If God isn't real how do you explain the fine tuning of the universe...

If God isn't real how do you explain the fine tuning of the universe? The chances of this universe coming into existence is a number that would probably crash the Sup Forums servers if it were represented into binary

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The holy Trinity Created the universe /Thread

I'm a christian and even I have rebuttals for this stupidity.

Stop being stupid you're representing us every time you open your dumb mouth.

i'll start believing in god as soon as you stop making these fucking threads

>fine tuned


lol If this universe was created on purpose it's a fucking shit-show.


If god was real then why did he create anything outside of earth?

Even if an event has 1 x 10^-99 % chance to happen but have an infinit amount of time, it will in fact have 100% chance to occur.

Your not A Christian then , the Irony.
I repeat The Holy Trinity Created the Universe.

For the Earth, to keep life as we know it functioning, For guilds/signs at night.

The interesting thing about your picture is that you feel it's not "rewarding" enough. That it's not about faith, or love, or admiration for your god...it's about the shiny prizes in the end. Something kind of wrong with that, wouldn't you say?

no you moron just no.

The other universes that were not fine tuned crashed.
So we could only live in this one.
Until it crashes too.

Yep, Purpose of Man is to know, love, and Serve God. If you don't fulfill that purpose you start to self destruct. Because Man's fallen nature is Self destructive.. Like a car if you don't use a car.. its breaks down and it's thrown in the Dump.

It's only become a Shit-Show because of Satan.


hahahahaha....no.. just no..

And yet so many atheists manage to function just fine for their entire lives. Considering that fact, it's almost as if everything you said is 100% false...

He could have done it differently.
He's god, he could have just created a universe where only the earth exists and it would have been fine.

That's a vast generalization.
There are religious people who go crazy and self destruct and there are non religious people who are fine.

the fuck ?

Life has no purpose. When you die nothing happens, it's the same as things were before you were born. The Universe existed for billions of years before you did, and will continue to exist for billions of years after you. You are one seven-billionth of a meager society that clings to a tiny little blue rock around a medium sized star in a secluded corner of a massive galaxy that exists as a drop of water in the ocean when compared to the rest of the Universe. We aren't even a footnote in the history of the Universe. People claim that God exists just so they can feel more important and avoid the inevitability of death, which we are programmed to fear. I hate it when people delude themselves in order to feel good. We need to look at life realistically and make the most of our tiny pointless existence rather than fool ourselves into restricting our lives for the sake of religious doctrines.

Aliens created the universe

If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward then, brother, that person is a piece of shit. And I’d like to get as many of them out in the open as possible. You gotta get together and tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamn day? What’s that say about your reality? – Rust Cohle

You call denying the Reality Of God Functioning.. In the End they will be convinced of god, but in hell, and to late.

Thanks to nazis technology

Mark 13:3-17

where the fuck do you get your acid dude?

God created everything good, So without them it wasn't good, now was it.

Nope because Real Religious People are Saints, who keep in the state of grace and die in the state.. We are all sinners and have our daily temptations, or battles. But once you fall into Mortal sin you will be dead.

I'm sorry bout that, your just ignorant.. needing Catholicism

If god is real then how do you explain my digits

I'm not totally against there being a god or some greater power. But I'm against religion and the mythologies of religion. The universe may have been created, but in the same way Steve Jobs created Apple.

Prove any god or gods to me and I start to believe. Burden of proof is on your shoulders. Just because you believe it, doesn't mean it's a fact. It just means you believe it.

If this ends in 6 than God is real

>believe everything the bible says is true
>hurrr if god isn't real the how did the universe evolve to be exactly like it says it is in the bible???

Literally retarded, kys

Is that so? And which god are we going to be convinced of? My money is on Alpacala or Quetzalcoatl

Makes sense

God asked Steve Wozniak to create the universe ?

The FSM needed it for beer and strippers ofcourse.


Hahahahaha you are so trapped into BS. I feel sorry for you tbh.

That's not how probabilities work, dipshit. Go look it up, I don't care enough to sit and explain it.

this proves that god exists


He made a sun that's gonna eat up the earth in a couple million years. Thanks a lot god. Great design there

you.. are... a fucking retard omfg... I'll believe in God if he fine tunes my bank account to read "op is a fucking faggot"

All that says is that Your religion stole older ideas and changed them to soot a new generation

I went to a catholic school, I had time to think about religion and I decided to follow my own beliefs. I am not even atheist because I think there god exits in a certain form, but let's talk about you,, have you got some time to think that MAYBE you are wrong ? Why your religion is better than others ? And don't say that I am a moron because I typed something you don't understand.

That sun gave me cancer. Thanks god great idea.

I have a book that says Spiderman exists

human breeding patterns
"the human experience"

nope nope nope

Your Example A of what a Non functioning man does.. Destructive thoughts, Heresy's, errors.. and because of your false ideas you will live out your life by them (Freewill the Ability to chose to do good or bad)... which will most likely send you to hell.

Self destruction is false ideas, heresys, these will send your souls ( Soul the image of god, which endows understanding/Reasoning and Freewill) to hell.. What you understand/reason to be true you will most likey do, With your Freewill.. The Holy trinity is good in himself, knowledge, mercy, love, and you think you know better... look at the world, a godless world, you know better.. really.

Take your foil hat off son, Aliens are not real, condemned, nothing more then the demonic.

> If God isn't real how do you explain the fine tuning of the universe?
I want you to compare the mass of the observable universe to the biomass of living things in the universe, and tell me what percentage that is.
Then I want you to do the same for volume.
Then you can come back and talk about fine tuning.
Not before.

The Big Programmer in the sky doesn't know whe are alive. He just compiled it and runs this program for some unseen reason.

That's just what an alien would say

Really weak argument, if its fine tuned such that life has only arisen on earth and humans are the only intelligent species that has come into existence then it is even stronger evidence that the universe was fine tuned for our existence and our existence alone!

what keeps a person decent is reasoning/understanding of truth, witch is god good in himself, Its about loving Jesus Christ Through Mother Mary.

If god exist then why he allowed the cruelty of a wasp stinging it's victim and laying it's egg in the victim so the hatched larva eat it's host alive.
If god is exist explain the laryngeal nerve of the giraffe.
Fine tuning my ass.
Protons pop in and out all the time and the chance that something could happen eventually happen.

We don't even know for sure if we have free will though. We could all just be passengers that have been programmed to think we are in control. We don't understand consciousness enough to explain how we are able to will things in our brain to happen, for chemicals and electric impulses to be sent. It is stupid for us to try to fool ourselves into thinking that we do have a free will if there is no evidence for it.

Is anyone even religious in this thread?

This comment is obviously bullshit

you'd lose that bet too, Because the answer is God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost, 3 in 1, through the blessed mother Mary.

Anthropic principle. Any life will find itself in a universe where life can exist. Inflationary cosmology implies the existence of infinite (or so) parallel universes with different physics. Most wouldn't permit structures complex enough for life, but any place with life would by necessity, and life would be adapted to the conditions it finds itself in.

Cool as long You do what's Right in life and try to make the world a better place just Stop trying to disprove others beliefs and pushing yours on others that is not cool at least most people that don't believe in God don't go around trying to convert others

Here are the five proofs on god by saint Thomas Aquinas

&Some Incorruptible body's of saints

the irony, Satan got you turned upside downed & backwards.. typical satan

consider its a low minded question to keep yourself such

or accept that self is god and the rest is (self)enslavement;psychologically

after that you can put yourself in whatever little labeled box you want just stay and GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME

Bait. Nobody can be this fucking dense.

We'll be contacting your planet soon user


The difference between us is, I've always had faith you never did.

>Point explained clearly.
>Backed up by all evidence and indication from nature.
>Natural axioms.
>Important psychological tendencies displayed by human beings highlighted in relation to religion.

>"but teh souls and yeh god and teh afterlife and hell and bad burny things and the universe is morally split according to arbitrary human perceptions"

freemasons invented cancer thank them.

Typical modern man believes in non exist super hero's.

Not according to the Norse, the Greeks, the Romans, the Egyptians, those from south-west Asia, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Jews, or the Muslims. Try again. What prevents your religious beliefs from going the ways of all those other religions? Faith? Billions had faith before you. If we live long enough as a species, maybe your religion will go the route of all those other faiths! You going to be around to see it? Christ was suppose to return in the disciple's time. Where was he?

haha nice joke


I am God. I created the universe. Prove me wrong.

>fine tuned universe

I know right, it's amazing how with with the literally infinite different ways the universe could have ended up, we got the objectively perfect one where what ever species exist have a 100% happiness and healthiness rate, there are no wars, the universe's size and laws of physics within that universe allow for relatively safe and easy space exploration, resources are plentiful and in that universe OP is always having sex with a wide array of women and starting intellectually stimulating yet humorous threads that are in no way a cynical attempt to bait replies or symptomatic of a low functioning autistic mind. Thanks god, i owe you one.

So, if God is real, why did he let so many popes be assassinated?

Do you understand what I'm typing.. can you reason.. then you have freewill, you have a soul, image of god.

All because you repeat, does not make it true.

The Bible is objectively wrong about so many of the claims it makes about the universe, we can automatically understand it is also wrong about the creation story without even going into detail about it.

The trinity is not a real entity. It is a man made idea.

Man made ideas are not capable of creating a universe.

Unless you are simple using the trinity to represent concepts we do not yet understand for a lack of better words. But that is intellectual dishonesty at its greatest.

Your god is a lie.

>fine tuning of the universe
not even good b8
lets watch the summerfags and plebs post

nice argument.


>the universes chance for tuning into exactly what it is today are pretty low
every other thing the universe could have been had the absolutely exact same chance to happen

So he reincarnated himself into jesus, went into a shitload of pain and suffering to eventually kill himself on a cross just to forgive the past and future sins of humans. Yet send people to hell if they were bad even they were forgiven.
It don't add up.

Yes actually.

"your (sic) just ignorant".

Says it all really.

Then there're not fulfilling their duty of state which is to be the salt of the earth, teaching in the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost.

If your doing what YOU think is rite, its not, because only Good himself knows what's rite.

You contradicted yourself there, you say Catholics are Pushing truth on you, then say God doesn't go around converting.. He does to save souls from hell.

God knows everything thus it knows what you going to do and does not prevent it. Yet send you to hell even thou your sins were forgiven when he was jesus christ.
It make no sense.
So it means god don't exist or don't give a shit.

which god?

I see your point, and I understand why god would give humans a freewill and a strong propensity for sin and command them to be perfect and pious. I myself have sometimes take quadruple amputees sown to my local track and make them finish a sprint in under a minute, of course i don't understand why, in some versions of Christianity, god lets people into heaven just for trying, all the amputees how don't finish are hung in a cage of the brazier if they don't finish the race, participation isn't good enough, god's just a 'no child left behind' pussy at that point. He's gone soft since the old testament for sure

Jesus gay af bruh.

They came to Bethany. There was one woman there whose brother had died. She came and prostrated herself before Jesus and spoke to him. "Son of David, pity me!" But the disciples rebuked her. Jesus was angry and went with her into the garden where the tomb was. Immediately a great cry was heard from the tomb. And going up to it, Jesus rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb, and immediately went in where the young man was. Stretching out his hand, he lifted him up, taking hold his hand. And the youth, looking intently at him, loved him and started begging him to let him remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days Jesus gave him an order and, at evening, the young man came to him wearing nothing but a linen cloth. And he stayed with him for the night, because Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And then when he left he went back to the other side of the Jordan.

sounds heretical.

anthropic principle is not an answer, you have to add too many assumptions (multiple, infinte universes with infinite time) infinity is a problem in itself. occam's razor suggests that God is the most likely hypothesis

You need to read the bible. That is not how it works at all. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you do not go to hell.

>If God isn't real how do you explain the fine tuning of the universe?
Simple: There is no fine tuning of the universe. The bottom of a puddle is not fine tuned to fit the water, but the water adapts to the conditions set by the bottom of the puddle.
>The chances of this universe coming into existence
The chance doesn't matter at all. If you threw an infinitely sided dice, you'd still have an outcome after it comes to rest.

you reason, you've got no time, What u do is up to you. Just remember God's waiting on you.

>Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and you do not go to hell.
Where in the Bible does it say that

Exactly. I'm sure Charles manson and cho, the batman shooter and elliot Rodgers are all going to heaven. Doin gods work.