What makes a lyric "good"? Provide examples of "good" lyrics

what makes a lyric "good"? Provide examples of "good" lyrics.

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the lyrics just need to be appropriate for the music

also lyrics that are just "i love yooouu" or just whatever rhymes (linkin park, nickelback) are usually considered bad

And what is it that makes you think that Linkin Park or Nickelback's lyrics weren't appropriate for their brand of pop music at their given time? Don't worry, I'll wait for you to think of a better definition of good lyrics.

hard to define because it's all about context. Stripped of their musical backing they're mostly all kind of bare anyway. I think good lyrics are evocative, clever with words. The Drones are pretty great

depends on the genre

So give an example of something good in a genre you like.

>Solve the quiz
>With a kiss
>Kiss the hustle
>Solve the puzzle
>Taste the mire
>Lust, desire
>Rape and struggle
>Finally snuggle

If you'd be so kind and tell me what exactly is bad about this

>One thing
>I don't know why
>Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme when I was obsessed with time
>All I know, time was just slipping away
>And I watched it count down until the end of the day
>Watched it watch me and the words that I say
>The echo of the clock rhythm in my veins
>I know that I didn't look out below when I watched the time go right out the window
>Trying to grab hold, trying not to watch
>I wasted it all on the hands of the clock
>But in the end no matter what I pretend
>The journey is more important than the end or the start
>And what it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I tried so hard

It's the exact same thing as that magnets song those clown lads brought out, they are trying to be 2deep4u but it ends up just coming across as if it were written by a teenager who just got high for the first time, except it wasn't, it was written by a grown man.

The rhyming scheme is also terrible

>rhyme - time
>away - day - say
>below - window
>pretend - end

a one to the one and a one to the three
I like the pussy and I like the tree
smoke so much weed you wouldn't believe
and I get more ass than a toilet seat

this is a hard question to answer because lyrics can be good in different ways: as words or as sounds; or, maybe a better way to put it: as poetry or as music.
so, cleverness and evocativeness are probably sufficient to make lyrics good, but they aren't necessary--simple, plain lyrics that fit in sonically with rest of the parts of a track can also be good

Dance Gavin Dance - Inspire The Liars youtu.be/8TgP7A-N-G4?t=72
> A penis wide that towers high is cumming at your feet
> The stories old, the butthole full, of cancer spreading meat

Jon Mess is a lyrical genius.


I love the lyrics on this song, the way they're sung fits the music well and the imagery it evokes is perfect. It really gives a sense of helplessness from the point of view of an angel desperate to return to heaven but fails.


This song has a lot of very clever metaphors, but I think the one that stands out the most is "The aged professor quotes freedoms without a path/Now he dresses like a widow and preaches love is dead in every class/But curiosity killed the cat and taught the dog in him how to act/And burnt his bridge to Jill so he tries to drown the guilt with a bottle of Jack"
It's heartbreaking stuff

These almost come off as nonsense if you listen to them alone, but when you read the lyrics it makes a bit more sense. The song works like someone reading a written dialogue but with all the punctuation included.

"Most blues are subtitled, either no sense of wonder or no sense of scale"

This could be interpreted as "people seem to not care about, or understand the things they do." The singer then goes onto to give examples of those situations, concluding that after a while it becomes a routine, and we ignore the things that we do by coming up a bunch of statements that don't explain why we do them in the first place.

>what makes a lyric "good"?
the beat


Is this the thread where I can bitch about MF DOOM not making any sense and just stringing together random words that happen to sound nice in conjunction? Because that's literally what he does! He makes great beats and his flow really is "butter" but that doesn't make his lyrics any better. He's not a great rapper, he's a talented producer and a genius business man, selling his ass to rich white hipster kids all over the world. He's an international popstar but most of his retarded fanbase probably think he's underground. That is perfection in marketing.

>suck my dick
>fucking bitch
>fucking trick
>i kill a snitch

>It's the exact same thing as that magnets song those clown lads brought out
Comparing these lyrics to ICP thinking magnets are magic speaks volumes about you, you're really telling me you can't grasp the simple concept of being pressured by time or being consumed by it
The rhyme schemes aren't terrible, simple yes, but not terrible.
If you can only appreciate spiritual lyrical non-troglodytical indviduals what are you doing in this thread

OK guys, that is not what a rhyme scheme is. A rhyme scheme is a PATTERN of rhyming, i.e. ABAB, or AXABAXAB or whatever. It has nothing to do with the quality of the rhymes.

say anything no one is listening rading the car manula backeards for al;l its like

Sting: I sink like a stone that's been thrown in the ocean
My logic has drowned in a sea of emotion
Stop before you start
Be still my beating heart…

you are a complete faggot fuck you and your thread you stupid pansy ASS

Why do you think that good lyrixs need to be cohesive or have a story or something? DOOM's lyrics are full of witty word play and puns, he doesn't pretend to do anything else.

alright I'll bite. this is the best example of song lyrics I can think of from 2016, "Destroyed by Hippie Powers" by Car Seat Headrest
I am freaking out in my mind
In a house that isn't mine
My end goal isn't clear
Should not have had that last beer

It' s more than what you bargained for, but it's a little less than what you paid for
My bowtie's come undone, my microphone hangs limp on the mic stand
Tell my mother I'm going home, I have been destroyed by hippie powers
Tell my mother I'm going home, I have been destroyed by hippie powers

That guy I kinda hate is here
Shouldn't have had that last…WHOOO!! HIT OF DMT!!!!

What happened to that chubby little kid who smiled so much and loved the Beach Boys?
What happened is I killed that fucker and I took his name and I got new glasses
Tell my mother I'm going home, I have been destroyed by hippie powers
Tell my mother I'm going home, I have been destroyed by hippie powers

dont agree exactly with what the other user said, i think these lyrics are mediocre bc they're really on the nose. imo lyrics tend to be better when they're less "i'm so sad, im so angry" and more "you can do what you want to whenever you want to but it doesn't mean a thing". ambiguity is where i think the beauty is in lyrics, and usually really direct, on-the-nose lyrics only work if they're at a musical climax or only during one part of a song, not the whole thing.

this is an example of bad lyrics.

But these are not in the end's lyrics

i actually think it's way harder to write good lyrics than good music. i just feel like i hear way more artists who have music that's being held back by their lyrics than the other way around

One of my fave pop song lyrics:
Tous les deux sous la couette
Tu trouveras ça chouette
Quand sur le mur la lumière projettera nos silhouettes
Des petits mouvements saccadés d'un coup je m'arrête
Toi qui as la parole aisée tu resteras muette

No these are enth e end's lyrics