again, as I tend to see people from the social group more often after having first met them while with the group.

I thought OGG's friends would be good additions to people I'd consider friends.
I thought the blond would make a very good friend.

I never saw them again. I saw OGG's two friends on the bus one time, while I was running an errand with someone, but I wasn't sure if it was them, I have trouble recognizing people, seemingly more than the average person. They were having a conversation they seemed to like, and I decided not to speak to them. I never saw them again.

I may have believed that I regretted not asking the blond for her number, but I don't know.

At the time I believed I wasn't interested in relationships or sex, maybe I wasn't.

I don't know if I felt anything about that.

I don't know if I have emotional connections to those events.

I don't know if I currently feel anything about them.

I don't know if today, I'd prefer to have pursued further interaction with those people.

Good one, user. Glad you let out your Phillings

I have a loaded .357 right here. It would be pretty easy tbh.

> chemical imbalances

are people still perpetuating this may-may?

Based on my current knowledge and current utilization of it, maybe I would have preferred that I created and maintained relations with them, but I don't know.

I've recently made some new relationships, I guess it's not so bad. I guess I'd prefer to have these relationships over not having them.
If this applies, maybe I'd prefer to have had relationships with the people I met that day.

I don't think I feel anything while typing this, though.

I'm still not pursuing romantic relationships, and I don't pursue possible friendships very far.

Maybe I'd enjoy life more if I did pursue more friendships, but honestly, I think life is enough.

Maybe my subconscious shields emotions from me, so I'm not hurt by feelings of sadness through regret or something.

If I was approached for an intimate relationship with someone (I'm heterosexual, so by a female), which includes what people would typically associate with westernized intimate relationships, I don't know if I'd accept. Maybe in the past, I liked to think I wouldn't accept.
If it's someone that would happen to be a good friend, perhaps, this would increase the chances of me accepting, but I still don't know if I'd accept.

I do know, however, I value other things and goals very highly, and anything about personal relationships don't really seem to come close to those things.

If all of my friends died, I don't know if I'd feel sadness.

Maybe the hard times throughout my life have hardened me, made me emotionally shallow.
Maybe they just made it so It takes a lot more for me to be able to form deeper emotional connections with people, but the possibility is still within me, somewhere.

Maybe I was born shallow, and life has made more shallow, less emotional.

What is seemingly a constant in my life is a peace of mind, a post-meditative state, a state of nothingness, peace.
But there are things in between the peace, maybe these things include emotions, but I can't identify them.

I was in that other thread, and everyone was telling you to give up, but I think you should probably pursue it

Ask her some more confronting questions about why she's still with him, and that you still care about her

all she answers is that it was the "rational decision, the best she could make for what society, her friends and family want"

I'm not a big fan of weed, either, but I'm also generally not a big fan of drugs, anymore, anyway.

Maybe the long term alcohol is contributing to you wanting to kill yourself, and if you were to end alcohol, you wouldn't be sick of shit, and you would enjoy life.
Maybe not.

I don't know, man.

I don't know why I felt compelled to post this on Sup Forums, and I still don't think I'm feeling anything about it.

What about you does her family and 'society' not like?

Are you stable (job, no-drugs, non-aggressive, etc.)

I think you're sociopath... maybe

His posts make up half the thread...


You cold do nothing, try to move on with your life.
Maybe you manage to move on, maybe you don't.
Maybe you do move on, and you find something good, better than if you were to have pursued her.

Let's say you pursue her, do you think the negative possible endings are worth the positive possible endings?
Think about it, calculate.


>but you still haven't done it

Okay, lets do this
Nothing comes up ma mind to fill this.

no drugs, job is there
gues the thing thats mattering her is that i'm not looking to study anytime soon

would be the better thing in the end yea

Does anybody else ever feel like their in a group, but never part of it? Like you have a group of "friends" but if you weren't there it wouldn't be a problem?

I've quit drinking and every time I just remember why I did it constantly to begin with. I've just never succeeded at anything. I'm not a NEET, I'm totally self-sufficient, but I'll never have much money or anything. Basically life to me is kind of like a video game that you have to install 200 mods for before it becomes playable. At some point it's just more trouble than it's worth.

Definitely. Nice trips, though. If your friends saw those they wouldn't take you for granted like they do now.

I don't think I'm a sociopath. Maybe I have Asperger's but am extremely high functioning.

When I was a child, I believe I felt things. Sadness, anger, happiness, but my brain was primitive, underdeveloped, and a lot of things have happened since then.

Maybe if my life was different, I'd feel things more strongly, I'd be more sure of if I was actually feeling something.

I was born neurobiological different, I believe, evident by my behavior when I was a wee young lad, but tis not just nature that contributes to who I am, but also nurture.

I have morals, I try to do what seems to be what I believe is right, I refrain from doing what I believe is wrong.

I fail to meet the diagnostic criteria for psychopathy, as well as ASPD in the DSM_5, it's still mostly the same criteria, to be honest.

I'm the disposable one

>tfw white woman
>tfw my own men are afraid to approach me
>tfw have to resort to BBC

Any feels post that ends in "See ya around space cowboy"

bush did nine eleven

Reverse Image Search Exists...

>I've quit drinking and every time I just remember why I did it constantly to begin with.
I find that humorous, but that also seems kind of sad.

>Basically life to me is kind of like a video game that you have to install 200 mods for before it becomes playable. At some point it's just more trouble than it's worth.
I also find that funny, but I understand.
But when it's the only thing you have, maybe it is worth it.
Maybe that's how I like to think about it.

Maybe it's just a habit of yours, thinking this way about life, valuing these things this way.

I'm not going to try to change you, though, if you don't want me to.

But, I do enjoy thinking about your posts.


but seriously, black men are just superior in every way

except civilization

they were kangz n sheit u idiot

remember those pyramids? yea, black people built those

So does real pussy,get some

It makes me terribly sad that if some day I have children (which is unlikely, but I like to think I will), I won't have any stories to tell them of my youth.

"Yeah kids, I spent all my youth in my room behind a computer screen."

I just want someone to kiss and cuddle and do stuff with.

Simply don't have kids. That choice alone will save you about $20,000.

user, I don't live a particularly wild life either. I either play video games, play my instruments, or go outside and skate around. I probably won't be able to provide stories, but I'd be able to keep my instruments, skateboard/inline skates, etc and show them how it's done. Perhaps a physical item that serves some functional use or particularly neat item otherwise can be used to captivate them, as opposed to just being a story that is told. Do you have something of that nature?

Maybe I'm just such a special snowflake that I can't be categorized.

>I refrain from doing what I believe is wrong
Well, sometimes.
I've done things I believed was wrong, or have done things without attaching moral value to later do so and find that what I did was wrong.

Well, depending on the definitions of right and wrong.

In the end, is there any absolute right and or wrong?

Is it subjective?

Is it circumstantial?

Maybe everything just is. Maybe it isn't.

Anything is possible, but it's also possible that anything isn't possible.

Maybe everything isn't.

If things are, maybe that is the only truth.

>Be me
>Someone threatens to kill me
>mfw I'm genuinely hoping they do.

Anyone got that classic picture of a guy living his life day to day while thinking "my life will start tomorrow" and it ends with him on his deathbed realizing this was the life he had lived.
Its from an anime.

I don't, sadly. I literally spent my entire childhood behind my computer screen. Started hanging out with friends this year and the craziest thing that happened yet is we got pulled over and cop found weed, we got handcuffed but he then let us go. Still stuff I don't think is worth telling.

Please, for the love of god, educate yourself before you have kids, so you can raise them right.

Neuroplasticity, research it.

Psychology, at least go through psych 101 at the very least.
Psychology relating to raising children, read fucking books about it.

Philosophy is also nice to have.

Raise them to be intelligent.
Raise them to be knowledgeable.
Raise them to be able to do what they will want to do in the future.
With enough knowledge and intelligence, you can do anything, no matter who you are.

Children are endless bags of potential, don't ruin it by being a shit parent. Average American parents are shit, there are worse parents, but there needs to be a higher standard.
Well, how shit parents are might've changed from when I last checked, but average is still shit.
Above-average is shit.

You can be a good parent.
Apply yourself.

Don't be a shit parent.

Childhood and teenage years*

Everyone i met in the past 5 years either abandoned me, double crossed me or died. But guess what? Fuck'em

>I don't, sadly. I literally spent my entire childhood behind my computer screen.
There's a lot to be learned from a computer screen.
You experienced something, while there, anything is worth sharing. Without anything, there'd be nothing, and that'd be kind of boring, unless there was something, like a mind, you, perhaps, perceiving it.

>Started hanging out with friends this year and the craziest thing that happened yet is we got pulled over and cop found weed, we got handcuffed but he then let us go.
That's worth telling.

>Still stuff I don't think is worth telling
You could mention that part, too.

I like to think I would be a good parent. I have a little sister who's 11 who I helped my single mother raise basically, as she was at work all the time. She's really smart, energetic, fit, has lots of friends, and is happy. Despite my endless crippling depression, I'm always good vibes around her.


It's always possible to be a better parent, user.
And, the chances are extremely high that you will learn something new that will help you become a better and more knowledgeable and understanding parent if you were to educate yourself in neurodevelopment of humans, psychology, psychology pertaining to children, and psychology pertaining to raising children.

hope this thread doesn't 404 I have a greentext to add might take a while, bumping for now

Fuck you for being optimistic. Thanks.

~random lurker

Same user here that originally asked.

You know, while it might sound shitty, you can concentrate on how you feel about this. I doubt that there will be a global movement away from computational technologies any time soon. You'll be qualified to tell your children of what it does and how it makes you feel, won't you? At least you'd be able to know it firsthand and try to lead their lives so they aren't so inclined to live that life, right?


This site has helped me through so much, which is a weird thing to say... But it just cant help me anymore. Good bye anons.

>be me, lonely fucking neckbeard faggot.
>living with parents, but it's okay because we're out of country
>American, living outside on visa.
>Meet qt3.14159
>fall in love, get married, have kid.
>she gets post partum bad.
>Stops cleaning house, stops doing anything
>I'm working 10-12 hour days just to get by
>she lets baby sleep in his own shit while I'm at work, on computer sitting on her ass
>come home daily to the smell of shit, the sound of screaming, have to bathe baby because she's a cunt
>keeps going like this
>we get arrested after cops are called by homeownersassociation over our lawn.
>Charged with child abuse
>Baby's room is a bombshell, I'm always too tired, work 14 hours that day, sleep in jail, idgaf.


Cya fag

Cant tell if you're insulting me or actually telling him bye. Thats why I liked this place.

I dont like where this is going

>called u a fag

NAh bro im totally not insulting you

>get out of jail on bond, tell her I will fucking smash her face in if this happens again.
>weeks go by
>it starts happening again. baby is literally bleeding from ass cheeks with diaper rash
>I slap that hoe the fuck out.
>go to jail again, 3 weeks in the slammer, she says I didn't do it, get charges dropped, she leaves anyway, steals kid, courts side with her, obviously.
>I'm alone, back with parents, living with them, sleeping on couch.
>start talking to suicide girl friend, from waaay back when I was 13 or 14, her relationship is shit, needs a change wants me to move out with her
>Move across the country for her
>things are good
>she cheats on me
>She leaves, I move again back with parents this time in differnt place
>Meet another girl
>She loves me for 2 years
>decides it's not working out
>My abandonment issues from being adopted, being discarded in school by teachers, being abandoned by everyone too much
>PTSD nightmares from war too much, was in Afganistan 2007-2011
>can't sleep alone.
>can't forget her face.
>her sillohet is still on bed
>I am drunk
>I want to die


You're new aren't you?

You can tell them about what computers and the internet was like before they were born, and how things have changed.

How there used to be these things called walk mans.
How 8-bit was a thing.
About Sup Forums an muh anonymous activism or what ever the fuck.
How there were these things called game boys and Nintendo DS.
The original Xbox.
The original Play Station.
How primitive Call of Duty Modern Warefare is compared to whatever is next.
My little pony.
Fluffy abuse.
Rick and Morty.
Adventure Time.
The 2000s fashion.
When dubstep became popular.
Your headphones now that will be primitive in the near future.


too drunk to make this interesting, I just wanna die.
This is all I got
There's tons of back story... suffice to say because I was an "outsider" the judge called me, that I couldn't fight for my rights to my son the next two women used me for money or whatever
my PTSD from Iraq/afganistan was too much. Always blank faced, smiled but it's weak, can't afford to feel. Spend a lot of time and money on therapy. Can't get over shit.
Drunk constantly.
No one understands and that's fine, how could they, no one cares either but that's what's fucked up. no one wants to reach out and touch a broken hearted man.