Why is America in a money crisis why can't we just use this idea and print more money out...

Why is America in a money crisis why can't we just use this idea and print more money out? It seems she's into something. Convince me she is wrong!!!!!!


America is in a money crisis because of Africans and Latinos and your average white trash abusing the welfare system while outsiders buy all the real estate and hold the houses hostage, increasing homelessness.

Do you even know how the economy work ? Paper money is like 1% of total money (if not less in america).

Err, we already do that? It's called quantitative easing...

this homeboy

Yeah. Pay off one credit card with another credit card. Fucking idiots.

But wouldn't that eventually make our own money worthless?

Yes - that's why it's a controversial move. You can only really do it in small chunks

Maybe we should explain this to her, enlighten her

So you're saying we will eventually collapse like Rome. Well when in Rome

Is that Twitter sloot retard 100?

She's actually not wrong at all.

What she's talking about is usually called 'helicopter money'. the money creation process as it exists now is focused on the banking system; banks get to create money and make loans for profitable endeavors, read PROFITABLE ENDEAVORS.

'Printing money' means the Fed prints money and loans it to the government at little to 0 interest, which they spend/use to cover taxes, whatever. It's the last thing they could possibly do, and is likely to happen.

tl;dr we're becoming socialist slowly but surely.

Go ahead my friend and find out pls post results

You were given a mission by this user, please not only for your dubs but for his trips; Carry it out my friend.
Best of luck

Quantitative easing, baby. It's been driving the economy for the past few years. Didn't it end recently? The economy seems to be ok ... it's due for a correction, though. And war, we are due for a new war. That's always good for the economy.

That's different, QE is still within the banking sector. Fed just pumped a ton of money in the banks to recollateralize their books, which were backed with imploding mortgage-backed securities.

QE did save the system from sliding into doom. Then it'll lose effect and something even more drastic will have to be done. Seems the $ will be tossed as world reserve currency, and then moneyprinting + inflation covers whatever debts exist.

Pic related, fiat components of the IMF's SDR, which will replace the dollar as world reserve currency.

The trips have spoken!!!!!!!bwe must do what they say

You are a fucking retard

no duh. look where you are.

yall niggas never heard of quantitive easing? pretty much the same concept but with 0's on a computer screen....