These threads are the best. Music is my life, and I love rating it.
RYM rateyourmusic sonemic general
Other urls found in this thread:
AntiWarhol Shot My Family
I am polymath
jannies need die
>Antiwarhol goes to a local cafe
>QT waitress comes to his table "Hi there, what can I get you?"
>"百代・中国時代曲名典 (The Legendary Chinese Hits)" he says in the most monotone way possible
>"Lol, kill yourself."
>Waitress walks away.
>He sits quietly and carefully plots his next order.
>Some day, some kid will come into the cafe and copy everything he does.
>"All I have to do is wait." he thinks to himself.
>"It'll be good again. I know it..."
>"...the Chinese Violin gods will save me from this eternal memeness"
only polymaths will get this
胚胎 Kill Em All April 2016
410,757,634,280 DEAD JANITORS
Let's be friends.
haha such an polymathy post
t. embryo
How does everyone's circles look?
How do I do this?
Post this too why not
Your rates > Preview your Sonemic collection > Stats
Nice circle, guy.
What genre is that light pink color?
Replace the XXX with your RYM name.
>What genre is that light pink color?
Going clockwise there it's rock, electronic, jazz and regional music
Ok, cool.
I'm pretty sure now that the colors match up over all of the circles. So Jazz was the color that I didn't know because I'm a pleb.
Smoke a bitch up getting spicy like cajun
Bitches got my dick covered like it's a contagion
Waddup senpai
fawnfawn detected
>mfw all this pop
nvm he would have way more
There's actually some p good genres under the pop tag though.
I agree.
I was just surprised at how much I had there by comparison
Oh right, didn't realize that the light blue on your chart was pop. Thought you were dissin' the people you had quoted.
how do i get a sonemic account
needs more red
needs way more red
the beigest of all black people music
Lewis Took A Hit Of My Bong And Slobbered All Over The Mouthpiece
yum yum :D
Any Otomo Yoshihide man in?
happy halloween!
why won't my sonemic collection preview? anyone, am I doing anything wrong?
should we include SAT/ACT score and personal musical creative output in our discourse on polymathery
haha it's just a scary pic dont worry its not real thougj haha
anyway youve been invited to join phlg tonight on halloween night for a rare and obscure trash and horror movie film stream. running all night tonight starting at 7:30 central expect more scares to jump out at you than you can count poor genre votes given by pyramidpostcard.
sorry once again if this scary picture frightened you it was only in good jest. all fiction.
WhAtS uP Sup Forums ?? X_X
don't be a bully, be a
stop posting my piccies online pa
ur cute
give me some patrician profiles with 1000 ratings or less lads
>mfw just realized i have the social intelligence of a child
what a shame
no shit
i'm going to befriend ~bratty
welcome to the club, player
do it already
I want her as my daughter.
Stop it. Fucking stop it. Why does every single fucking RYM/Sonemic thread have to be a shit fest of memes recycled over and over again until they're no longer funny. Why does it have to kiss the ass of every single "high profile polymath" on this shitty website and arrange them into dumb fucking "tier" charts. Don't you see how stupid this all is? Instead of spending your time TRULY appreciating music like the subjective art form it is, you just waste your stupid little lives shitposting on an image board, making of fun of other people's tastes, and kissing a bunch of elitist faggots' asses just because they listen to absolute shit that no one's ever heard off and act like they have the best taste in the world and you "just don't get it". And all of you being the autistic losers you are desperate for acceptance by anyone by into it and believe them.
Fuck Sup Forums. Fuck RYM. Fuck you all. Music isn't about this.
deathofseasons has seen more movies than lewis (whose ratings are also quite inflated by shorts) so he's regressing to baseless embryo rage. Sad!
Wtf I hate /rym/ now!
Stop it. Fucking stop it. Why does every single fucking RYM/Sonemic thread have to be a shit fest of memes recycled over and over again until they're no longer funny. Why does it have to kiss the ass of every single "high profile polymath" on this shitty website and arrange them into dumb fucking "tier" charts. Don't you see how stupid this all is? Instead of spending your time TRULY appreciating music like the subjective art form it is, you just waste your stupid little lives shitposting on an image board, making of fun of other people's tastes, and kissing a bunch of elitist faggots' asses just because they listen to absolute shit that no one's ever heard off and act like they have the best taste in the world and you "just don't get it". And all of you being the autistic losers you are desperate for acceptance by anyone by into it and believe them.
Fuck Sup Forums. Fuck RYM. Fuck you all. Music isn't about this.
These threads are the best. Music is my life, and I love rating it.
Not to mention DeathofSeasons is a far more sexually and intellectually accomplished film critic and cinephage
>mfw some rando with a
does bayar live in a bathroom
It's obviously a triple ironic meme post you retard. Lewis wouldn't go so low as to just insult people because they have more ratings. He's way more intelligent than that, and obviously way more intelligent than you as well.
>2330 SAT back in high school
>still a tier 3 polymath at best
so much wasted potential... just keep studying
Holy shit deathofseasons absolutely destroyed
Will he ever recover from this eternal btfo?
>paying money to learn a language
College cucks can't seriously believe this is the path to ploymathery
SAT- what? Fuck off with your shitty words, dumb american
This. True ploymaths do their ontological studies and language development using free resources like Anki as opposed to becoming indoctrinated by colleges
true. even at colleges polymaths skip class to read in the library and ignore their gpas to discuss things with professors outside of their disciplines. and they still do well from sheer skill
what's red
Spotted the college cuck
Enjoy paying thousands of dollars to learn what people have known since they were children
>paying thousands of dollars to learn what people have known since they were children
Holy shit will college cucks ever recover from this
true polymaths get full scholarships and use college only for its resources as a tool to self-development, ignoring the bullshit. no debt, free excuse to spend years in intensive study
We won't have to wait very long for that day
I don't think he was being sarcastic
>HA that sure showed the college cuck what a waste he is KEK
the NEET then refreshes Sup Forums, seeing if the college cuck has anything to say for himself
I'm not a NEET, I have a good job and my own house
But even working graveyard shifts at burger king is better than going $5000+ into debt to learn a language that you could learn for free
i agree, going into debt isn't worth it. that's why polymaths get full boat scholarships.
Real ploymaths like heavycoffee get video game scholarships to translate virtual novels into English
Hey, I make electronic music and really would like some feeback. Anyone got any for me:
Nigga Got A Scholarship To Playa University
Major In Pimpin Hos
Redpill me on hgxr
What's his endgame
my favorite shit is when dudes put their education on facebook as "university of hard knocks"
his endgame is to make senpai notice him
Redpool me on anonymous what's his endgame
fruitfuck is a sad lonely man~!
does /rym/ like camel
Check em bitch