→How do I green-text? (Sorry I'm kinda new here. I was just bored on Summer Break and I found this place xD)

→How do I green-text? (Sorry I'm kinda new here. I was just bored on Summer Break and I found this place xD)

>Anonymous 06/04/16(Sat)22:07:27 No.68790179
please be b8

Ask Reddit

Lol how did you know I used Reddit?





sup new fags, oldfag here, I'll answer any questions u may have about 4 chan
▲ ▲






You're welcome faggots

> I like cars
>I like trains
>I want to break free. But I also want to stay

▲ ▲




[zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo]

>be newfag
>ask what green text is
>gets rekt

>confirmed rekt

[zalgo] test [/zalgo]
[flip] test [/flip]

>am i greentexting?

>i am green text

[zalgo] doesn't work [/zalgo]

>am grill, learning the ways of Sup Forums

Shitty b8 is shitty

> Be me
> Be a faggot
> Eat vagina
> Have sex with mom
> Hotmom.jpg
> lmao, banana
> kill yourself

u can't green text until you gets dubs

> You're all fags.

> Be OP.
> Be a nigger.
> Die.

[alt-255] [alt-255] [alt-30] [enter] [alt 30] [alt 255] [alt 30]

>Trying this hard