Which country has girls who won't do this to me?

Which country has girls who won't do this to me?

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what a stupid bitch, what happend to her?

This kind of stuff triggers me really really badly, I honestly dont understand how could she do that, a psycopath maybe?

>his wife walked out
>walked out

just dont invade other countries in a war of agression, then it wont happen to you

any Islamic country

>Tried to strangle himself
I can't get the image of Wheelz over here trying to strangle himself with his uncontrollable hands out of my head to be extremely honest with you

That doesn't seem like a serious news outlet to me. There's probably a bigger story behind it that they conveniently "forgot" to tell.

Also, this:
Stop worshipping soldiers.

Accidents happen. Less compensation, though.

I hope his squad finds her and shoots her.

Go back to suck a Putin's dick


What an awful person that woman is

>british women

I wonder how many of you would be ok with fucking a cripple for the rest of your lives

None, marriages now end the moment a your have a minor bump in the road, let alone a massive disability.

in USA, of course


i wouldn't but i wouldn't steal all her money either though ?

>not ok fucking a cripple for the rest of your lives
>therefore I must squander all their money and try to get more after I leave

Kraut "logic"

german efficiency

dont blame the women, blame your laws

Every country has them m8.

i doubt afghan women even know what an alimony is kek

>It's the laws fault that people take advantage of others in relationships
>It's the laws fault that people are allowed to make (soon to be found frivolous) suits against other people

Kraut "Legal theory"

The Middle East

>It's the laws fault that people are allowed to make (soon to be found frivolous) suits against other people
yes. there are gonna be always shitty people who take advantage of laws if you allow them

I was going to make a joke about him being an expert and still losing his arms and legs but it would be distasteful so I wont.

don't get married!

the kraut is right, if you don't want to be tricked you don't ask people not to lie, just don't be a retard that would be tricked easily.
people are "scum" and will always be "scum", you can't blame nature for your own misfortune

I fucking HATE germans! They are the most despicable, backstabbing, ungrateful, evil """people""" on the planet!

It seems like you were hurt by German people in the past. I am really sorry to hear that

.t Donna

Sorry doesn't cut it. Begehst Suizid, blöder Deutscher

who hurt you, user?

blaming women being a bitch is like blaming rains for your wet laundry

The entire /norgetrÄden/ would prefer it