Climate Chage denial should be made illegal. Thoughts?

Climate Chage denial should be made illegal. Thoughts?

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that is the dumbest idea ever. literally making speech and thought illegal

this is a liberals thought process.

you're the cause of global warming kid. deal with it. your very existence destroys the planet.

You can't ban incompetence. How could you possibly close a country the size of the US?

Global warming isn't real, get over it kid.

well if we outlawed retards at least there would be no trump

No Trump and no Democrats. I can live with that.

Literally 30 years ago you liberal idiots said we'reheading for an ice age. Many parts of the world are seeing record cold and snow. Hundreds of scientists disagree with global warming I mean climate change. It's been proven that the data has been manipulated. The earth has seen temperature extremes that we can't even fathom in its 4 billion years and you think a falsified 1 degree change in the last hundred are cause for alarm? Fucking pleb.

Whats the fucking obsession with making ideas "illegal", they may be stupid, but making them illegal is just absurd.

Because OP is a liberal. If you disagree with them they fucking cry like 3 year olds, they all need to be fucking out in a concentration camp.

global warming does exist, but we aren't the sole reason it's happening.

the earth has heated up and cooled down countless times in its history, it would heat up even if we weren't here, just slower

Do you understand that there are more than 3 other equally plausible theories as to why the climate is changing?

Yes, we have to regulate our waste throwing and find cleaner ways for that.

But the notion that man has been making it hotter is the only one that's been sponsored by Al Gore, therefore it has to be real apparently. It's more popular, but the possibility still exists that the earth (much like it did in the ice age) goes through patterns of warming and cooling that are much more dragged out than we imagined

Not all countries have free speech. There's a world outside of Amercia.

Yeah, I'm with you. I hate facts that make me feel like I could be responsible for something.

Of course there are other plausible reasons as to why climate change exists, but those who cover there ears and claim it's not happening are totally counterproductive and aren't in anyway shape or form contributing to ways we can improve the environment.


I cannot wait to see California sued for violation of 1st amendment rights and lose because it will further cement presedence in these types of cases.
It will also cost them money because of their stupid.

No. Open discussion about it only reinforces it as the undeniable truth. People who deny the truth end up looking more bias or ignorant.

does not exsist asswipe. what is the proper temp? just tell me how many degrees should be the proper temp? then we can discuss movement tword the mean

my thoughts are people like you should be beaten in the street with a garden hose until you can figure out how to get your head out of your ass. why the fuck does everyone want to make a law against anything they don't agree with...

Disagree. Everyone has the right to be a complete and utter fucking idiot; with that said, you don't have the right to make up your own facts. Opinions require evidence and argument. Beliefs are like assholes, everyone has them. The problem is most folks who are idiots confuse their beliefs with opinions. If we could legislate that away... Whelp, it'd be a hell of a lot of a better world. Sadly, impossiburu

Tell us about the Chem trails

No, no....but guys taking the temperature 100 yrs ago were fucking idiots pissing in outhouses, we can't trust readings from back then!

again liberal stupidity.

No.... problem with "science" these days is its motivated by political agenda. A theory doesn't make something true or false but opens it up for discussion. Main flaw in climate change argument is they only use data from last hundred years. For a world supposedly 4 billion years old a hundred years is meaningless. There are world wide temperature and weather data for 300 years previous located in the ship logs in the uk. Non of that data has been taken into account. Still even with 400 years data that is a drop in the bucket compared to the existence of earth. There have been theories circulating for decades of the the earth getting hotter and colder over the millennia. .. you look at the climate from Dinosaur times and the evidence of the ice age.. it shows that thre earth has done this in the closest we can come to forever. The so2 emissions from volcanos produce more air pollution than we do as humans.

Take it easy there grandpa, keep it up and you're going to have a grabber

>supposedly 4 billion years old
>dinosaur times
You sound like a highly educated individual. Very convincing

It is real but human activity affects it way less than we are being told.


According to "An Inconvenient Truth" theres is no south poll in 2016.

"Facts"...fuck off

No there isn't.

What's a south poll?

No one denies climate change. Obvious the planet is dynamic and constantly changing. The argument is over whether or not we as humans have any significant influence on that change. Even if we could reduce all pollution and environmental impact of civilization to zero, the climate would still be changing naturally. Then what do we do? Is there some law we can pass that will make climate change go the other direction? Are we terraformers now? Get real. Climate change is happening with or without our consent. It's going to happen so slowly that no one is even going to notice. The political hype is that the climate is ok this year, but next year the oceans will be 10 feet higher and we will have daily mega hurricanes. Climate change will only be noticed by looking at data, at trends going back centuries.

>What's a south poll?
Basically Republicans

Diffrent fag here.

Dumbass the earth is 4 with a "B" billion years old.

4.7 or something

Speaking in layman's terns for summer fags

Saying it IS implys a's a threory that hasn't been proven other wise. We weren't there. And most journals list it as approximate. .. which leaves a lot of room for discussion.

>We weren't there.

Prove that Julius Caesar existed. You can't. You weren't there.


Just because natural means it's good? We should everything in our power to stop it regardless of the cause.

>Disagreeing with me should be illegal

This is the same logic that kept us in the dark ages for 1000 years. Disagreeing with the Bible used to be illegal.

The reason science works is because everyone is free to disagree and test theories

Only a moron would think that. If you think it's a good idea, it's only because you can't see down the road. You might agree now because it's a good idea to you, but what happens when they want to ban something you believe in?

Liberals are so stupid.

CLimate change denial is stupid because the change is observed the argument for retards and smart people alike is what is causing it.

Virtue signaling and moral high grounds should be reserved for people actually doing something about it not people who think they are doing something by posting some dumb ass faggot shit like you did in a cess pit of losers like this.

Hey look, this thing the earth does is happening, we need to stop it. We also need to stop people talking about it.

tt. Ok, honest question. For those that disregard the finding of anthropogenic climate change by virtually every scientist that has spent their lives study in the issue; if it is some cabal, what's their end game? Why? Stop and think real hard about your answer.


Illegal immigration should be made illegal first.

Typical progressive trying to to make free speak and individuality illegal. Btw, most rep aren't saying climate change isn't real, just that it isn't from co2 emissions from cars, factories etc. the earth goes through warming and cooling trends naturally (the fucking ice age, ever heard of it?) It's all just another scheme for dems to get single-issue voters and other nimrods. You are a tool for a scheme to control all of us. Thank you for helping the gov create real life 1984, Faggot

Have you ever tried to move to another country? America is the only place you can just move to because you feel like it.

So... Every scientist who studies this is a prog, and their endgame is to stifle your "individuality" and your "speak"? Sounds reasonable.

It's not about the temperate you stupid fags.. It's about HOW FAST ITS CHANGING.. Animals can't adapt to degree changes over 150 year cause uhhhhh EVOLUTION YOU STUPID CUNTS.. That's why the group who put a fucking man on the moon and a car size rover on mars is worried.. But I'm sure Sup Forums has it figured out

Using basic math ... and aproximations for natural climate change and natural "pollutants" at our current level of "pollution" assuming nothing changes ...the drastic change will occur in 50000 years instead of 100000 years

>what's their end game
Money - same thing as any endgame. Force new regulations that create certain requirements be met, of which those requirements are supplied only by the lobbyists and those who provide funding to the scientists who publish such findings and guidelines.
Oil industry did it with auto manufacturers when they demanded the switch to unleaded gasoline, and they did it again with the demand for ultra low sulphur diesel be produced.
Both are inferior to their original products, but they can charge more for them because of the processing requirements.
It's also the same reason why the oil industry has fought so hard against electric vehicles - they will be losing money even though electric vehicles overall contribute less to green house gases than standard vehicles.

So we should go back to having lead in our gas...................................................

If accurate predictions cannot be made, as is the case with "climate science", then what you're working with is not science but philosophy.

literally the opposite , getting a green card is impossible. If I wanted to 3 hour train to paris and rent a flat.

We actually are Terra formers now. Although we shouldn't be as concerned about global climate change as we are about concerning wild life, especially in oceans.

>opinions that i dont agree with must be silenced
It might be wrong, but that doesnt mean they cant say it.

Point of fact: the oil industry is using the same playbook on this as the tobacco industry used on the finding that smoking causes cancer. Question the science. Make it a "freedom" issue, a matter of "belief" as many of the mouth breathers ITT have. Mull that.

Then why is studying the factuality of the holocaust illegal?

>average temperature raises by 0.5 celsius
>average temperatures stay the same

Better "accidentally" destroy some more data, user.

Only in europe

Because you live in a shitty country.


>there are people that actually wish to ban a certain way of THINKING

Yeah not fleeing a country without free speech automaticly makes everyone living in that country autistic

Yep. Free speech will soon be regulated into areas and zones and people will think it is perfectly acceptable, even more so than now

Its called a politically correct liberal

Very pithy. Google scholar is your friend.


Yeah, we're not too far away from mind control

>have no real response
>wat do
>i know, i'll pretend to have special knowledge which cannot be shared but still makes me right

The ice caps on mars are shrinking. We shouldn't have sent diesel powered probes.

there is na globil warming. only comspiricy of the bush / cheney / vaccination pharm company to make everyone spend less money on petrol, making the arabs poorer therefore more oil.

Or are they in on the liberal conspiracy to crush your individuality and freedom of thought as well?! Bunch of fucking unhinged lunatics.

Do tell shit for brains.


My dad can beat up your dad. My brother says so too. Therefore it's a fact.


>data doesn't conform to my conception of reality, therefore it's wrong
Yes, yes, they're coming for your thoughts, those ebil liebruls will haul you away and rape your cat and have every scientist on the planet on their payroll only you are right, and fighting the good fight against the global cabal against your freedoms. Keep up the good work keyboard warrior. It'll be a slog, but you'll win.

Telling someone what they can and can't say is infringing on their freedoms..
>also this is now a freedom thread

Last thing I read was that we're slowing down an approaching ice age, which apparently is marked by a short heating period and a longer cooling period.
But who knows.

Nah. Freedom always loses. Weak people are afraid of it and most people are weak.

>Hurr Durr libtards


My favorite fairly recent development in the climate debate is that the guys whose models cannot make accurate predictions are now trying to say that, since their inaccurate models are actually right, it must be all the world's thermometers that are wrong.


This, the weak can't be free which is why liberals win all the time because there is WAY more weakling liberals than alpha freedom dogs

>astronomers say earth destroying comet is headed our way
>democratic president sounds the alarm
>Reactionaries: it's a liberal conspiracy to take our freedoms
That's what this "debate" is about. Same as it ever was.


Your right but it definitely is not humans making it hotter. Since humans produce like only 1% of the co2 and in terms if animals we are well behind other species

Blind faith versus needing actual scientific proof in the form of accurate predictions... that's what it really is, zealot.

And that world burns coal.

>astromoners make a semi educated guess that a comet may or may not be heading our way, but if it follows this specific path it will happen, probably
>democrats: omg end of the world! Its going to happen, its happening now, omg!
>recationaries: well we dont know for 100% that it will happen
See isnt shoving people into little boxes to mock them fun?

You can't make free speech illegal. That is the opposite of what the Constitution was created for. We should make being an idiot illegal, that way people like you wouldn't be allowed to continue pissing and moaning about every little thing that makes you feel like the entitlement your mommy and daddy allowed you to believe you have isn't really an excuse for not wanting to be told you're wrong. Climate change is bullshit, bro. This planet's climate changes due to many factors such as the precession in the wobble to it's axis spin, or solar activity, and of course carbon emissions. What exactly are you saying? That there's a problem with the planet's climate and there ain't shit we can do about it? No shit, Captain obvious. No one denies that this planet's climate changes. We just don't believe in carbon taxing everyone for some shit that's just a normal part of this planet's evolution. Faggot.

Of course a south poll doesn't exist, the South Pole does tho

Dawg, we can date stone and ice back to when the earth was created, don't be dumb

>dating ice to when the earth was created
Im gonna need some sauce m8

1. Climate change has been a natural phenomenon since earth collected water on its surface.
2. All we are doing is "speeding" the process up. Eventually will have mini ice ages.
3. Even if ice caps melt water level will not fluctuate. Archimedes law of displacement.

Stop being retarded and look at the information presented and make a logical
Decision based on it. Not based on what someone says about a random "study" you dont read says.