Rate my family, Sup Forums

Rate my family, Sup Forums.


you doomed your child to pre mature balding, way to go faggot


would smash

Awesome picture man. Is your wife recovering from some kind of accident?

My gf is sadly disabled too but I'll love her till the day I die.

Why do you want us to hate them fellow 4 channer.


You fucked it up by being bald.

Just kill yourself, really.

Do a DNA check on the kid too. There's a tiny chance it's yours, but you can never be too careful. If it turns out your wife somehow decided to actually birth your spawn instead of the kid of the many other men she is banging... well... kill the kid as a favour before killing yourself.

i'd fuck her so hard she won't be able to.... oh wait

Well her arms look a little bulky so I'd say it's been that way for a while...

why is your wife retarded?

>its not rape if she cant run away


you look like this guy

is that woman finnish ?

off road 4x4....catch that hottie

shes finished now



Dad's head is upside down, also tshirt and blazer is the worst clothing combination on earth.

The kid is a massive fag, bowties are shit meme tier garments. He probably gets raped by the father, whos violent tendencies woud also explain the wheelchair on the otherwise 9/10 mom

Total score, 4/10
Woyld have been 2/10 without the mom.

>Dad's head is upside down