The game is supposed to have 18 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets in it. That's an 18 followed by 18 zeros...

The game is supposed to have 18 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets in it. That's an 18 followed by 18 zeros. So lets say every star in the game has 10 planets. That's still 1 800 000 000 000 000 000 stars. If we say that each galaxy is on average the size of the milky way containing 100 billion stars (100 000 000 000) and we do some simple division, we have 18 000 000 galaxies in this game. That's 18 million galaxies.

The goal is to get to the center of the starting galaxy. So it only seems natural to assume that there is intergalactic travel. And if you can travel intergalatically, that makes getting to the center of the universe a kind of inconsequential point. So it doesn't seem much of a stretch to come up with the idea that once you get to the center of the galaxy you unlock intergalactic travel. Sean Murray has dropped hints about this. I forget which video I saw him say this in but he said something very close to...

You think the game is on one scale, then suddenly you pull back and you realize how much grander it is

Not an exact quote, but that's essentially what he said. Besides, it kind of makes sense just from a gameplay point of view. You take all this time, traveling all this way. The reward is a hyperdrive that allows you to travel just about anywhere instantly, including other galaxies. I think that make sense. Because what if you want to go back to a world you found near the beginning of the game. Do you have to make the long journey back step by step? Unlikely. But of course, this is all just speculation.

Just curious what you neckbeards think. ;] ;]

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It might be cool if it ever gets released.

Worst repost

I'm sure it will. Doesn't seem like its too far off.

How much did they pay you to make this thread every day you double nigger? Sage.

It better fuckin release... I preordered that shit

It better be good, because video-games are getting boring to me nowadays. Last thing I played was the Witcher, and that was almost 6 months ago. Still haven't even finished it. I need to put this gaming rig to more use other than porn and Sup Forums.

>thread still gets bumped to 1

>And if you can travel intergalatically, that makes getting to the center of the universe

getting to the center of the universe. lol

Hey man take your time with The Witcher its worth it.

this universe is not ever expanding. so there would be a center plebboy

>look at how big this is
>who cares if gameplay sucks look at that big number
>so what if its the same shit 18 with 18 zeros times big numbers lol

Okay, the game is big? Who cares. Games like these get my 12-year old brother horny but nobody else I know is even remotely excited.

Even if it's like they portray it to be, with unique planets and monsters (which won't happen) it will suck. People will go around naming planets/things for a few weeks then they will get tired because they realize there's really no fucking point (no ranking system or place to showcase your shit at). Also, everybody will just name their things "dickysopious" and "Vagniasaurus" etc etc.

It won't even be unique from planet to planet, the planets will just look slightly different (one has blue sky, one has red sky), which fucking sucks and gets boring super fast.

I can't believe that you're over 13 years old if you're excited over this game, maybe you have some mental disorder or downs syndrome that makes it hard for you to perceive things and understand. The sole fact that you think "18 000 000 000 000 planets unique WOW" makes me embarassed for you.

Also, your speculation sucks dick. The game is not grand, it's shit and it will suck unless you're 8-12 years old or mentally disabled.

the gameplay was rated 18 quintillion too ya know.

It will be better than Mirrors Edge Catalyst you mtn dew drinking swill.

How long will it take before someone names a planet "this game sucks"

Oh, I know. I play it non stop for the first month, then occasionally here and there. I'm probably going to pick it up again soon, seeing as the new DLC is finally out.
That game is beautiful. The random shit you run into is great. Even little things, like coming upon a camp while strolling along the countryside, having a few drinks with strangers, passing out, and then getting your shit stolen and going to track them down, leaving them naked like they left you. That's brilliant. Bethesda needs to take notes, for sure.

I'm naming a planet My Cuck A Bee

hahha yes i remember that exact quest. the people at CDProjekt Red know how to tell a damn story! and the DLC is amazing man.

there will probably be a filter for stuff like sucks, but cuck might work.


Fuck you! At least I'm not wasting my time on this shit-tier game.

so where is it?

kekd at the picture, saved.

the middle point of a circle or sphere, equidistant from every point on the circumference or surface.
the point from which an activity or process is directed, or on which it is focused.
"the city was a center of discontent"
have or cause to have something as (a major concern or theme).
"the case centers around the couple's adopted children"
synonyms: focus, concentrate, pivot, hinge, revolve, be based
"the story centers on a doctor"
place in the middle.
"to center the needle, turn the knob"

18 gazzilion planets and they are all the same with different paint jobs.

prove it

honestly man I'm not hyped at all. it looks like some fuckin mine craft-esque shit and I never got into that.

Games of this kind of scale just seem pointless. Its cool if they could pull it off, but who's really going to devote the time to exploring more than a fraction of a percent of what's out there?

If someone made a game that even had the entire U.S. in it, that would still be an insanely large place to explore.

you might want to go read some modern astrophysics then.

even if everyone who bought it spent 24 hours for a whole year they would not see 1% of the game. Thats not what its about.

just a gimmick

Elite dangerous is also on this scale, but some say it's mostly empty, they're just getting around to adding planet surface stuff but their expansion payment scheme puts a lot of people like me off to trying it.

this game is not modern astrophysics. its a video game.

no shit?

so why would i want to study modern astrophysics to debate a video game?


Twist: most of the planets are just giant balls of gas & you can't actually explore

different game sir =]

who cares what you want to do, I'm just laughing at your ignorance is all.

Fuck these faggot ass developers who come in here and fuck up Sup Forums with their shitty game adds. Game doesn't even have multiplayer. Fuck outta heeeeeeeere

nope 2d version

Laughing at ignorance is pointless. I'm sure I could find a subject you are mostly ignorant about and I am fluent in. Like cunnilingus for example.

different name, different dimension. good bait but i am master troll hunter =]

poor pup

Insider here. The developers found out, while testing it, that no one wanted to play it a second time. No one except the devs know what they are doing to enhance the game but I don't think it's enough to save it.

it's the same

any proof? people from ign were begging to play it i heard....
how so?

everything really is pointless though...

No multiplayer?

LSD is pretty cool

planets re-textured, animal life generic not suited to any world, no real content

nope, at least starbound had this..

the game is simply procedural, the devolper just spit out a number when he said 1800000000000000000 stars, whenever you go to a new system the game will just generate a new world, but you will have a minute chance to "join" someone elses world.

there is nothing "amazing" about this game from what i can tell, hell it doesnt even have real orbital mechanics.

but this has like space cops

RIP devs.

it does have real orbital mechanics.


aliens are confirmed! =]

This basically describes Elite: Dangerous. As it's the only game I ever got less than a few week's worth of gameplay out of and literally regretted grinding out a few hours to make sure I got "into" the game.

But this game has cooler concept =]


Plus the final DLC is out for it now.


so theres a ton of planets n shit
what do you DO on them?

actually OP, correct me if im wrong but i dont think they ever said that there are multiple galaxies, so if what you're saying is correct then that means that the game is way more big and awesome than what we innitially thought

> Neckbeards
> On Sup Forums

It's mostly twelve year olds actually. I doubt their balls even sank in.

Anyhoo, I think it's going to be a good time waster, but there really needs to eb a feature to get close to friends, fast.

Big numbers don't make a game good.

literally nothing thats whats wrong with a game of this scale, if you make it huge you cant fill it.
from the little i heard youre basically startrekking.

you go around and catalogue stuff and discover things likes new species and worlds

its a cool concept but its not a fun one, there are people who get paid to do this in real life becuase its boring and menial

it would have been awesome if it was a small little indie game that cost like10 bucks and had 1 solar system that was just chock full of shit to do

you explore and craft and survive, you meet alien races and learn their language to better communicate with them. you can side with factions or just be a dick to them all. There is a lot of potential.

i believe a minute in and a half in he starts talkking about it and goes on to mention there is more than one galaxy. I speculated from there. =]


analytics will tell you different.

wrong. uneducated about the game and upset they are late on they hype due to cynicism

mad their "cool space game" is just a job

Weird because the person's age starts showing A LOT every time I enter this board.

i never got this whole "Sup Forums is filled with 12 year olds meme"

yea theres probably a shit ton but it might just be that people suck and are immature

at least i'm white
maturity and age are two different things

just newfags


utter bullshit. you land on a planet and walk around. theres no meeting alien races, no communicating, no factions just mindless ai that walks about.

Well now you're describing KSP

anyone who cares already knows the truth.

This game is gonna be all world and no content, just like skyrim was. Just wait and see. Once you've explored a bit you're gonna find there isn't much to do.

>b-b-but senpai you can land on the planets
yeah I'm sure the surface of each planet looks the same on one hemisphere as it does on the other.

>wow cool it's procedurally generated content!
Oh wait doesn't that mean content created without creative design? the generated dungeons in bloodborne felt pretty repetitive and formulaic after a few runs

>b-b-but senpai there's gonna be like cool worlds to see and stuff
yeah pretty much, you're paying full price for the extended edition to the galaxy map in mass effect

Imma just keep playing Elite Dangerous

0/10 reply

the universe dont expand, steady state theorie!

you explore and craft and survive, you meet alien races and learn their language to better communicate with them. you can side with factions or just be a dick to them all. There is a lot of potential.

its true it does not expand nice quads


It seems pretty grand but then so did spore. But that was a terrible game. All you could do was travel to different worlds, observe the species living there, travel from planet to planet and the goal was to get to the centre of the galaxy. Wait, what was no man's sky about again?

Oh I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of complex alien races, not just like, probably 3 or 4. Wow factions too? and crafting? I get to play fallout 4 again!

yah imagine spore crossed with starbound with less content

not bullshit you are just ignorant and cynical =] ill even give you an example. You learn these alien languages by discovering something like a Rosetta stone and each stone will unlock key words to better speak with the race. Thus helping you trade more efficiently, and survive.

looool have you been watching the gameplay too?

you wont be doing fetch quests for these factions you will be in all out space battles with them. much cooler imo. if you wanna compare every game to something then they are all pong cause they use pixels. faggot.

you don't have to travel to different worlds.

damn what a REVOLUTIONARY GAME MECHANIC please let me call the fun awards this game is sure to rake in the most fun because you can read alien dragon runes off of walls like in skyrim so you can better scream at the fucking degenerate xenos

link proof

you can fuck the aliens too, so it must also be mass effect right? wait til the game sells millions and you are here crying about it.

Also, I will admit, I got sucked in on the spore hype but like most people said, the novelty wears off fast and then you're playing a boring game alone. Massive size only means that many more potential players will be daunted by the fact they will never complete the game, and probably never see anyone else.

really though all you have to say to kids now is "The world will be massive and not actually designed by hand for the most part, also aliens, also factions, also choices that you can make, the kiddies love that, oh the hardcore kiddies like survival mechanics and crafting too, so we'll just lump that shit in there as well."