Drunk, lonely, having female problems and hanging out with my animals...

Drunk, lonely, having female problems and hanging out with my animals. Anyone wanna chat and tell me how to fix my fuck ups (female related, go away virgins). Pic sorta relayed, my horse but not hanging out with him.

you're hanging out with animals?

My dogs

It would help if you said what you needed help with.

Fuck the horse faggot

Drunk, stoned and bored. I'll bite, what's up?

I'm pretty decent with girls. What do you need man?

Fucked up, talked to a stripper (got her number while at the strip club), gf found out, now we're on a "break" where she wants me to date other girls to see if she's actually what i want. I feel like it's a trap just to give her permission to date other guys as well, i don't want to date anyone else either. We've been on this "break" for about 2 weeks and we hardly talk or see each other. She even went back to her mom's (I'm 22, she's 21), been dating almost 9 months, i really feel like she's the one and i fucked it up hardcore

This wasn't the coast fuck up, the first one was in January where she caught me flooring with another girl. These are the only 2 times I've done anything like this and she caught me

I thought that was a reindeer In the tumbnail and I was about flip my shit when you said horse

Fuck! I'm a god damn liar, she caught me gong to the strip club once and i lied which made it worse. Those are the 3 things i can think of. Pretty sure i haven't done much else besides this and definetly haven't got caught for anything else

Lol 2 month old colt. Looks like a fucking donkey because of his baby cost

Alright man. So she's been feeling kinda trapped by your relationship and she's using this as an escape. She may or may not be interested in other dudes, but most importantly is she is scared of commitment. She's going to use this break to justify a further break up. She'll say something along the lines of "I can't be with you after you were with all those girls. "

Jesus Christ OP just break up. You're obviously just a piece of shit.

Dude she's terrified of commitment. She's told me this more than once. But she has also talked about getting married to me and how she's never loved anyone as much as me, and lots of talk of our cute. So i though she was past it


I'm 22 she's 21 we have 2 horses, 3 dogs, 7 duck, 2 cats, and 2 sheep together all on my land that we choose together

So now that I heard more. She's scared of commitment to you. She wants to be with you. But is afraid you'll 1. Leave her. 2. Keep going to strip clubs. 3. Cheat on her. Your actions are what have her acting this way. Clean up op or she will leave you.

My analysis: if you don't let her date other guys now, she will cheat on you later (if she doesn't break up with you). It definitely sounds like she might want to date other men. That impulse is not going to go away. Best you can do is apologize and beg for her forgiveness (and actually try to show her you love her) or take her up on her offer and hope that after a few months she still wants you after tasting a few nigger cocks. Worst case scenario, you break up and move on. There is no "the one"... only dopamine response to potential mates. Besides, youre 22. If you arent in college, go there and you will meet a woman who actually likes the things you do. Also, dont betray a girl you love like that ever again. Pretty simple, if you think about it.

Tits or gtfo

I'm trying man... it's like every time we start doing okay i fuck up again... idk if i have another chance to prove myself after this (assuming we even stay together). Now i do have another predicament but it's on her end.... she's a stripper, talks to a bunch of guys but doesn't hang out with them outside of the club just flirts and shit A BUNCH with them, and she talks to line all of her fucking ex's. Am i wrong for getting really jealous and bringing it up occasionally? Some times I'll get drink and being it up and she gets passed, tells me in wrong and blah blah blah. Am i just a piece of shit for getting jealous and wanting beer to stop? I've never dated a stripper

Best thing I've read.... man fuck... idk. I want to give her her space but it's hard at the same time

You ain't getting shit

You, Sir, earned your place in time.

But that's where it stops. Am I rite?

she tryin to cuck you.

its a trap

Nah, would've already done it

Not even sure what you're trying to say bud

Y'all have been dating for only 9 months and she's already caught you in 3 different compromising situations? Sounds like you need to grow the fuck up then and respect the people you're supposedly"committed" to. Stop going to strip clubs, stop screwing around with other girls. You're probably going to lose this one, so take it as a learning experience. Knock that shit off. Youve moved in and "committed" to a woman? Then commit, and stop acting like a frat boy.

Never cheated, flirted and went to the strip club twice. But yuppie right about the growing up and stop fucking off

It's kind of on both of you. She sees you going to a strip club as a bad thing but doesn't view her being a stripper as bad. Also chats with her exes. It can be weird. But my wife is friends with her ex. He's my friend. He's married now. Too. Also. Leave the relationship for real. You both have major problems, they will lead bad places. You sound like a solid guy. You'll find someone. The girl for you is out there, and she's not a stripper that thinks going to the strip club is cheating.

You've got a lot going on here, and it doesn't seem to entirely be your fault, but don't rationalize. If she's not okay with it don't do it. But it goes both ways. She's talking to all the exes and gets mad when you bring it up, but you're not supposed to go to a titty bar? Nah, fuck that, you have just as much right as she does in the relationship to not have your feelings marginalized and ignored. And how is she going to get mad at you for that anyways when she literally grinds on men for a living? The talking to her exes and getting salty is a huge red flag man, I hate to say it, but she sounds like she's just half ass chasing a fantasy with you while keeping a bunch of guys on the back burner for when she inevitably changes her mind and wants to go back to partying. It might be best for you to move on.

Ever blow or fuck them?

See, this is exactly how i feel but on the other hand we have a house together (on my dime but we both picked it out) 150k and 5 acres so it's not a cheap thing to get rid of, a bunch of animals, and a lot of fucking memories. We were friends about a year before we tried this damn relationship and i Jay don't want to lose her. She's my best friend. She's seem me through getting fired from a job found a better one really quick but that's still a lot top support someone through, a new house, losing a family member that sent me into a deep depression, a lot of late night talks and shit, we've only been dating a short amount of time but we've been through a lot. I tell her shit that i wouldn't even tell you guys and yall babe no way of even knowing who the fuck i am. It's not that easy to Jay lose your best friend. She's one of 2 people i would call a friend at all

Nope. I got a hand that I've been using for too many years, way better than fucking an animal

I know how you feel bro. I've been through that exact thing. I am not married to the love of my life. But sometimes she's not the girl for you. And the hardest part is letting go. Took me over 5 years. And it still hurts. But now I'm okay with it. I miss her though. But I'm okay with missing her.

She's so fucking good at arguing that she makes me feel like I'm the bad guy everyone i try to day exactly what you say. Her big thing with the club is "i MAKE money doing it. You paid someone for it. Yeah i do it but i make money doing it" rough quote but that's basically it. And the exs she's admitted to keeping around to use them. 1 she uses as am electrician for her mom (I'm a handy man but i can't do electrical) the other for taking care of her dogs medical bills (i can take care of them but she won't let me because she uses him for that) and another broke her heart when she was younger so she just leads him on every now and then, then does some shit to fuck with him and that's not over exaggerated at all, she had told me all 3 of those

Fuck man. Have you really? Because just reading that and realizing that might have top be me is fucking killing me right now and idk how to handle that. I wouldn't even know where to begin

Yeah. It's pretty rough at first. But after a few years you get used to it. You'll find another. One that compliments you, but not the one you love the most, but you'll still love her.

Fuck man. You haven't talked to her at all in 5 years?

I talked to her maybe 3 years ago, but she always brought out the autism in me so when my wife saw our conversation of me confessing my always undying love for her and her being awkward. She asked her to block me. So no words for 3 years. I would say no loving words for 7 years. My life is not what I wanted. But yours can be.

Bro, drop her. I know it's going to hurt, but she's manipulating you exactly like the others. Think they're just doing that for free? It might not be sex, but its something. A blowjob, a grope, hell even a free dance at the club. You're just the most recent of her line of guys to use and manipulate.

Get rid of her. Cut all contact or be doomed to the cuckdom with the rest of the exes. She's going to make you think it's your fault the relationship ended, and string you along in the hopes that you'll get back together.

You both have issues, but I think she's got you fucked up and is setting you up. Get out while you can.

Got damn. At least toy found a woman worth not talking to her for! You might love the other girl but you obviously babe to be happier with the new one to do that for her. I'm socially awkward to which is another reason i can't see me finding any girl especially any time soon. I'm not that ugly either i don't think, just shy af. And she's a gd 10/10. I wish i was comfortable showing you guys her lol

You really think she's just using me?and I honestly don't think she's cheated on me at all like that but I've been wrong many many times in my life so i could be wrong but i don't think she is. I also really don't want to end up like them though because I'll fall for anything she trucks me with of we really end this. I know i will

For real. A lot of socially awkward guys attract a lot of girls. I'm decent looking, had some girls crush on me through school, one of which is my current wife. But life is not bad. I'm drunk, the wife is playing video games. I'm on Sup Forums

By the way; thanks to the 2 or 3 guys actually trying to help me or here. I wa expecting a bunch of stupid shit like usual. I've browsed Sup Forums for about 6 years now and hardly ever see real fucking responses

>dang dude

That sounds like a damn fine life haha. It's harder when you don't do school though you know? Then you gotta go to a bar and meet a chick and that's way harder. In school you have months to build up the courgage to talk to a girl, at a bar you and 50 other dies have a few hours to build it up and talk to her

>better than hot, tight, delicious dog pussy.

This was the kind of response i was expecting

There are genuine people here. We're all anons. It's a strange kind of love we have. I'll always be there for a friend especially if they're a Sup Forumsro.

If you're going to try and pursue the relationship you dont need to crawl back and beg. You need to apologize, then tell her clearly and calmly that she needs to cut the other guys loose. Emphasis on calmly, but be firm as well. Maybe sit and think long and hard about whether you're okay with her being a stripper and bring that up too of you're not. If she blows up, leave and never look back. Let her know you're serious and that what you feel and think is just as important as what she does, and this is very important to you if the relationship is going to go forward.

That's my advice. My real advice is to run, you're dating a child who wants to play house for a little while. And dont date a stripper, ever. Jealousy is the killer there.

glad i didn't disappoint

That guy is right though! Fully intact, hot willing dog pussy is better than any hand or woman. Shame that so many americans ruin their dogs by spaying or neutering.

Here, I had some anons really help me out recently with a problem of my own so I'm trying to pay it back. I'll be returning to regular shitposting mode shortly.

Yeah man. We married after dating a few years. But we started dating my senior year. But I do get out into social situations. And it can be more than just bars for meeting people. Just go do the things you enjoy. Do stuff online. That's where I truly met my wife. We went to school together and she crushed on me, but we never met until we got into a video chat together.

Also, you're not a whiny bitch who just wants us to tell him what he wants to hear, not the truth. You actually seem to be genuinely hurting and looking for advice. That helps a lot, I think.

This is what i feel like i should do! Right there, but i also feel like i don't have the right to do this while were on a break you know? I've really considered the second part as well but i honestly don't think I'm strong enough to walk away from her. Idk i just always feel like the bad guy. And even though a few of you have said it's both of us is really hard to see that is her as well because i know that I'd i bring it up she'll have something to say that makes me feel like it's me which makes it harder to leave because i want top change me for her

fun fact, new studies are emerging that show spay and neuter surgeries are actually harmful in the long run. especially when done to animals before puberty.

it's almost like those hormones helped regulate body function or something. wow.

Your still to young to know what you want

Well yeah, everyone i know is shot so i figured this was my best hope which is seriously a fucking shot in the dark but it seemed to have really worked out and I'm feeling a lot better about everything that worried me, or i want sure about which is nice. And yeah I'll go back to shitposting here in a but too after a couple more things are discussed. This would've been like $200 am hour anywhere else so I'm glad about that haha

That's because she's manipulating you bro. It's her, as well as you. But you're guilty of just thinking with your dick, shes actively admitted to just stringing a guy along out of spite. You have every right to speak in a relationship, dont think just because you're on "break" you can't express how you feel. That's bullshit. This is the perfect time to discuss it.

Seriously though man, take this chance to get out. It sounds like shes toxic for you, and like I said she's a child wanting to play house. Looks fade bro. Think about how she's treated you, and imagine a dumpy looking girl treated you like that. Would you hang around? Would you put up with the shit? You need to sit and think about it man. Real long and hard.

See I'm way more comforitable online but i feel like dating sites are cheesy lol. Plus no one is real. You already knew her, I'm Gonna have to meet someone

It's alright bro. Meeting more people absolutely turns you into a normal person. The more people I've met the more I've understood how normal people act.

You're right. What better time then when she said "find what you want" right? This is the perfect time to bring it up and talk to her about it. Even if she doesn't want to. It's fair to both of us to get it out in the open and tell her how i feel. But you're right, if she was an ugly bitch i would've already left. Yall have given me a lot to think about but have also relieved so fucking much

Don't worry about meeting someone new right now, that's a self defeating mistake. Most you need in the coming months is a fuckbuddy, and not even that really.

You know where I met my wife? At a fucking gas station. I was pumping gas, she pulled up, I leaned waaaayyyy back to get a look at dat ass and she caught me. I laughed it off and talked to her, we went out two days later and got married 3 years after to the day. You never know when you'll meet someone, so dont stay in a relationship because you're afraid to be alone. Yoy deserve to be treated with respect.

Haha problems with being socially awkward. But yeah i guess you're right. I could always hang out with coworkers and shit and get my stuff together. Alcohol always helps me loosen up too and they all drink so maybe this won't be as hard (not emotionally) as i think it will be. You guys have helped out so fucking much. Thanks Sup Forumsro

Idk if it's so much as being alone as it is just loading her though. You know? And shit every time that's happened to me, the call me aperv and drive off XD

Exactly. If you do go talk to her, get Zen before you go. If she tries to fight, DO NOT ENGAGE. Stay calm and reiterate your points. Do not let her change the subject. Do not let her manipulate you. She might scream, cry or be dead silent. Do not get desperate, do not break down and yield. Stand firm and be insistent. But also listen if and when she talks to you in earnest. Dont blow her off or make it one sided. Relationships are between both parties, and both need to feel loved and appreciated and important for them to work.

I'm glad you feel better though bro, gives me a warm fuzzy.

Any time man. Always remember that your Sup Forumsros will always be here. And there's plenty of them. We stick together because we need each other.

Well to be fair she caught me because she was checking me out too, so all's fair I guess. She was making that smug face that women get while I was talking at her, until I told her, "Well, I mean, you're a pretty woman, I'm a man. Can't blame me for appreciating something beautiful right?" and gave her a shit eating grin. I knocked her off guard, it was a cheesy ass line tbh, but hey it worked so I went in for the kill.

Okay. I'm going to remember everything you've said tonight because these are really good points. Not fighting is going to be a major goal when i talk to her because when she stays silent i do get desperate and start fighting to get a reaction out of her so I'm going to make it a point to talk and not fight

Ha!that was a good cheesy line though XD

Yeah we do, because we're all fucking nerds at heart that have been missing something wierd that we find in each other

The cost of raising a baby is high in this day and age after all. I feel for you user.
Even if you have to get a second job, do what it takes to make ends meet for the ones you love.

It's a horse. Lol

That's a common tactic. I used to do it myself. You get the moral high ground and it makes the other person look crazy. So take it from me, don't engage in that, just keep talking calmly. If she wants to sit in silence, sit in silence. Don't play her games. Good luck man, really, it's hard as fuck. I've had to do it before, usually call it a "come to Jesus moment," and it sucks. Just remember that no matter how hard it gets, maintain your composure and say what you came to say.
Yeah, good thing for me. She's got resting bitch face so I dont think she got hit on very often, but I have resting asshole face so I wasn't scared, I know it when I see it. Totally out of character for me too, I'm normally a fucking sperg. Couldn't let dat ass walk me by though lol

Okay. Thanks for that. So how should i go about trying to see her to have this convo? Because this definetly isn't a text or call kind of talk. And i got resting asshole face too lol which makes it ecen harder to talk to womem XD i mean, ex military, ex corrections officer, current police officer so you can only imagine how much of an ass i ALWAYS look like lol

Okay. Thanks for that. So how should i go about trying to see her to have this convo? Because this definetly isn't a text or call kind of talk. And i got resting asshole face too lol which makes it ecen harder to talk to womem XD i mean, ex military, ex corrections officer, current police officer so you can only imagine how much of an ass i ALWAYS look like haha

Call her and have her come over. You need to be alone, and in a place that is comfortable for you both. Definitely do it in person. Let her know that this is very important and that you absolutely need to talk, but don't be desperate or whiny. Just be firm. If she's not even willing to meet and talk to you, then you have your answer. Another thing is don't be afraid to apologize, but make sure she knows that just because you did something wrong doesn't mean that she gets a free pass to walk all over you or that your feelings are invalid. The most important thing is to keep everything even keel, don't let her overwhelm you but don't overwhelm her either.

And I get you, I'm a former Sapper myself. What branch?

Is a busy weekend for both of us though so it'll probably have to wait until Monday honestly. And i was in the air Force. I was security threat so becoming a police officer was easy haha

Dude don't even trip I was like fuuu boring night then I met another Sup Forums who posted in a area code thread. Here's a pic.

Move on OP. I am 24, I got dumped at the beginning of feb. I have been single since then, It is the longest I have been single since I was 18. First few months were really hard, but I am doing great now. Doing so great, never better. My advice? Take some time and figure out things for yourself. I have been enjoying the occasional hookup from tinder and bars, I have worked on my music on my Youtube channel. Take a step back! Smell the flowers, figure out what YOU want.

tl;dr: You do you, boo boo.

Beautifully said! Loving all the input tonight

Anytime Sup Forumsro. What are you up to tonight? Don't drink too hard if that's how you cope.

(although, it sure is fucking nice to drink how much i want and when i want without being judged and losing "rights" to sex. Also, it is awesome to leave a mess, clean up when i want, do dishes when i want, sleep when i want, etc)

I feel you man, don't rush it. Think about exactly what you want to say and go over it. Write that shit down if you have to. Just have a clear plan and know what needs to be said so you're not stumbling for words or getting flustered.

Good luck man, I hope you get things figured out. And I wont hold being Chair force against you, my Uncle was whatever yalls equivalent of the Sgt Major of the Army for the Air National Guard and my best friend is a Nuke tech in the Navy. If you aint combat you aint shit and all that, blah blah.

Fuck i know right! When i drank and she was there we would never have sex because of that!!!! Haha I'm watching some YouTube think on the voynich code. Now that in feeling better I'm dividing on other shit!!! But I'm way to gone to stop now lol. I was just gonna pour myself my last drink of the night

Beauty, I have a bit of Johnny Walker red. A girl wanted to come over but its like fucking 2am here and my house is a mess.

Thanks! You've helped me out tonight more than almost anyone has in my whole life haha. I really do appreciate it! And i was active, waited a year to get deployed and it never happened so i switched to reserves because i was such of driving to kirkland afb 5 days a week and doing jack shit, then once i was approved to go to reserves i got a job in my states prison as am officer. Sounds like you have a military family like me lol

Hey, ain't nothing wrong with a little drinking. I took an Oxy about 2 hours ago, I'm feeling pretty good myself. Don't drink all that much anymore since I got out of the service, I'm more of a social drinker. But you can't beat the pills the VA gives out, they don't fuck around.

And no sex when you drink? What the fucks the point of drinking then?

Is 234 here right now, I'd welcome company. I'd say you take it! Fuck it, if it's messy who cares! Least you get is some company, most you get is a bitch that's down to fuck haha

>go away virgins
>implying you will meet someone on Sup Forums who isn't

The point is to feel good!!! I don't do pills, smoke weed out anything like that so i like to drink. I could probably get shit from the VA but i don't want togo to them

Hey, Mountain time masterrace!

haha yeah shes really pushy, shes only 18 so she seems like a clinger. I cant drive because of whiskey and the bars are just out so cabs are over an hour wait. Oh well!

Uncle and Dad are the only 2 to serve since WWII, Dad had been out for years when I came along. I just have to give you shit, it's in our initial contracts when we sign up for a combat MOS to give every one else shit about their job, even other combat ones.I was on active duty for all 8 years of my enlistment, got 2 deployments in during.

And again, glad I could help man. We've all been there at one point or another, and I wish I had gotten advice from someone when I was going through the shit. Part of growing up, I guess, I've just recently gotten to the point where I'll ask for help, which makes you ahead of the curve.

Have her go to you! She's 18, she can drive! I want to go get some food but the vodkas keeping me from that XD where you from??? I'm from new mexico!

Fuck man, I used to be in Mountain time too. East coast now though, was stationed out in New Mexico for a while.
I wouldn't as a police officer tbh, opiods fuck with your reaction time even when you're not actively on them. Not much need for my 1337 oper8ing skills sitting behind a desk giving out car loans and opening checking accounts though. Oh, but don't believe all the bad shit you hear about the VA, it's really not that bad. They're there to help, they just have a fuck ton of volume.

What branch did toy serve in and where were you deployed to? Thanks for the service brother! Knowing you served makes me feel even more comforitable because even though idk shit about you, you're a fucking brother none the less! I really wanted to get deployed but it just never happened. And yeah the only reason i got the help was because it's a bunch of strangers lol. If i ever saw your face i would've never asked

>go away virgins
fuck you now i'm here to stay faggot
make me go

have you tried turning her on and off?

Im a fuckton of a drive north of you. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Nice weather here right now.

I would love to get down to NM one day, but I fear that climate is bad for my pale Irish Canadian skin.

No shit, where at? I was stationed at WSMR, north of Las Crusces.