Does Sup Forums fucking hate weeaboos?

Does Sup Forums fucking hate weeaboos?
(include your nationality if you can)

Why would I includ my nationality, cunt?
Weebs are human trash.

Only tumblr + some animu anons

Don't ask questions you fucking fag bitch where do you live I'll come over there and whoop your ass right now


You blind? Can't read english?

There's 3 types of people on Sup Forums:
Never watches anime: hates weebs and likely anyone who watches anime. Doesn't think respectable anime fans exist.
Rarely watches anime: hates weebs doesn't care about respectable anime watchers
Weebs: hates weebs, refuses to admit they are one

Why are you putting a question mark after a statement?

Weeaboos are absolutely disgusting.
I say that as someone who occasionally reads japanese comics.

Want to but some anime?

>Does Sup Forums fucking hate weeaboos?
No, most of us are weebs.


Oh you're retarded apparently because I was literally asking a question because you seem to have mental issues and I wanted to get to the bottom of it you fucking idiot.

IT's a nigger, don't question niggers or you'll catch ebola


Man I sure know some things.

That wasn't me. Bitch-boi.


Fuck off negroid I'll knock you out

You are a straya. Admit it. (i'm not OP)

Fight me irl I'll knock you the fuck out cunt

ahaha u got me m8

>respectable anime watchers

No such thing

No 2, except that i never watch this shit.

Without an interrogative word it is most certainly not 'literally' a question. Good day, m'lady *Tips fedora*

Lol the "cunt" gave you away.

Sup Forums hates weeaboos
Sup Forums hates weeaboo haters

I am a Filipino.

Only I can judge whether the guy I'm talking to is a weeb, or just a regular anime-watching degenerate like me. And yes, I hate weebs.

Sup Forums hates you, you cunt

No you can't, filipinos aren't real asians you guys are knockoffs

aww thank you. I hate you too, user

I didn't say anything about me being asian, you blind moron.

Highly functioning weeb here. I got the figures and convention badges to prove it. I fucking hate other weebs. It's like cringe just come with the territory and no one fucking knows anything about boundaries. Most weebs are overweight/underweight and hygiene seem like a foreign concept to them. I could rant for days about them. Also, I'm an Amerifag and the kid in OP's picture is a virgin faggot.

>most of us are weebs

I don't give a shit the point is that you are a weeb yourself


If you've gone to more than one convention you're just as bad as the others, now please end yourself you autist

I'm going to run away. You're 2 spoopy for me

>mad weeb detected

More than one? Surely one is enough

I'm good. I prefer to stay alive to read my mangas and light novels.