I ran out of weed, but have like 2 ounces of trimmings; stems, leaves, etc

I ran out of weed, but have like 2 ounces of trimmings; stems, leaves, etc.
What's the fastest/easiest way to get high?

>inbf4 smoke it all

Smoke it all, nigger

Nigger the fuck else you want us to say? Their are literally no other options when your dealing with scraps like that shit.

bubble hash


whats faster/easier/more effective ?

i need to get high asap

I remember when I smoked my left over stems at the age of 15. Never managed to get high. Depresses me thinking about it.

Make isohash fagget

make some cannabutter


take about... 3 minutes and then you can make toast to get high

sounds like you haven't injected any marijuana in quiet a while
be careful bro don't inject 1 full marijuanas you will fuck yourself up
i know its hard to control the urges to smoke, and that it is the most addictive drug in the world, i know those withdrawals aren't easy but you gotta keep cool Sup Forumsro

shove the clippings up your ass it will absorb into the lining of your colon and effect you 2x what it normally would since it doesn't have to bypass your liver

whast the fastest way my nigg? ive been reading and there are lots of fucking versions. One guys boils it for like ano hour, another dude says it shouldnt boil...... only heat for 10 mnts

i need my thc now, imma die

shove the clippings in your anus
this user is right about it will effect you 2-5x what it normally does and kick in alot faster than smoking since it bypasses the liver and absorbs directly into the colon lining and straight into your bloodstream

lol you fucker

just look up a tutorial and go with it. go with bluelight or look up the most popular one on r/trees

was curious, heard it worked with liqour, so tried what user said with a small nug of some kush.
can confirm it works
feel like i just smoked a blunt to myself after like 5 mins

use it to brew tea

Paint thinner. You never specified what to get high with.


Stick it in the pooper, goes into the system instantly (google vodka-tampon)

Chill out you fucking fiend.


Okay so no bullshit. Throw a good bit of your shake in high proof alcohol. Open your windows and just boil the fucking mix. It can't get too hot as long as it's sufficiently fluid. Strain out the herbs after like 4 minutes. Then boil it down further or just let it cool and drink.

If you want to get maximum potency you have to heat the shake in the oven at 320°F for about 8-10 minutes to decarboxylate the THC-A.

please greentext what do?

Butane hash, or alcohol hash, or vaporizer

>take marijuana clippings
>remove seeds and stems
>clump clippings into a comfortably sized ball
>dip ball in warm water then quickly remove
>immediately push small marijuana ball into anus until it is securely in place
>sit and wait a few minutes

the dub8s confirm
this is what you must do OP

trips confirm the confirmation of confirming dubs