I have a question for atheists. Since science is your religion, why do you try to use it as an argument in politics...

I have a question for atheists. Since science is your religion, why do you try to use it as an argument in politics? Don't you believe in separation of church and state?

science is not a religion
you are simply too stupid to understand the world

sage goes in all fields

I'm constantly astounded at how every time I think these posts can't get any more retarded, I see a new one like this.
I'm also constantly astounded at trollbait faggots like you.

Shh no Gods only tits now

You are worthless to your God why don't you just get laid ?

It takes a special kind of bore to keep posting this thread over and over again. Try going outside OP, you might actually enjoy it :)

>Not owning fuck nugget

Op this set will cost you circa 100-200 $
Why don't you just do archery it has more sense than believing in higher beings

Where is your god now

I have come to a conclusion after years of study, research, and occasional experimentation: Atheists are afraid of God. It's that simple. Why else would they continue to put their fingers in their ears, hum loudly, and scream about how He's not there when He's standing right over their shoulder. If God truly didn't exist, you wouldn't have to work so hard to convince people He's not there. You're trying to convince YOURSELF that the truth is a lie by lying to yourself over and over again.

If you'd seen the shit I've seen, you'd never be able to deny His existence, His power, or His love.

Orthodox Feminist=/=Feminist
Orthodox Atheist=/=Atheist
Go tip your burka or whatever you wear somewhere else


Point proven.



>Age of Fire is gone for thousands years and with it all gods which roamed the world, embrace the fact that Japanese are only creatures that resembles gods


>Only prize for believing in Gods and Scientology



Jokes on you

Science is not comparable to religion because it is based on fact, rather than blind faith



it takes more faith to believe we are some kind of magical poof in nothing from nothing. Thise claims have little to no scientific evidence to back up the theory. Also I don't believe its an intellectual or humanoid creature that lives either in or outside our universe an looks down at us like we are special. Its more a primordial goop made from us. Thats made up of all the consciousness and "life forces" or "souls" within our universe and they gather and recycle into one another. Slowly but surely evolving through out time and space. So you are god or at least part god. By continuing living and growing our consciousness when we die we then give the next group that much better of a chance to evolve subconsciously for better suited life.

Why do you always use the little cunt from never ending story

>Hard fact.

How many times has science been revised based on new discoveries? Science once taught us that bloodletting was the proper treatment for the common cold. Get out of here with your dumb ass.


you a dike nigga

>science is your religion
Stopped reading there.


It wasn't science it was voodoo-tier shit which believed in bad spirits in blood

>If God doesn't exist how is this possible :0?

There's no such thing as "life force", and you value consciousness too much. Our consciousness is just one of the many fenomenas in the Universe; nothing too special about it.



>Ribbed for her pleasure





Science is not a religion. It's a process you fucktards

I'm not even an atheist and I want you to get a fucking life dude. Jesus.

>have faith in

Atheist do actually believe in god.
Think about it. If someone is an atheist, they don't think god exist.
For them to think this they must believe that there is a god to not exist.

It's neither.

Science is knowledge or the pursuit of knowledge. What you're talking about is the scientific method.

We dont have a means of measuring life force yet. But it doesn't mean its not there. Also, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change forms. So with that in mind, what is our consciousness? For it to exist in our universe it must be a form of energy. Also im not saying our consciousness is the pinnacle or even all that "important" but if you believe in darwins biological evolution theory, then why is this so difficult to understand? Why can't energy evolve to be better suited for life? Its what life is made up of anyways.

Please stop making this thread and/or breathing.

we need more space for all the porn that already has its own board and furry fag porn.

You realise it probably would have died if you didn't bump it just then... Idiot

you don't have to say sage to sage. i certainly hope you did.