Who do you main Sup Forums?

Who do you main Sup Forums?
Also general League thread.

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go to Sup Forums faggot

malzahar, jinx, twitch


Dota 2 is shit tier league of legends

Teemo ONLY

this is now a dota thread


Angel Goddess, but I donĀ“t even know what to build on her anymore. fucking league of shit.

I have a smurf teemo main for when I'm in a bad mood

dota 2 is shit and you cant /thread your own post newfag

fizz ftw

I cant support for shit. I'm a jungle and top main

Wanted to get fizz for a long time but thinking about getting shaco first. worth?

I don't even support anymore lmao

Any recommendations on a blitz build? For shits and giggles

I lost 5 placement games so far.

(I no longer main voli)


Why not? Overplayed?

Yeah, and he got kind of boring to me

feels bad, if you want freelo play hecarim or voli I swear you'll climb
best of luck

Rengo, jinx, Yi, blitz, shaco

Teemo as I love to drink the salty tears of my enemies

Teemo was my 3rd most played last season. Would have been diamond if I didn't wind up in the hospital (not for playing Teemo)

Is it because you realized tank supports are for fags?

If you get bored of a champ try Full AD Darius. Never had more fun

I always seem to get a team of fucking retards tho

Will do, thanks fam

Hitler would be so proud

Not that guy, but I've seen plenty of volibears 1v5

Fair, I do recall getting shit on by a fed voli more than once

wont get any better unless you get better yourself, get that mmr up

Cos I realized braum is op as fuck, and thresh is beyond fun

>Being a filthy Zyra player

Only have 170 hours on League

Four out of five people on your team can be retards
Five out of five on the other team can be retards
Statistically just don't be a fucking retard and you'll climb. Also play meta.

I've mained her since her release. I'll play her in mid or support

It's true braum is OP. I just have a wizard mentality and am not good enough at tank supports

Working on Hec and Kha right now, was always jungle main at heart kappa

Fucking shame that I am a retard then

Same, mained jungle from the moment I hit level 20

Kha is so FRELO. I don't know why (I'm plat 1), but every time I see one in a game now, enemy or ally, always has 15+ kills.

He REALLY needed a buff like Irelia did.....................................................................................

I'm not so bothered when you put it like that. As a supp main I'm pretty triggered on recent patches by all the fucking mage rework champs being played supp with no sightstone and a clear disregard for the marksman's life.

Why do that to yourself? Just play Udyr so you can be fast and not useless

Pick Brand and suddenly being a retard is entirely inconsequential congrats you're plat

Irelia isn't entertaining for LCS fans. Dead forever.

>no level 7's

Hec more damage without having to wait all game for items.. natural damage from passive rather than waiting for jg item or triforce

>Having blue essence

you can get that shit for ip now, friend

You building damage? Warrior/Youmuu in to tank or something?

I know, I'm I spent like 20000 on champ shards for it but I had so many at rank 6 I blew all the essence before I was ready for my Sivir 7

go red smite with warrior, then hexdrinker most of time cos ap op, sometimes youmuu but after 2 damage items go tank so easy

I just bought RP, couldnt be fucked waiting

No matter who I play, sightstone always 1st

Working on it

Usually only play mid mages

I'm just a gold nab (plat last seasson). Started playing ranked again recently.

>Mid main
>Not Zed

But you miss enemies being tilted by splitpushing bear shenanigans

I prefer to play things that aren't considered broken and banned 9/10 games

Brand = next purchase then

Zed is only the LCS show-off bitch.

Then play taric

>Playing Naruto in a tank meta
Wait is it still a tank meta

If you seriously want a good champ for a retarded person Brand is okay but Voli or any meta juggernaught/tank you can peel with should be ez wins

>Zed broken


You don't even know how right are you xD

these would probably be more interesting to share, actually

kind of a breadth vs depth thing

Most Braindead easy champ is Yi. Just build new bloodrazor, guinsoos then click on people and you have a penta. EZ

More variety than a fucking zoo

I only play jg, adc, and supp though

can do the same with hec, but faster kappa

Good idea. Here's mine

He's not braindead at high elo/against someone that knows how to peel/CC. If you want braindead play Swain.

>Names 3/5 positions

It's funny as I say this, the enemy Kha is 1/4

You guys look a lot less like assholes when you can see all your 5s instead of top 3.

Wait nevermind the second guy looks like a giant cunt I didn't look past the Lulu

everyone should play at least two

and I still feel deficient for being totally incompetent at solo lanes

thanks you too

Wut? What's so asshole-ish about playing Lulu O_o

I play Jungle and Top. I played adc once or twice. I'm complete shit every other lane.

fizz is so fun just to troll with his E is OP asf, totally worth

I got perma banned last week after 4 years of playing and 2500 dollars spent in it for being "too toxic" kys riot

No I mean I only read as far as Lulu before. After looking at the ones after her you definitely seem cunty.

But shaco goes invisible then reappears as 2 shacos

>Game has rules against being an asshole
>Be an asshole

I tell at least 3 people a day to drink bleach

I suppose it's technically better to specialize

Wasn't targeting anyone and being an asshole to them occasionally is say kys in chat to the whole team and one time I said

Well, I can't see any cancer in my champ pool aside from Riven, which I literally climbed up there with losses P_P

I mained jax top until 20 then I discovered jax jungle and my life changed forever

anyone got advice for a perma bronze fagot tried all the "easy champs" but i find alot of them really boring or frustrating

That's why I play csgo and Overwatch now because of voice chat where they can't ban you cause they don't have records of what you say

Tracer, Mei, Zarya, and Lucio.

jax on the comeback dude

with triforce changes

play for objectives

Victor is a really strong mid laner a good top laner though is Irelia or gnar

Since you main Garen I suggest you try Darius. He's basically Garen but better.

Guinsoos and hextech nerfs were crippling for jax so I'm glad they nerfed tri at least

buffed* excuse my downs syndrome

It literally never changes. Don't get tilted, think about how to get yourself fed without wasting time. Stop playing support, if you really want to climb out of bronze/silver/gold. Unless you're duoing, your AD carry is probably going to suck.

That's against the summoners code, friend.
Fucked if I know how it got you banned though I see in most games on OCE.

They're all irritating to play against. Even if you beat them your dipshit teammates will die to their gimmicks constantly. Except Trist I just fucking hate her.

Why don't you just not be an ass? Being a douche isn't banned if you do it jokingly.

Draven does it all.

This game died 3 years ago. Go find another game to read about you bunch of autists.