Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Karthus :D

Don't meet many Karthus mains. You a suicide Karthus or backline?

Tide hunter

Nobody mains Tide Hunter, lol.

ye got me


backline lol :D

backline : D

Soldier: 76


Bard always with the snow day skin

Newfag alert


Also falco


zed brazillian d4

I don't understand how anyone can main him. It boggles the mind.

Top Kek

o famoso ´´zed´´ do instapick :D



are you fucking kidding me? half of the fucking threads on this board can go to the porn boards and are shit quality and have to creative value to it.

lol, 2016 not playing Smite. Git gud.

Varus bby

The best rape happens under your towers.


Udyr fear of towers :D

fuck off league of legends peasant dota 2 is and always will be king fag

Their heroes are so boring though :(

Blitzcrank, Anub'arak, Reinhardt, Ymir

haha all your heroes play pretty much the same with little difference whereas in dota 2 you have heroes like meepo and invoker

courier yourelf the fuck out of this thread. No one cares about your shitty ass copypasta of League.

Rzye. Not only that but i script


So 9 spells per hero and unbalanced gameplay is your definition of "fun"?

league was a mod for the original dota

My man

Illaoi, Tracer (HOTS), Lucio, Neith

whats dota 2 is i thought it was irrelevant now


have you ever played? It's 3 spells, an ult, two summoner spells that anyone can have. If you count all those it's 6 max

Zed, and yes suicide is most definitely something i consider every time I lock in with him.

well you can't deny what I'm saying because your game doesn't have that mechanic

Meepo is micro managing, something anyone who's played an RTS can do. And Invoker is easy. You just have to memorize spell combinations.

> the more spells you've got, the better game

How about using your ultimate spell, hero? Remember kid, suicide is an option.

I'm not talking about difficulty im talking about variance


How long have you been playing? Or did you buy the account?

I was exaggerating. I laught at the "Summoner" spells. That's crap. Every match should be independent.


I main protoss

I've been playing since 2009. I was a wee lad back then. I played in season 1 and i only started back up again this year. I had the 'minecraft phase' which drew me away and I only recently got back into it. IF yu wanna play some time HMU i'm on NA

what are you talking about? I was explaining how many spells are in the game, not bragging about it
calm your shit man

wtf is a heroes of newerth

Gnar. Draven. Rek'Sai. Thresh. Singed. Ekko. Azir. Gangplank.

a game


Rek'Sai Jungle

Garen trynd thresh illaoi Cho blitz and mf

Swain, Twitch, Trundle are my top champs

GP could steal that cunts Ghost Ship if he wanted to.

Oh man, I don't really care about league community. I usually use /mute all command in like first ten seconds of each match, because of polacks and other trash.
What really hit me is this "free out of jail card"... I ain't even using flash. Ever. That spell sucks total dick compared to ghost (google it up, if you're dota2 guy).
And yeah, I spent 25€ on a fucking skin for my main, because it actually feels better to play him in improved form. I think of it as a reward for myself for gettting to a certain point in mastering this character.

The FOTM is real.

>2009 + 7
>same 20 champs rotating in/out of meta
>jungle changing every half a season
>10+ min queue times for everyone but the lowest ranks
>spaghettic code everywhere, champs constantly getting disabled for hotfixes
>rito bending over constantly whenever the chinks find something rproblematic
>rito closes dominion
>rito closes soloq, but refuses to integrate voice comms
>rito gives up on magma chamber
>(i hope you don't think TT will still be in the game this time next year)
>pro players LITERALLY refusing to play ranked, create their own soloq on tournament realm

who the fuck is still playing this game?

I hope you don't use ghost on Udyr... but I can understand why you'd want to use is SGU skin. His base model is ass and Riot refuse to update the dame thing.

I main your mom, OP AF

You sound like the whiny cunts on the League boards. Just another entitled crybaby.


please, keep tone policing instead of addressing a single one of my complaints. faggot.

You can inject a skin with wooxy, boy

:> They smoothed out some textures, that's enough for another 6 years or so I guess.
And yeah, I use ghost. Almost 100% of times. Unelss there is like Taliyah and J4 in one team, I go with it :> Oodeer doesn't really need flash. He's tanky enough to get out of crap and ghost proves you 9/11 successfull ganks and chases. Also that low cooldown tough

not to fucking mention whenever rito decides the meta isn't exciting enough to watch go the fuck in and gut whatever strats the players decided were the best.

but i didnt :)


I don't play Video games.

So you come to vg thread to tell us.
>Thank you.
Now go back to rating eachother cocks or something.


Techies. Gg m8.

>Now go back to rating eachother cocks or something.
I don't do that either.

I main an original and fun hero called pudge from an original game called DotA 2

>exaggerating in written form
>full caps lock

Yeah, just fuck off back to wherever you came from.

And no one cares either.

Erm, I mean "Corgi"

Dota was first tho

>Dota 2
>Not ripoff of WC


>ITT: LoL vs Dota 2 bait
>inb4 "using kys, kys"

It's not a ripoff of wc dota added new mechanics unlike lol taking everything from dota and making a shittier version of it.


Main teemo and mordekaiser

Yeah, so League mains thread got full of Dota2 fanbois trying to inflate their dick sized egos.
Can't you faggots make your own Dota2 whateverthefuck happens there thread?
Oh hold on, let me guess. That shit would get 404'd in no time, because nobody gives a half of a shit about fucking Dota2.

Me too. Really fun champ to play

ign Gank bottom carry me out of silver 5