ASEAN cross-cultural integrative meet-up when? It is needed for ASEAN integration to be a success.
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brunei and singapore is rightful malaysian clay
Go to church
Animax Carnival is rightful Malaysian and Philippine-shared clay,
Eww, no
Everything between of Indonesia and China is rightful Indonesian clay
QT trannies edition
all them noncountries
colony of spain
not a country
>Manlet states (Signapore etc)
ayy lmao
Very funny :DDDDDDDD
Is it hot out there? Can we trade our awful cold for some of your heat?
Yes please. Cold climate will increase your IQ in greater margin. Living in hot climate make you stupid.
>Thai: great history, not invaded by whites, a noble king. rich rice fields
>Indonesia: long history of global traders.
>Malay: highly disciplined citizens. highly educated people
>Singapore: cleverest people in all over the world
>Philippines: Banana makers
>Vietnam: who could beat China many times. industiral people. cute dresses.
it's pretty cold here right now
>Malay: highly disciplined citizens. highly educated people
More like
>Malaysian Chinese: highly disciplined citizens. Highly educated people
>Malaysian of other races: live in trees
integrate this
It's -32C here so I'd love to have what likely warmer weather you might have :(
it's already too cold for me.maybe if I get a bf to cuddle with
There are no gfs here to cuddle, and the cold nights get colder
one day user
Malaysian Chinese: master of complaints, but can't accept when they're on the receiving end.
You can relate to Oz land.
Oz land?
where do you live?
is their such a cold place in the US?
Minnesota. We're getting hit with the polar vortex right now so it's a bit colder than usual. Tomorrow morning's going to get down to -34C, but if you factor wind chill it's going to be way colder.
Chun choi bitch 跟我收声
See penang, run by chinese, almost mini Singapore
See rest of the states, run by isis, almost getting nuked
>t. Chang
>See penang
>Tax free zone.
>One of important trade point in Malacca straight so lot of trader settled there.
>Small so easy to manage and develop
>Surprised it's better developed than the rest of the country
Straya / Ozzy
Do you know PAM?
Don't know. What is PAM?
Penang Anime Matsuri
Nope. Never heard about it.
Are you from Penang? If you are it's really weird you've never heard of it. You should have at least heard about it somewhere.
What about ACMY and Comic Fiesta?
I don't give a shit about weeb con really. And no, I'm not from penang.
Please don't bully Philippines. Thank you!
>tfw I saw some young and newbie Japanese singer two months ago and she covered this song
I love penang.
>visit grandma in one of hospital there
>qt nurses
>clean street
>cheap food
>nice people
I actually had a chat in elevator with one of resident there, and surprisingly [spoiler]he always thought me as a viet people[/spoiler]
BNK48 when?
>conduct feasibility study worth RM300 millions (!) only AFTER the tunnel project was awarded
>construction company was awarded with 30 years toll concession even when Penang government is PAYING THE FULL PRICE
>administration cost of chief minister's office ballooned up to 5 times the number in 2008
>FDI in Penang dropped significantly even when other states received more FDI
>State Gov solution? Sell all the land in Penang to developers. Now we have money and surplus budget wahlao
bored. need some cock to play with.
>nothing sexual
I'd like to see it transform and put a cloth on it.
use a banana
fuck off proxy
banana cannot transform from flaccid to hard.
>tfw looking at twitching cock
You can play with my cock.
Can I use permanent marker to scribble on it?
Why permanent marker? Why not just ordinary, water-based marker?
>tfw you can't go outside of country because blacklisted
>this cure my longing on sunday afternoon
Well, I've made cloths for him. Whiteboard marker will messed it up.
If you let it dry first, I doubt it will stain the clothes.
My experience with non-perma marker is that, it will not stay on the skin.
You just need to be careful and not rubbing it hard.
B-But I can't help t-that..rubbing, I mean
Fine, but how do you clean it? With nail-polish remover?
No. I have no intention to clean it up. ;-)
And Malay is rightful Indonesian clay?
Of course
Only Malaya. Not Borneo
Whos this guy? why is he doing it for free?
he is a big goy
>Possibly losing world heritage site status due to selling land to developers
>Money wasting underwater tunnel with balooning costs
>two bridges and the traffic is still horrid
>Planning to increase the population density on the island with new condo projects but still shitty road infrastructure
>"Eh don't complaint to us you ungrateful scum" attitude
give your fucking address, bitch. You think malaysia is big?
She wants you to lick the poo-poo hole
>"come and get it, huh? are you gay user? You don't like it?"
t. gay
Anyone here still attend the con?
>tfw no gf
>tfw too confused about what to eat for dinner
>even tho i have the money
help me lad
Nasi Uduk Babi Buncit
vegemite on toast
I'm eating vodka and vegetable juice for dinner
satay anjir rencah asli bandung
>almost every news sites show about ahok this, ahok that, ahok do this, ahok do that, ahok give speech this, ahok give speech that
>but when they are attacked or being harrased by something because their news, they always say "this is the violation opf press rights!! We are journalist and try to make fair news!"
>not marmite with rice(+scrambled egg+chicken stock+shredded chicken+celery+a hint of white and black grounded peppers) porridge
What will the role of SEA be when WW3 comes?
Spectator. And occasionally some powers asking for military access or port.
cum dump for white boys for a quick relieve
cannon fodder
build wall
Pls be my gf
just for today
Can I see your face?
why would anyone do that?