Ok Sup Forumsros, I need a good film to watch. Hit me with some

Ok Sup Forumsros, I need a good film to watch. Hit me with some.

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>posts bad film
Yeah. You really do need to be hit.

whats bad about it?

Nothing, the guy's a troll. It's the best OC in ages.

Terrible written with over dramatic acting and lame cliches. easily the most overrated movie of all time.

What genre do you have in mind

Movie sites?


I feel like everything but the ending was really great. The ending was kinda silly and it felt like the writer didn't know how to end it so he just made shit up.

The Truman show, o brother wherr art thou, pleasant valley, now you see me, District 9, four brothers, boondock saints, the road to El Dorado, the emperors new groove, and that's all I care to list for op who os clearly a faggot

Second most overrated film of all time, don't forget that Gravity happened

Midnight Express ('78)

fucking gold tier.

If you have a jail broken kindle fire stick you should watch 13 hours

Dark Star. Not gonna lie, terrible movie. But it went on to take a surprising twist near the end. It went on to enspire alien and 2001 and it is one of my absolute favs

I sort of approve user

What genre are you looking for right now?

Human centipede it's a nice romantic film


The taxi driver
American history x
Monthy python and the holy grail
The garden of sinners (chinese cartoon)

Big Fish


Let the right one in

what genres do u like

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Full Metal Jacket

jackass 3d


This movie is so fucking stupid. who the fuck really believes in black holes and interdimensional worm holes. how are they still able to communicate back to earth if they entered the wormhole. it's so fake. time changes with gravity on that planet with 1 hour equal to a decade. you fucking scientology physicists can eat my shit for all these lies. you cannot prove it's real.

>thinking space is real and the earth isn't flat
The only thing above the clouds is God.

American phycho

>pic related


Heavy Weights

Porco Rosso

*tips fedora*

pls no "you need to always think outside the box" or "wind blowing the blue curtains represents his sexual frustration" kind of movie pls

not OP btw


The Sand 2015

go for Lucy

Fuck it, gonna samefag. Conan the Barbarian, bitches. Great movie, my all time favourite.

Before I Disappear


>This movie is so fucking stupid. who the fuck really believes in black holes and interdimensional worm holes. how are they still able to communicate back to earth if they entered the wormhole. it's so fake. time changes with gravity on that planet with 1 hour equal to a decade. you fucking scientology physicists can eat my shit for all these lies. you cannot prove it's real.

Idiot Detected


Didn't really like it too much...
And the break where they're in he house is way to long of a scene imo

It's alright at best

Boondock saints.

Always liked it - dont expect depth though.


>pleasant valley
what dis

Anything by Clint Eastwood.



OP here. I'll watch emperor's new groove.




I love this one, is not an action or violent movie but still being very good, i think have more than 30 yo could be help

the grifter

Dis one !

He called me a faggot!


fuck me!?
fuck my mudda you mudda fucka!




Gooble gobble we accept her one of us!



Any movie by Christopher Nolan

gay niggers from outer space

fuck. off.

Suck a cunt

you just don't get it because your not smart enough.. it was great to anyone with half a brain.

Have you seen Chef?

i agree, the guy should havegone into the black hole and we as the audience should be left to wonder what happened to him.

movie should have ended with the woman landing on the new planet safely


any movie that made before CGI came to be.

modern movies are trash.

Did anyone say Blue Velvet yet?

you must be one of those ignorant sheeple with no brains i hear about so much.

10 Cloverfield Lane
It is a good film


Watch every episode of Band of Brothers.

>inb4 not a film faggot

this and the dubs speaks the truth.


*Lady has dinner party
*Power outage
*Walks outside to find help
*Walks towards only house with power
*Peeks through window
*Sees herself at dinner party with guests

Sorry don't know how to green text

10 Cloverfield Lane

I saw that movie 2 days ago and I really enjoy it.

in my top 5 of all time, thats a masterpiece right there

Pulp Fiction
Ace Ventura
Usual Suspects
Life of Brian
Best in Show
Resivour dogs
Team America
Almost famous
Life aquatic
Loss of the rings
Catch me if you can
Out cold
Pussy faggot read the first letters

>Now you see me
Come on man, seriously? That movie was absolute fucking rubbish

yeah, that's not a movie idt

except the movie was made for dumb people and it showed with all their made up science.

dragonball evolution
avatar the last air bender
smurfs the movie
the room

I recommend the movie Kids. Awesome movie about kids giving each other aids in the 90s. Good shit.

all these shitty cult films wtf

No it isn't.

theoretical science.

Who woulda fucking seen that coming in a science fiction movie right.

Did you also hate star wars because its so implausible

It's the sequel to Cloverfield yeah?

Lol get fucked. There was nothing deep about Interstellar, just like most Nolan films, you're hand is held through the entire film.

Cult films are the best kind of films. Gems that no one gave a shit about at the time of release discovered by treasure hunter movie watchers.

How inbred are you? To quote -Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space:

"I see no god up here."

I honestly think you should have a glass of bleach. Do you like your clorox stirred or shaken?

Yessir, mine too

Low budget horror. fuckign amazing movie. perfect for Sup Forums