Somebody in this page know how to make a powerfull bomb?

Somebody in this page know how to make a powerfull bomb?

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>inb4 feds



How much fissionable material can you get your hands on?

I'm lonley in this world and i whish kill myself with epic style

Anarchist's Cookbook or something like that.


Easier ways to go. 99% you fuck up making the bomb and survive

Fuck off you ISIS sand niger

I mean, yes, but I've already been fucked over by possessing this information multiple times. Therefore I'm not going to share it with you.

Yeah you'll need
>4 grams of weed
>Coke bottle
I'm sure you can figure out what to do OP

you know how to report right?

drop mentos in cola and shake!

Join national guard demolitions.

If you still feel like killing yourself you won't need to ask for hrlelp

Yeah OP, all you have to do is combine two parts plutonic quartz, one part plutonium, and a bottle of drinking water and you've got yourself a real big kaboom.

Can i make a bomb with propano?

Cesium. I've been up for like two days. Eat a dick.

Make run for the bell.

You don't need much. Like 1.3% of the material in little boy (I think) actually fissioned

Step 1: Get iron oxide and pure aluminum power (You may be able to order online depending on country).
Step 2: Mix the iron oxide and aluminum powder in a 8 to 3 ratio making sure to not have any clumps.
Step 3: Get a short PVC pipe and two covers that fit the pipe then cut a slit in one of the covers. Glue the non slit cover to the bottom of the pipe then put the mixture you made earlier into to container, glue the slit cover on top
Step 4: Get some magnesium ribbon (hard to find. I have no idea where to get them) and thread that through the slit in the top.
Step 5: You're done! place anywhere you want then light the ribbon with a blowtorch or somthing and stand back. There will be a decent size explosion and then the melted pure aluminum and iron will be hot enough to melt through carbon steel.

Magnesium ribbon is really easy to come across

Mix 60% by volume bleach with 40% ammonia. Stir mixture until it smells kinda like mint. If not keep stiring and sniffing. The mint smell is faint so you have to take deep breaths. Once it smells like mint you have an explosive.

Oh thanks. That's really helpful.

Pretty sure thermite isn't an explosive. It can fuck shit up, but it doesn't make shit explode (unless there's something else it sets off).

>take deep breaths

seems fishy

It's a decent size explosion when you add dry ice to the mixture.

Just ask DC Studios on how to make a movie.

okay, done. now what? do i mail it to someone and have them spray it on themselves like cologne?

I knew it explodes with normal ice but I didn't consider dry ice. How do the explosions using each compare?

You put more explosives in it. It should make it explode more.