ITT: Music your dad or granddad might have listened to that you used to think was boring or stupid but now that you're...

ITT: Music your dad or granddad might have listened to that you used to think was boring or stupid but now that you're an adult you "get" it.

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All he allowed me to listen to was air one growing up.

Well that sucks. If you want some dad core I'd definitively listen to some Stan Rogers

Did your dad think he was still 22 when you were a teenager?

this is perfectly in keeping with all of my preconceptions about canada


he would also just play jello biafra spoken word albums

and hurt by johnny cash

it was a strange atmosphere

He was the "cool" dad that smoked weed, wasn't he?

If you ignore all the Chinese and poo in loos, sure.

i dunno i think it was the opposite, he was an office programmer and so his only form of rebellion was his music taste

literally any of the jazz artists my dad listened to i didn't like as a kid but now i enjoy them

and Talking Heads

So, when did your mom leave him?

My nigga, although I'm still more of a folk person but I can enjoy jazz and swing a lot more than I did growing up or as a teen

my dad listened to metal when i was a kid and he listens to metal now

>being so autistic and childish you think people should grow out of the music they enjoy as young adults

when i was like two

Gen x'ers were cancer, almost as bad as boomers.
>tfw no greatest gen dad to take you hunting, fishing, and other dad-son things
>you'll never listen to folk music with a greatest gen dad
>you'll never grow up in a 99% white neighborhood that's centered around the church and community with the prospects of landing a job at the local mill or auto plant right out of HS

Being a father and listening to the music that you lost your virginity to some floozy in the back of your old beat up 72 Mustang is cringey as fuck

Was she kind of a bitch and acted like it was all your father's fault?

he took me to a metallica concert when i was 13 so that was pretty cool at least
we have a pretty frosty relationship nowadays; he treats my mom like shit

well i can see why he left her she is very bitchy and likes to nag at you

they just said they preferred being friends rather than being together

>he treats my mom like shit
Does he drink and/or spend a lot of time and money on his hobbies?

>and likes to nag at you
That's just women, mang
>they just said they preferred being friends rather than being together
Which of course they say after they've popped out a kid or two. Fuck, why aren't people capable of just figuring shit out?

>Fuck, why aren't people capable of just figuring shit out?

I don't know women seem to massively exacerbate problems and arguments in relationships, they love to argue.

That's always been the case, it used to be though that society favored men a bit in domestic matters so men could be men without getting punished for it and thus they could handle women better. Plus I'd say contraceptives are big factor as well, theres a bunch of old sayings about keeping women barefoot and pregnant and they're not wrong.

he doesn't drink but to the latter yes he does, he spends a shitload of money on videogames and technology. he has to have the latest gadgets as soon as they're out. he's a manchild basically. he's cheated on my mom and dragged her into years of hell that she's constantly tried to fix and he's always steadfastly refused to make any personal progress on. he's emotionally stunted as fuck i think which probably has something to do with his alcoholic dad killing himself when he was 18, but still he's in his fucking 40s and he sits there and plays video games and piles trash all around himself in his room and everywhere else and treats my mom like garbage and refuses to do anything around the house unless he absolutely has to. like check this shit, he got into an argument with my mom over some petty shit and decided that she had sleighted him and screamed "FUCK YOU" and slammed the door to his room like a big baby having a tantrum over tendies, and then refused to speak to her at all for over a week. even when it was something important. he'd go into her room where the TV and xbox are and sit on her bed and play video games and ignore her. if she tried to talk to him about anything, whether it was something concerning my baby sister or even what he fucking wants from mcdonalds he would just pretend she doesn't exist and if she managed to coax an answer out of him he'd make it brief and annoyed. who does that? who honestly fucking does that, not even teenagers should be doing that. he's in his 40s! he's a fucking grown man! he's been with the police force for almost 20 years! who fucking does that shit, how can you get so far in life being that much of a stunted autistic fuck? i don't even know if he's autistic but he's got some kind of mental problems, he has to. anyway this got really long but i had to vent somewhere about this

I think the society part is spot on. Men and Women are fundamentally different and need some outside force, society, marriage, or whatever, to settle their differences. Sort of like how society in general works.

your a dorable

terrible stan song desu

He sounds like a piece of shit and your mom an angel. Why is it that the best women always stick around for assholes (no offense). Also I'm both surprised he's a cop and not.

Feminism (yes including women's suffrage) was a mistake.

>being an elitist
>hating any of Stan Roger's works
Every time I listen to Barrett's Privateers I start singing along like an autist, guess that might just be me though

yeah my mom has tried really hard to keep things together. she's got her own issues but she really does care. her parents went through some really rough spots (her dad was an alcoholic too with all the shit that comes with that) but they stuck together until they both died because that's just how things went back then i guess and i think that's part of what keeps her in this relationship. the other is the financial aspect of a divorce and all the shit that would come with that

>hurt by johnny cash


Sounds like she has daddy issues. Hopefully she' doesn't decide to whore out or something

i agree, if only for the fact that men contribute to society through taxes while women are a net loss, therefore they should control society as they and they alone sustain it

dunno why he played that when we were going out for a family drive lol

>i agree, if only for the fact that men contribute to society through taxes while women are a net loss, therefore they should control society as they and they alone sustain it
I'd say less so that and more so that before women's suffrage, a man voting was ultimately a vote for his family interests. Women voting divided up the family and put husband against wife and from their the children become pawns between two disunited parents as, as you mentioned, the tax/income factor. Plus women just ended up voting in the state as a replacement for men so they could be "independent" but in the end of the day they just earned themselves a whole new type of slavery, wage and debt slavery.

*and from there

>dunno why he played that when we were going out for a family drive lol
Jesus, what a fucking faggot. You could bring your twink boyfriend home and get fucked in the ass right in front of him while playing Basshunter and you'd still be less of a faggot then your father.

he just liked johnny cash tho

did i also mention high functioning autism runs in my family

i don't know why i laughed at this post



good shit

>being so far removed from ever being a father that you spew out this pure autism as a means of self preservation

If any aspect of your life involves being ashamed of something as trivial as liking music from when you were young, you are flawed beyond redemption

>he thinks he's an adult

probably like a sunny day in glasgow or some girly gay shit like that