Ask a guy who works at subway anything

Ask a guy who works at subway anything .

-Yes I drop your bread and feed it to you

How does it feel doing a womens job

what is real in the minced tuna?

Do you work at subway?

where do you work?

Of course I do and I love doing the women's job pretty fun if you ask me

have you take shit and mixed it with the sauce?

You fucking better not, you know what happened to burgerking

If you mean what is in the tuna? Nothing it's just mayo and tuna in a bag dude . And if we say "you want regular or light mayo ?". It's always light mayo .

every cum in the mayo?

Ew hell nah . Only with the chicken teriyaki.

Stop messing around or I'll fire you

I work at subway too OP lets relate

I honestly hate doing the onions . Piece of shit man .

Grossest thing you guys have seen or we should know about??

Do you like little kids, like Jared?

Can relate, tryna cut tomatoes when the slicer is blunt as shit, so basically tomato seeds everywhere as they explode through the slicer

It's probably just the bread thing for me . I've seen when it falls and when everyone is gone we just pick it up and serve it out to the next customer. Not just the bread it's pretty much most of the things

Dude I hate little kids . Like the parents are talking in the phone (also related i hate people who come in talking in their phone)

do u cum on the footlongz?

How's it called when someone looks like the opposite gender? Help

How much does it cost for a new uniform shirt?


picking dropped bread off the floor
also every morning we change the dates on expired products so we can keep them longer
yes you are eating week old prepped vegetables.. their proper shelf life is only 2 days

I honestly dot know. They just gave it to me .

OP, other subway worker here
how much do you make where youre at ?

Dude yes ! Jajaja

Looks like, not like you fucking faggot

Worst customer?

Anything creative you put in the sandwiches like that one dude who would grind his toe nails into dust and mix it into the mayo?

I make 8.50 years hour . Paid every Friday . What about you ?

Per *

Why do some of you assholes take so long to put together a sandwich. Like I have a fucking bus to catch, holy shit.

11.50 an hour, every Friday too.
they wanted me to do management but fuck that became a training specialist
easiest job at the place for the pay

>Yes I drop your bread and feed it to you
Without general excuses, Why?
I'm not judging you, just curious

Do you like to draw banners

We are probably annoyed. Or just want to do a good job somethings x