Sup Forums how the fuck do I get a girlfriend? I'm sick of being alone and I'm sick of being a virgin

Sup Forums how the fuck do I get a girlfriend? I'm sick of being alone and I'm sick of being a virgin.

All my life girls turn me down constantly. I can say something as simple "Hi how are you doing beautiful?" and they will act like I'm trying to abduct them and rape them. Its so fucking unfair, I may not be in the best shape I'll be honest but I'm not that bad looking. Above all else I'm probably a much more decent guy then half of these dumb whores have ever dated if they would just give me chance.

Girls expect you to be able to lift 100 pounds, have tons of cash and a nice car before they consider fucking you and being your girlfriend while all they have to do is spread their legs.

I hate this shit so much I just want a girl that will treat me with love and help me know what it feels like to be inside a woman. Do any of my Sup Forumsrothers have any advice for me please?

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Post a pic of yourself

stop being an emotional faggot

work on yourself

improve every day

women will come to you

women want a man not another woman.


sex is overrated anyway

Quit fucking crying about it and actually do something. The difference between many beta-autists and you is that they're trying.

Be the person they want to be with. DON'T come at them with this narcissistic attitude

OP treat women the same way as guys but just be polite

Just give up man, love is a lie.

1) Quit being such a whiney bitch
2) Do something with your life and women will come to you
3) seriously just man the fuck up

maybe its because you call them dumb whores and think you're better than other guys.

Here is something recent I took in my dorm like I said I'm a bit out of shape but not that bad looking compared to most.

this user gets it

all you have to do is learn to have a conversation lmao. ask them about them. dont open up with "HEY BEAUTIFUL FULOOLFOLLOLOLOL HWOUGH R U" just fucking talk and be interested

and another. sorry about the lighting my phone is shit.

Gonna need sauce on that webm bruh

U better be joking cuz u ugly as fuck

you sound like that type that is your own greatest enemy and will end up shooting people at a school cause you're too dumb to realize what's wrong.

OP sounds like elliot rodger

>actually believing women need all that shit you listed.

Try not being a sexist, autistic idiot. Seems to work for most people.

erica viera

commenting for potential elliot rodger situation.

Nigga the only lighting that will help is no light at all

Have some fucking confidence, talk to women as openly as you would talk to your guy friends and listen to what they have to say. also shower.

sure is hot outside

I can tell you.

Internalize it, live it, act it until you are.

I'm naturally alpha, so, when I stumbled up it, the stuff seemed like "well, duh" but a lot of it I didn't know. Like certain shit testing, emotional testing (i.e. comfort testing), best way to hold friend, how to respond to shit tests.

I.e. you gotta be an asshole (who looks decent, is fit, and at least comes off as smart, and dress decent).

For real, though? Cringe as fuck.

...frame.... my bad.

Also, if people don't think you're alpha, either pass their shit tests or cut them out. If people knew you when you were beta, either they realize and accept you for the new alpha, or cut them. Don't need skin tags hanging out of your new self.


This is




Elliott is that you?

You are not "a bit out of shape." You are very unattractively overweight.

My advice to you? Either drop your standards or improve yourself. Lose weight, get a better haircut that doesn't look like your hair is getting thin, don't ever smile like you did in the first pic because it's creepy, and don't start off calling a woman beautiful, only creepy guys do that. Total turn off

you stupid faggots going to actually help me or just keep insulting me? you're no better then those fucking cunts

A bit out of shape? Why would women want to fuck your ugly ass when they can have any dick they pleasei? Go to the gym and don't smile so fuckin weird and just talk to them like a normal conversation

Note this and get yourself a gf


oh my fucking god are you for real? i'm keking so hard at this cringe help

Having a girlfriend is not like all sex until you're satisfied.
You need to fill her ego fuel tank filled all day if you want a little pussy taste before you sleep.

Having a nice girlfriend gives you a buddy for life.
Don't choose pussy or beauty. Choose the most friendly one.

Trust me.

His face is 44% similar to a knob


Again, you need to work out, dress well, and definitely get a better hair cut/hair style

Heres how you do it
1. start looking better than you did yesterday. No sweat pants, no sweat shirts (sweaters look better btw), nicer shoes, no casual tennis shoes unless you're in gym get up,
2. Start light cardio,
3. cut out all soda and as much sugar as you can
4. Don't do lifting until you've dropped down to your 'healthy weight' (Google it for your height)
5. get a good hair cut. Find guys with your build and match them.
6. find guys with the style you want, match them (or pick from people).

Let me lay it on you.... Getting a girl from where you're at is a long term goal. You have to improve yourself so you feel better, and are the best man you can be. Once you know it, feel it, and have internalized it, you WILL get women. Why? Because women are fickle and love confident, strong, charismatic men.

You can become that. Just do as I listed above.

Show that video to the girl you like.
She will fall in love imediately. I garante.

First off bud, I hate to be that guy, but you need to lose some weight. I suggest you go to /fit/

Second, get stylish clothes.

Addendum: Step 2 Wont work unless you have done step 1.

Your only hope is an old used chick with 4 kids

>i dont understand I am so nice to girls i approach random girls and call them beautiful
>but they didn't ask me to have sex after I said that, they are FUCKING CUNTS
>I'm a nice guy I don't understand

You should work on your physical appearance (mainly clothes and hygiene), but girls value personality over appearance.

That means you need to start appreciating people for what they are, and it also means you need to stop thinking of women as lower than scum. I mean, I personally don't think of women as equal to men, but god damn you literally just want them for sex.

Find a girl whose personality you click with first, then the sex will come. You shouldn't even be thinking of sex when you first start hitting on a girl.

Source: I got laid with 8 different gorgeous girls in the past year

100 lbs isn't even a lot, besides you haven't lived until you've picked up a small girl off the ground and made out with her at least. shit is cash

I would give up... honestly.

I will put it in a way that you can understand...

From one intellectual fedora to another --- the human race is continually competing genetically. The very look at your face alone conveys to others of the opposite sex that your genes allowed for you to be the sloppy fat monster that you are.... this simply will do if you want to m'lady some bitches. Three. Chins. I count THREE CHINS there bub. That is two too many...

What you got to do is either: Get better genes (that's out), change your disgusting face (work out and lose some of that chub bub), OR get vast wealth (showing that you have other genes allowing you to compete with other males financially/intellectually).

Any of those will work on the bitches... but you are missing the biggest question of all --- is it worth it?

At the end of the day,... women are just a huge money trap and waste of time. They confuse the simplest of tasks and will eventually create a whirlwind of drama in your simple(ton) life. Sure, it's a nice place to park the 'ol dick from time to time, but, compare that with fucking a fleshlight --- where the grand price is no more than $100... that is a vastly better trade than having a living breathing spoiled cunt tear your heart out and fuck you over many times over and taking you for every penny you are worth... and in your current state, that is all you are going to get time and time again. And that is if you are lucky, for you will be friendzoned more often than not for your money and your time.

So either go in for the win, and drop those lbs, get filthy rich, or give up... and my suggestion is the latter

>Go on YouTube
> RSD Tyler
>Julien Himself
>RSD Max
>get fit

Why I say get fit isn't even for the bonus of.looking good but for the discipline it instills and sense of self worth and confidence you gain from achieving something.

Jesus OP you're entire post is pathetic. Your perception of women is sad they are so easy to understand.

Women want a guy who is congruent. The problem with you is flirting doesn't mesh with your personality so when you do it you just look creepy as fuck.
Seriously check those YouTube links. The RSD is for help with women and they should also get your shitty life habits together.

Negative fuck. Noone likes a bitter cunt like you man.

this is pretty true if a bit fedora tippy. every time I hook up with someone I think my fleshlight would feel better because I don't have to wear a condom. for that reason a fleshlight is a good investment. however, it won't be your best friend and one day I would really like someone to be intimate with sexually and emotionally. unfortunately for me I've got some pretty bad anxiety and lack the willpower to practice talking to people. at least I'll be able to afford a couple 1080tis in sli.

tl;dr i'm a faggot

sad part is my cousin is fuglier and creepier than you and bones teens all the time. really just gotta keep trying until you find a dumb one.

Fucking Topkek


I'm a woman. I'll tell you. Make friends with women. Treat them like fucking people. Realize that they are. Go out drinking with them and be yourself. Don't buy them drinks or offer to drive or brag about yourself. Talk about the movies 'n shit you like. It'll work itself out. There's no such thing as the friend zone, buddy...or if there is, there's always a chance you'll get laid at least.

Or...start a band and you'll be swimming in it.

Gee OP you sound like a fantastic source of positivity and humanity, first dump all that shit you listed as well as your sense of nice guy entitlement because it's obvious you have a toxic view of women thinking they owe you sex on the spot just because you're not an "asshole" to women.

Learn some humility and actually find a common interest with a woman through a hobby or community activity; anything to get your head out of your ass and explore yourself and the world before rushing into a relationship at all. Even weeded out deadbeats can get into a relationship you damn mongoloid

you mind if I could get your kik or snapchat so we can discuss further in private.

You seem very nice by the way I appreciate the advice I'd lovee to talk a bit more.

I'm an 18 year old stoner who's dirt poor and I drive an old beaten up 95 Jeep Wrangler with multiple problems and I have a girlfriend. Not hard, you're just mad ugly.

Shower every morning and shave as often as necessary to have at most light stubble.

How about being friendly with girls first? Not trying to make them your girlfriend the first time you meet.

Tits or GTFO

>i'm sick of being alone
Go be actually alone. You are not "sick of being alone." You likely lack purpose and have no way to phrase it properly, so you say it in the stupidest, pick-the-lowest-hanging-fruit bullshit you can grab, and this is verified by
>i'm sick of being a virgin
That's like saying, "I'm sick of breathing air; I want to hold my breath for a few minutes today and COMPLETELY CHANGE HOW I BREATHE AIR."


sauce on op's webm?

You need to work out..... and take care of yourself first before U can tend to anyone else's needs... women can be difficult and can ask for a lot if you don't love yourself enough how do U expect to have someone love U? Not trying to insult you but even when girls say they don't mind chubby guys...they can sometimes mind...but some girls are weird trust me its really just about how U present yourself as well....but I recommend taking up some gym time bud.

this is 100% horseshit... whatever you do, do not become one of the girls, or you will have an all access pass to the friendzone.

Don't trust anyone that thinks the friendzone is a myth because they are fucking liars or white knights.

Lmfao this

>Be the flame, not the moth
take care of yourself
get a career and don't give up your dreams to please anyone

>There's no such thing as the friend zone, buddy...or if there is, there's always a chance you'll get laid at least.

get a decent haircut, ALWAYS shave your beard hairs and try to lose the weight. Also dress better and go outside, be social.


Your standards are probably too high bro. You gotta start low and move up.

You listen to this cunt and youll never see yourself getting pussy.