Kpop general

kpop was a mistake edition

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army here to support twice



gook deleter reee

please support clc so yujin can eat more


There are no mistakes, it's all part of the Divine plan

Not clicking a single one of those, loser.

I support kpg

Did the choa sandwich guy kill himself?

>Hi mum and dad, I'm back from teaching English in Korea. Meet my new fiance Seolhyun

How do they react?

please give me a ((you))

They'd be happy that I did something with my pathetic life.

what did I tell you about used goods son



Hey guys! Guess what? I did a google search for "kpop forum" and these are all the websites that popped up. Get the fuck out of Sup Forums!

"How much did it cost?"

she is so hot you do deserve it



"No offense, but good to know you're not gay!"

>not getting it
based pea brained ESL


nice nice body

why don't you go to a music forum if you think they're equivalent

i will when music gets off of my anime website

thats fucking cute

stop impersonating me

No, I am getting it.
What you're not getting is the false-flagging clickbait by the faggot.

seems like you already knew about these before googling them :)

can somebody give me areum's new instagram

Can the president resign already if there won't be any pictures from SM's yearly halloween party I'm gonna be very upset

i only come here to respond to baiters pretending to be Sup Forumstards

Gdragon is working with pharrell for the next comeback

i loved that bassline in hey mama's teaser but it feels like the whole song relies on it too much lol

"Why couldn't you get a "normal" gf"

This is some impressive jawline + chin by Seolhyun.

Prove it faggot.

let's dance!

Do you guys actually listen to the music or do you just fap to the girls?

the songs are disappointing though


get the fuck out of /kpg/
guess what I found so many music forums when I googled music, why the fuck would you come and shit on /kpg/

why are slavs always so angry about gaypop tho

t-ara made way more "faggy" stuff than all songs in the OP combined

Great, now we can listen to two faggots that peaked in 2012 instead of just one

i'm married to the music

I'm already on a music forum, it's called Sup Forums. You guys are shitting it up with your gook worship.

I've never fapped to kpop. There are much better things to fap to on the internet. I also hate the music, though. Basically I am only here to shitpost.




we love you, regardless of your homosexuality

Hello KPOP GENERAL, how are you feeling today?


She was born ready for some BBC.

feeling like DANCING

Why does she have the scar

i think i'm in the right place too

woahh this is creepy

you think you're talking to me or the pole, but you're not

Stay salty

pretty disappointing for EXO desu. good thing there's still BP & taeyeon tomorrow

don't want a girl who dodges my load

knife fight with dr. kim

How do you justify being (presumably) white and being into these gookesses? Do you hate your race? Does miscegenation turn you on? Are you sexually repressed? Maybe you're the fucking homo in this discussion faggot.

>nigger and gaypops
I'm not giving you a (you)

dr. kim started work on her and then realized she's far beyond his skill level


delete this asshole

not bad, and how are you?

kpg's always angry at this time

must be the americanos

Don't know, ask them, I've never been to any of their countries.

>t-ara made way more "faggy" stuff
Are you fucking retarded?


isn't this euro evening though

I'm good
thank you

havent they worked before?

>please support clc so yujin can eat more
yes please. save this poor rodent



yeah i hate it when kpg is angry, which is sadly most of the time. sometimes people are nice here though

Shinzo Abe will save the korean people from their demonic government

clc is fucking dead
destined to join the likes of hello venus and dal shabet

you should visit a doctor

it is, and i can confirm it's almost always shit at this time

don't know who's at fault tho. it's morning-noon in america too

Later that night.

Unlike you I don't hate my race nor do I support miscegenation with gooks. GTFO out of Sup Forums.

this is the song that was playing in case anyone was interested

[INFO] JYP confirms Jeon Somi will join Twice after official disbanding of IOI


do we like healthy girls here?

i'm being a 100 serious, it's just one or two guys ruining everything

The ahjumma transformation is complete.

That's a thin penis

[ENG SUB] DIA & Dalshabet Weekly Idol 161019 Episode 273 달샤벳 다이아

I wish Sana knows about the thicc meme

we love ahjummas here

>be white
>worship a white girl
Don't see a problem dbh